thoughts move, the newly rejuvenated Purple Phoenix wings stretched out, flowing with the veins of purple red, when the veins throbbed, the sound of howling faintly glowed!

Although the purple phoenix wings of the past have a lingering power, they can still be seen at a glance as just dead objects. Now the purple phoenix wings on Lin Chen's body are just like the genuine flame purple phoenix!

What's more, the purple one after another four phoenix wings after having bloodline increased the upper limit. If Lin Chen's dragon power continues to grow, its effect on Lin Chen will continue to grow stronger. .

What is even more mysterious is that Azure Dragon, which has swallowed the flesh and blood of the True Flame Purple Phoenix, also has the Purple Phoenix Wing?

A purple-red phoenix wing flapping behind a Wan Zai Xuan Azure Dragon, anyone who looks at it will be surprised!

This has something to do with Lin Chen's absorption of the third. The blending of Azure Dragon bloodline and Purple Phoenix bloodline will bring a greater improvement than Lin Chen himself!

At this time, Azure Dragon, blood and life force are much stronger than before! Not only is the Dragon Vein wildly open, but more importantly, it inherits the characteristics of the true flame purple phoenix, and belongs only to the tough life force of the purple phoenix!

"New divine ability: Purple Phoenix Nirvana, True Flame Recovery."

New memories emerged in Lin Chen’s mind, and his Azure Dragon awakened new two Great bloodline divine ability!

The Purple Phoenix Nirvana stands for breaking, and when it is on the verge of death, there is a glimmer of opportunity to reborn from the ashes and have a breakthrough in strength.

True Flame Recovery is to increase its own life force, similar to Lin Chen's'Wood Spirit Essence Method'. The two fallen seventh rank beasts have brought great benefits to Lin Chen!

"This Young Master, the old man dares to ask, your name?"

The half-step Sovereign who asked the previous question respectfully cup one fist in the other hand, his attitude is already Treat Lin Chen as a Battle Sovereign powerhouse!

"I am handsome, I am handsome: Lin Chen."

Lin Chen carefreely smiled, the old man said gratefully-"Thanks to Lin Chen Young Master for his life-saving grace The old man is from Silver Moon City. If Young Master no Sect, no Faction, you can consider my Silver Moon City. Of course, we will receive Young Master with the highest specifications!"

Silver Moon City , Is not one of the ten major cities of the Sky Tower.

In the interior of the Sky Tower, there are also some powerhouses who are not used to cultivation under the premise that their own cultivation base is sealed in the body, and like to be free in the outside world, so they all set up their own sects and expand in the outside world. Soil, build a sect urban area.

If you can make friends with such a talented young Heaven's Chosen, it will definitely be a great help to Silver Moon City!

"Okay, if there is an opportunity, I am going to visit."

Lin Chen waved his hand and smiled, then turned around and swept towards the bodies of the two fierce beasts.

"en? The name Lin Chen, I seem to have heard of...Ling State Lin Chen?"

"I remember too! When the old man left the Sky Tower a month ago I have heard of this name when I went to the outside to collect casting materials! It is said that Ling State has changed drastically, and a youngster who can challenge four Battle Sovereigns was born! The name is Lin Chen!"

"One person Challenge the four Battle Sovereigns?"

Many powerhouses kept up and down with the air-conditioning sound, seeing Lin Chen taking away the most valuable parts of the two fierce beasts as they should, and then leaving with their heads high, they were present. Ten half-step Sovereign and hundreds of Yuanzun realm, no one dares to stop him!

Who the hell would dare to stop him! Judging from his ability to kill the Purple Phoenix in seconds, he is completely capable of challenging the four Battle Sovereigns!

The question is, is he only the 6th-layer of Yuanzun?

No descendants of God can do the higher rank challenge Battle Sovereign in Yuanzun realm! Does he play four at the 6th-layer of Yuanzun realm?

What's this special...what's wrong with this world? ?


Lin Chen clicking one's tongue in wonder, put away his purple phoenix wings, I am afraid from this moment, he Lin someone’s movement speed is now in Nine Provinces At this level of continent Yuanzun realm, it will be invincible again!

The two women followed Lin Chen. Some powerhouses hesitated a little and chose to follow Lin Chen. But their distance is kept very far, like this youngster, it is unknown whether it is an enemy or a friend.

The past few days is too abnormal. Even the seventh rank fierce beasts that have always been entrenched in their lairs have their life and death duel all at once, hitting the golden prison mountain range! If this is to meet another seventh rank beast, at least there is Lin Chen, the enchanting character here!

"Well, Lin Chen...can you tell me, how did you do it just now?"

Luo Wei'er still couldn't help being curious, her blue eyes flashed Splendid.

"I just said that, I shot loneliness."

Lin Chen shrugged, how can this thing be clear?

Just as Lin Chen and the second daughter flew all the way out of the mountain range of the Golden Prison, five silhouettes intercepted the three of them!

"Damn it, kid! Where's Laozi's people?"

"Brother attached, could this kid kill our people, right?"

"Don't talk about that many nonsense, brother, let's avenge the brothers! Kill this little bastard and pry out his mysterious trick!"

Five members of the Venerable Realm 9th Layer will be three later Surrounded by groups, all their escape routes were sealed!

"Oh? Mysterious trick? It turns out that the person who was in the sneak attack in the evil beasts just now is yours. Interesting, this time I will kill them all!"

Lin Chen's fierce light was revealed, the purple rainbow warbow flashed in his hand, and the 4th layer was instantly displayed! Cultivation base temporarily promoted to the 6th-layer mid-term!

"This damn little bastard, he really found our whereabouts!"

"I want to see the deity today, a Yuanzun realm in the middle of the 6th-layer, he really What kind of waves can be turned up!"

"Suppress this kid with all your strength later, don't give him a chance to resist!"

The attached brother gave orders, and the five people battle Qi rushing forward. , Ten thousand zhang void rising winds, scudding clouds, as if a big battle is about to trigger.

At this moment, the group of powerhouses behind Lin Chen in the distance were suddenly surprised! How did his figure stop?

While many powerhouses urged Battle Qi to stare a little, what came into view was Lin Chen's bow and string movement!

This action instantly made countless powerhouse's feet chill, have one's hair stand on end! The corners of his mouth twitched fiercely a few times!

They will never forget that the true flame purple phoenix that killed the same level died under this boy's unremarkable bow and string!

"Not good! Lin Chen Young Master is going to shoot!"

"My mother, he is going to shoot another lonely!"

"Lin Chen Young Master! Don't shoot, we haven't run yet!"

Many powerhouses were scared witless, and they drove away quickly, retreating wildly, and constantly using Battle Qi sound transmission!

"en? Shot a loneliness?"

Just as the attached brother was puzzled, Lin Chen suddenly let go of his bow, and 870,000 dragon power broke out in an instant, one after Another arrow light spiraling around the light robbery and Thunder Tribulation Battle Qi shot out, like a sky falling in disorder, shooting five people in bursts!

"No, it's not good!"

"What kind of attack is this?"

When the five people were shocked, they frantically urged the life-saving weapons, Flee like birds and beasts scattered.

But Lin Chen's arrow speed is so fast that any Venerable Realm 9th Layer feels desperate. In a flash, it easily penetrates all their defenses!

Lightning penetrated the entire sky, and when the Light Tribulation Battle Qi passed by, all five of them fell!

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