The third time when Lin Chen challenged the Heaven and Earth's method of enlightenment, he completely shocked everyone!

No one would have thought that he would be so strong! If this were to be replaced by another seventh rank Alchemy Sect teacher, I would have broken my mind long ago!

"refine for me!"

In a handful of ten kinds of seventh rank medicine ingredients, Lin Chen glanced at his own innate talent points of 213,400 points, he smiled separately, and activated the limit again Return to Origin!

At the moment when the three spirit seals of good fortune were displayed at the same time, everyone suddenly became cold!

The two Avatar auxiliary refining medicines are still fluent, without a trace of gap or stagnation! What is this Divine Immortal Avatar stunt?

The energy vortex converges once again, and the endless auxiliary Spiritual Qi is lowered into the pill furnace, and there are many natural phenomena!

The speed of refining medicine this time is more than four times faster than before! Two assistant pharmacists of the same level assist Lin Chen, and the cooperation is even more seamless. The efficiency is not as simple as one plus one!

"Is it really possible for him to perform miracles?"

Suddenly, the white robed old man on the void seat suddenly said something like this.

"It's too difficult...but I don't know why. In this young Lin Chen, people always feel that as long as he has not given up, the success rate will never be zero. The old man has ten It’s strange that Wannian has never seen this kind of temperament in a person."

In the venue;

Lin Chen controls the Good World Spirit Seal. This pill concocting handprint is very Appropriate Lin Chen to use the Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi method, can ingest massive amounts of Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi to improve spirituality for medicine ingredient, and virtually solve many problems for Lin Chen!

Not to mention that at this time the three kinds of good fortune and ten thousand Spirit Seal are displayed together, that power, control Qianli Spiritual Qi for your own use, with no difficulty!

"The method of Naling is divided into three steps: Gathering Spirits, Qi Condensation, and then to Naling. I have completed the first two steps previously, which further proved my conjecture. Switch to the last The spiritual Qi needs to be controlled by multiple lines, and the more expanded Spiritual Qi is included in the pill furnace, and then the energy required by the main medicine ingredient is allocated to each medicine ingredient!"

Even in embarrassment, the ups and downs of the audience still did not affect Lin Chen. He seemed to be alone in the pill furnace in front of him. All the attention was focused on the situation in the pill furnace. I dare not miss a little detail!

The deeper he understands, the more Lin Chen feels the incredible magic of Heaven and Earth!

He has thought about these issues before. The sixth rank medicine pill has been so difficult to refine, so what about the seventh rank? How much energy and energy must be consumed!

And how is the more top-level eighth rank medicine pill refined?

Now, Lin Chen has faintly touched this answer!

Take Heaven and Earth as furnace, energy as medicine, good fortune as work, and qi as spirit. This may be the first and most important step to become an eighth rank pharmacist. The method of absorbing spirits in this world is the most critical dividing line of the pharmacist!

Time passed by one minute and one second. On the 14th day, Lin Chen successfully switched from the spirit gathering to the Qi Condensation stage!

On the 19th day, Lin Chen finally entered the Spirit Rank stage, shocking the audience!

Is it possible that the spirit of Heaven and Earth, which has not been born for a hundred thousand years, will be reproduced today by the hand of this young man?

On the 20th day of the Peak Dan Club, there were many natural phenomena!

"So beautiful! What is this?"

"I have never seen such a beautiful scenery in my life!"

Many young audience members exclaimed again and again On the occasion, the vast crowd in the venue began to burst into cheers!

At the Danhui site, one after another, one after another, like a gorgeous and magnificent Xiahong! It is more than ten thousand meters long, across the sky!

These Xiahongs are all from the pill furnace of many top Alchemy Sect divisions, and there are 8 people in total!

They have already condensed the young pill, and they can be sure that there is an 80% chance that they will successfully refine the finished medicine pill! Among these 8 people, there are the four great Heaven's Chosen in Danzhou!

"This is Danhong, a dream that countless Alchemy Sect teachers have wanted to pursue in their entire lives!"

"When medicine pill transforms to the seventh rank, the spirituality of medicine pill is high , Has long been integrated into this world, and will no longer be punished by Heaven and Earth's energy, no more Dan Lei will be born. Instead, a beautiful Dan Hong will emerge!"

"The legendary seventh rank medicine pill has 16 Dao Pill Rainbow, each 4Dao Pill rainbow is divided into a level, 1Dao Pill rainbow is the low-grade seventh rank, and 16Dao Pill rainbow is the seventh-rank top grade!"

Some veteran sixth-rank Peak alchemists shook their heads. Sigh a few times, this is the height they have to reach for yearn for something even in dreams all their lives!

Hearing the amazement of these veteran alchemists, those young alchemists of Heaven's Chosen stared longingly at the Dan Hong in the sky!

This is the view that only the person standing at Peak can see!

Compared with the sixth rank young pill that has already condensed the clouds and thundering pill, the natural phenomenon brought by the seventh rank young pill is more attractive!

At this moment, an even more unusual momentum detonated the audience!

Boom! hong long!

The earth-shaking mushroom cloud rises up, the scene is extremely magnificent, the strong Spiritual Qi is like a wave of air, melted into the sky, and finally disappeared into the ten thousand zhang high sky.

When everyone looked back, they saw that a few thousand meters away from the White Dragon Jinghe furnace, a silver robe young silhouette was already covered with blood!

It's Lin Chen!

He still failed!

I challenged three times and failed three times!

"Although this child has many secrets, it is still the spirit strength of the Law Manifestation Realm Great Accomplishment period!"

"Yes, if he is promoted to the perfection boundary of the law, Cooperate with his two Avatars to refine together, maybe this world's spiritual enlightenment can really make this kid reproduce!"

"No matter what, this child will be in this Peak Dan meeting. The performance is enough to go down in history! He just stepped into the final Naling step, only one step away from the condensing young pill!"

The three white robed old man sitting on the platform exclaimed. Lin Chen's tenacious and perseverance have been recognized by everyone present!

He just lost to the young, he lost to the young! As long as he is given a period of time, he will definitely step into all new realm!

"It's a pity, the spiritual realm of Lin Chen Young Master is still worse than the four Heaven's Chosen in Danzhou."

There is Yang Family senior Elder shaking his head and sighing, Yang Family patriarch laughed instead.

"Yangfeng Elder, his spiritual realm is worse than the four Heaven's Chosen? I ask you, how many years have been cultivated by the four Heaven's Chosen in Danzhou."

"Not much Ah, it's only less than two hundred years, very young."

"What about Lin Chen?"

"He is just...?"

Then Yang Feng Elder is completely sluggish! He discovered that he subconsciously equated Lin Chen's age with Danzhou's four Heaven's Chosen! In fact, they are simply not the same!

Yes! He is only 20 years old! Not even 21 years old!

At the age of 20, he has reached the Law Manifestation Realm Great Accomplishment period, and dare to challenge the Heaven and Earth that hasn’t appeared in 100,000 years!

Compared with the four major Heaven's Chosen in Danzhou, this is so much stronger! Given time, if you give him another ten years, with his temperament, wouldn't it be overwhelming?

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