Long Qingyu has been in retreat for two years, and he encountered something very unpleasant just after leaving the customs. A mortal dare not kneel and dignified the descendant of God! This is simply a contempt for their "Creator"!

Battle Qi transforms into a sword. As soon as Long Qingyu raises his hand, he waved his palm down when he was preparing to rectify the law of one old and one young on the spot!


The metal collision-like collision sounded, and the silver robe boy stood in front of one old and one young, and grabbed Long Qingyu's wrist!

"en? Where are you a savage who dare to stop the execution of this Young Master?"

Long Qingyu startled, said with a sneer ——"Boy, Did you know that this Young Master is a descendant of God! You dare to stop me, it seems you want to die too, don’t you?"

Everyone on the street was stunned! How much does this kid not knowing the immensity of Heaven and Earth, dare to stop the descendants of God?

However, when the powerhouse in the restaurant looked outside, their hearts suddenly shook!

It's over! This time is really over!

It's not that silver robe is over, but Long Qingyu is over!

In Divine State, the name Descendant of God can bluff any force!

Even in Nine Provinces, the name Descendants of God can deter most forces!

But there is only one exception! That is the Lin Chen in front of Long Qingyu!

Anyone can shock the identity of the descendant of God, but this kid can't shock!

Not only could it not be shocked, but the identity of the descendant of God appeared in front of him, then the damn simply wasn't called a deterrent, it was called a itch and a hammer!

This is simply not called deterrence, this is especially called'send a lamb in a tiger's den'!

Because he is simply an iron-headed baby! Not only are you not afraid of the descendants of God, but you also choose the descendants of God!

However, Long Qingyu has been in retreat for two years. When he left the customs, he simply hadn’t heard of Lin Chen!

"The descendants of God, are they very hungry? Lao Tzu hits the descendants of God!"

Lin Chen smiled and said, next moment, he slammed a punch on him Face!


Long Qingyu both shocked and angry! There are people who dare to do something to him?

Long Qingyu raised his hands and launched a defensive battle skill, but Lin Chen's this fist was as heavy as a mountain, and the earthquake shattered Long Qingyu's defense!

He vomited blood and retired, and he clenched the teeth in horror. With his backhand, he drew out a seventh rank knife and slashed at Lin Chen!

"The 4th layer change!"

Lin Chen initiated the 4th layer change of the Jiuhuang Change. The entire Lingmo City set off a terrifying battle, and all around pedestrians evaded one after another. Then one old and one young gave Lin Chen grateful eyes and fled quickly.

"Bloodthirsty dragon claw! Heavenly demon cut!"

Dragon Mark Blade Qi transforms into True Dragon and flies and slashes Lin Chen. At that time, Long Qingyu protruded another claw, Battle Qi galloped, and the Blade Technique was mixed with claw skills, and the offensive was overbearing!

"I will let you Qianlong! Let you cut!"

Lin Chen held the'White Frost Green Rainbow' in his hand, tearing his many offensives with a sword, and let Long Qingyu instantly Realize the gap between yourself and the boy in front of you!

The City Lord of Lingmo City was only half-step Sovereign and saw Lin Chen and Long Qingyu fighting, so he didn't dare to interfere!

When Long Qingyu launched Bloodline Strength to escape, Lin Chen shot out another 8000 rune energy. After stopping his action, he slammed away with a sword! Endless sword glow burst out, forcing Long Qingyu's hole cards to appear!

In less than a quarter of an hour, when everyone on the street witnessed that Long Qingyu in the seventh stage of Yuanzun realm was defeated frontally by the silver robe boy, and even one arm was cut off, he was completely sluggish in the original. Ground!

That is the descendant of God! Known as the invincible existence in the same level!

Divine State No matter how enchanting Heaven's Chosen is, it’s not enough to touch the back of the descendants of God, so powerful existence will be defeated by a teenager who is younger than him?

[Host gains 450 Heavenly Dao points, 800 rune energy, 3000 Qi and Blood Energy, 2800 Battle Qi Essence, 2700 cultivation technique essence,]

When taking away the attribute light ball dropped by Long Qingyu, Lin Chen grabbed the amethyst treasure box dropped by Long Qingyu, and when he opened it, a brilliant rays of light with purple light was incorporated into his body.

[Host gets active innate talent (one-time use): Super full counterattack. This innate talent can bounce off all attacks by consuming innate talent points. It is applicable to all attacks below the holy realm, including: Spirit Attack, pure power attack, Battle Qi attack, etc...]

It's a new innate talent! From a literal point of view, this is a big killer!

Fight against any attacks under the Holy Land? If this is when you are fighting powerhouse, you suddenly come back with such a counterattack, you will definitely be able to kill the enemy!

In all fairness, Lin Chen faced a Battle Sovereign powerhouse, except for the high cost of Rune of Slowness to seal the opponent's Battle Qi or space, and there were not many methods for direct confrontation

"Damn It, the attributes and innate talents that fall out of the descendants of these pseudo-gods are more than a hang!"

Lin Chen licked his lips, staring at Long Qingyu with a look of excitement!

"You, what do you want to do, I am a member of the Long Family! If you dare to kill me, my Long Family will not let you go! My big brother is still in Lingmo City Inside!"

Long Qingyu looked terrified, and when he vomited blood and retreated, he warned Lin Chen and took out a space jade slip.

"Your big brother? Your big brother is also a descendant of a false god?"

Lin somebody asked excitedly. That Long Qingyu clenched the teeth fiercely-"Shut up! Mortals who don't understand respect and inferiority, my big brother and I are descendants of the creator, and it is not your turn to say insults!"

"Then you quickly call him over!"

Lin Chen was very excited, and hurriedly urged Long Qingyu to be stunned!

Not only is Long Qingyu stunned, but also the many powerhouses below Lingmo City!

Insane! It must be crazy!

Are you still addicted to fighting? This is the descendant of God! It's serious enough to provoke one, do you want to fight two?

Why don't you go to heaven?

"Hurry up and call him over! I'm so anxious!"

Lin Chen urged once again, and the corners of the mouths of many powerhouses who watched the game twitched!

You are going to kill people, you are more anxious than Long Qingyu? Who the hell should be anxious!

Those who have crawled under the majesty of the descendants of God are all impacting their world outlook and reason at this moment. What's wrong with this world? How could Nine Provinces have such a monster!

Those powerhouses who recognized Lin Chen's identity frowned. This kid is real! He is really not bragging about choosing God's descendants to fight this sentence!

"Since you think like this is dead, then I will fulfill you!"

Long Qingyu fly into a rage out of humiliation, crush the space jade slip, just two breaths During the space distortion, a jade-robed youth with noble eyebrows and arrogant eyebrows, as they stepped out slowly, Heaven and Earth changed!

"en? Qingyu, what's the matter with you! Where's your arm?"

"Big brother! This kid did it, and he said he wanted to fight our gods Descendants!"

Long Qingyu’s previous imposing manner suddenly disappeared, and he complained to his big brother in tears. When the jade-robed young man saw the silhouette not far away, his expression changed slightly and he lost his voice. .

"Ling State ·Lin Chen?"

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