"Human Race kid, I think you are a courting death!"

When the True Flame Purple Phoenix growled in disdain, there was another sword glow. He slashed away, and slashed towards the eyes of the True Flame Purple Phoenix!

"Annoying flies, get out of here!"

The true flame purple phoenix violently spit out a bunch of purple flame tornado storms, burning Heaven and Earth, Lin Chen’s three major Avatars are in The ultimate moment state is another step, the ghost disappears in place one after another!

This is the power of the'Moon Shadow Languang' movement method!

The movement method of the purple top grade is extremely difficult to cultivation. Lin Chen not only cultivated this movement method to Perfection, but also superimposed the cultivation technique formidable power four times the ultimate moment!

There is no doubt that Lin Chen at this time, in the strongest state, already has a speed comparable to the low-level Battle Sovereign!

But this is not enough! If he can't break the defense, he will be consumed no matter how fast he is! The purple order movement method is very expensive!

Lin Chen’s three Avatars are like annoying flies, constantly harassing the True Flame Purple Phoenix, completely angering it! Constantly launching frenzied attacks on the three Avatars, destroying the entire mountain range into a mess!

A new round of bow shooting, hundreds of arrows pour down like a rain of arrows, all hitting the true flame purple phoenix!

But! Still, no effect!

Luo, who retired to hundreds of thousands li, lightly said looked towards Lin Chen's eyes fell into deep doubts!

She can't see through Lin Chen. She has a certain understanding of Lin Chen's strength.

Although the current attack is not weak, at least Lin Chen, if he really wants to kill this true flame purple phoenix, will definitely be able to get a stronger attack of several grades!

But he just didn't give his real full strength!

Even, he didn't even take out his seventh rank swords and swords!

Can't see through!

I can't see through!

What exactly does he want to do? Is it just to irritate each other and make everyone die faster? No, he is not the one who does this kind of thing!

This kind of attack that can't even break the opponent's defense is not even a tickle! Lin Chen is such a smart person, he should have enough motivation to do anything!

But this time, Luo lightly said that he couldn't figure out his motive!

Every time he attacked, he couldn't hurt the true flame purple phoenix, but he only angered it again and again!

"Lin Chen Young Master, what the hell do you want to do?"

Luo lightly said, murmured in his heart, beautiful eyes shone with a faint splendor.

Not only Luo lightly said, even those powerhouses trapped in the mountain range are full of doubts!

"What a fast speed! This is almost catching up with Battle Sovereign!"

"This kind of abnormal speed can be displayed in the late 6th-layer, which is at least a purple level. The speed that an intermediate movement method can have!"

"Intermediate purple order! My God, this child can have an intermediate movement method of purple order!"

"Fuck it Is it time to marvel? This kid is still madly angering the Purple Phoenix. Isn’t this courting death!"

"This man has a brain disease! He even defends the Purple Phoenix. Can't break it, what is he shooting at that time?"

"Fuck, look at this kid, he is still laughing? This fuck is crazy!"

Many While powerhouse fled, he saw Lin Chen standing upright and standing on the top of the mountain. The corners of his mouth could not stop frantically rising! Numerous Venerable Realm 9th Layer and half-step powerhouse make your scalp numb!

mental disorder!

Either you fucking don't shoot, you don't even have a fart to shoot, you can't even break the defense of others, but it angered the real flame purple phoenix! Is this wishing for all of us to die together?

"Mortal! Enough! This phoenix is ​​going to crush you to death!"

The true flame purple phoenix screamed angrily, flapping its wings and turning into a billowing purple fire sea , Sweeping the Quartet!

One after another The fire pillar of thousands zhang broke out of the ground, soared into the sky, and attacked the three Phantom Clone!

This terrible offensive caused many powerhouses to retreat and retreat, almost all of them shrank in two directions!

The faint afterimage of the moonlight flashed through the void, the moonlight and haze shadow movement method was activated again and again, and the three major Avatars madly escaped the burning range of the pillar of fire.

While avoiding the surging tens of thousands of fire pillars, the void overhead suddenly passed a few purple flames unrolled bolt of white silk, burning the caught-off Avatar to nothingness!

True Flame Purple Phoenix is ​​getting serious!

Although the speed of the three major Avatars is strong, they are beginning to fall into a disadvantage!

In less than a quarter of an hour, the three Avatars were wiped out! However, Lin Chen took turns killing several waves of arrow rain!

"The next one is you!"

The true flame purple phoenix roared and slammed Lin Chen in the distance, but it was another sword glow. Across the sky, slash towards the true flame purple phoenix!

"What? There is even an Avatar?"

When seeing the three silhouettes standing on top of his head again, the True Flame Purple Phoenix was completely furious!

"Human Race's flies are really annoying, let them die!"

The true flame purple phoenix flies up from the sky, suddenly flapping its wings, counting the purples of ten thousand zhang The flame tornado storm crashed in the direction of Lin Chen's body!

The terrifying temperature burns the mountains and cooks the sea, burns the Star Fragmentation, and when the purple flame tornado culminates, Lin Chen Azure Dragon is possessed, and the terrifying dragon power helps him unfold his purple phoenix wings. When the faint moonlight is flowing all over, the speed is as fast as jumping into space!

Swipe~! Boom~! !

The purple flame tornado destroyed all the way, flattened thousands of miles of mountains and rivers, all burned to nothingness! Only a piece of scorched earth is left!

xiu! xiu! xiu! The arrow rain circling soaringly hits again, blasting on the body of the true flame purple phoenix like a gust of wind and rain!

"Damn it, why is it still not dead?"

When the True Flame Purple Phoenix looked up, he was instantly sluggish! Behind Lin Chen, there is also a pair of "True Flame Purple Phoenix Wings" tied to it!

"Good boy, dare to take the wings of my clan. It seems that you must kill you today!"

The true flame purple phoenix slaps the void, and the purple flame rolls, Its speed is also extremely fast, passing Space Crack in the void!

The afterimage is chaotic in the sky, and the two afterimages are flashing wildly in the sky, almost unimaginable! Avatar is covering, the deity shoots arrows, every time hundreds of arrows burst out! But every time, True Flame Purple Phoenix simply disdains to avoid his attack!

When the afterimages intertwined and flashed, the youth's domineering laughter resounded through the entire Golden Prison mountain range!

"hahaha! Come on, come and fuck me so dissatisfied, let's see who dies first! hahahaha!"

All the powerhouses hiding on both sides suddenly felt scalp numb, The corners of the mouth twitched wildly!

What a special Yuanzun realm 6th-layer in the late stage, dare to challenge the seventh rank fierce beast, the true flame purple phoenix? This is not called newborn calves do not fear tigers, this is what the fuck is called a madman crazy scene!

Ten of missed attacks, the True Flame Purple Phoenix screamed frantically-"Human Race, let me catch you, I have to take you..."

After that, a rain of arrows shot down in turn, gathering its feathers again!


In this brief moment, the true flame purple phoenix has a heart burst, and a burst of vitality is completely extinct. When its eyes turn white, its beast pupils are full of incredible!

"Why...how...maybe...how could this phoenix die by your...ant's hand..."

The vast body crashed down diagonally, shattering the veins of the earth , Rolling down countless attribute light balls, piled up into a mountain, a dazzling array!

Its beast pupil rays of light fade away quickly, and its vitality is constantly fading, it looks like a dead face!

At this moment, all the powerhouses who are still blaming Lin Chen for being a lunatic are instantly stunned!

One by one, they opened their eyes wide, and the corners of their mouths trembled wildly!


That incredible seventh-rank beast, the True Flame Purple Phoenix, died? How the hell is this possible?

Even if it is seriously injured, its life force is still strong! It hasn't reached the level of fall at all!

Furthermore, even if you die from a serious injury, it is impossible to die so thoroughly and neatly in an instant!

But the question is, how did it die?

The silver robe boy landed slowly, stepping on the head of the true flame purple phoenix that once arrogantly despised everything.

His eyes looked up towards the sky a little melancholy, a little lonely.

"Dare... dare to ask this Young Master, what kind of arrow do you use!"

A half-step Sovereign stepped out of the void, a cup one fist solemnly in the other hand, sound transmission asked with a trembling tone.

He didn't immediately answer, took out a homemade cigarette, lit his fingertips on fire, took a melancholy sip, spit out a faint smoke ring, and laughed at himself.


Lonely? These two words are reflected in everyone's hearts. At this moment, it is destined to be unforgettable!

Obviously, even the seventh rank fierce beast's basic defense can't be broken, and finally it can kill the true flame purple phoenix in a second!

This arrow method is called: loneliness!

The half-step Sovereign was muttered with fear.

"It turns out that he shot a lonely..."

The darkness that enveloped the mountain range of the Golden Prison slowly faded away, and the faint sunlight shined on the melancholy and handsome young man in the clear sky. On the cheeks.

The smoke ring floats into the void, winding into two characters.


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