No one who can become the Venerable Realm 9th Layer is a fool, but far beyond their imagination, the scope of this matter is extremely complicated!

All the Yuanzun realms in the audience are in the state of with swords drawn and bows bent. Those who have the ability are the cultivation base of the middle 9th layer or above. If it is the same level, pull it with a mortal mentality. If the other party is perish together, it is completely capable of doing it!

Suddenly, the natural phenomenon suddenly changed!

A Seventh Gold Qi with a sharp like a blade in the palm of his hand pierced through Qing Xiaokun's heart suddenly!


The two elders and Ji Xiaosheng were shocked, and even killed their own people?

"Since I have come here, I don't need you anymore."

The old man of gray robe sneered, and Qing Xiaokun was in a state of desperation before he died. be terrified.

"Kill these guys, the old man will come and take it himself!"

Half-step Sovereign's gray robe old man said sensibly, waving his sleeves and grabbing a dozen acres. Powerful hand, grab to Ji Xiaosheng!

"Take it! Take care of this troublesome guy first!"

"Leave those two old bastards to us, don't stay alive! Otherwise, if the news is leaked, we will all die! "

The remaining six people have four in the middle of the 9th layer and two in the late 9th layer. They teamed up with the gray robe old man to make a shot!

To step into Battle Sovereign, Yuan Zun realm needs to condense nine Battle Qi Yuan Mansions at nine different acupuncture points on the body. After the Battle Qi Yuan Mansion is formed, the small Heaven and Heaven and Earth Dharma Idol is condensed into actual Battle Qi crystals.

Three Battle Qi crystals are condensed in the middle of the 9th layer, six Battle Qi crystals are condensed into the late 9th layer, and nine Battle Qi crystals are condensed into a half-step Sovereign. Half-step Sovereign, which is twice as strong as the later stage of the general 9th ​​layer!

Finally, the nine Battle Qi crystals are crushed together, absorbing the crystal energy of the nine Yuan Palaces, and it is the moment to step into the Battle Sovereign! The emperor is defeated, and you see life and death on the spot!

The terrible chaotic battle set off in the Golden Prison mountain range. Many Venerable Realm 9th Layers fought against each other. Even though the internal space of the Sky Tower was stable, it also caused several tens of thousands of li to become flat and a mess. !

A quarter of an hour later, the battle was resolved. Among the six people, one was seriously injured and two were slightly injured. Ji Xiaosheng and two white haired old men could not avoid half-step Sovereign's suppression and all fell.

Mountain range all around all cracked the horrible to see cracks and abyss, affected by the battle, but only the two valleys and the stone gate were not affected at all!

"Finally got them done, this place is not damaged in the slightest. It must be protected by the Sovereign breath, and our guess is that there should be 80% probability."

Just as the gray robe When the old man was excited, a burst of cheerful applause sounded all around, instantly making everyone alert!

"tsk tsk tsk, wonderful, very wonderful. If it weren't for the kitchen, I would really like to fry two small dishes with a bottle of brave to watch this Mission Impossible show."

The young man appeared from the other side of the sky with two beautiful ladies, making the expressions of the six people gloomy in an instant!

Lin is very indignant.

"You said, why do you do so many operations on a mission? You old generations of Yuanzun realm, you are all dirty with tactics in your heart, or I have a simple batch, the cultivation technique depends on Pick it up, the weapon is robbed, the divine ability is the touch, the girl is slapped, the person is handsome, the words are sorrowful, the head is huge and iron, brother machine is..."

"Stop, stop!"

The corners of the gray robe's mouth twitched wildly. When he raised his hand, how could this kid be so cheap?

Besides, when he was lurking in the dark, he didn't even notice it at all!

Six people are full of aura, one of their eyes meets, and the movement method is launched in an instant, becoming one after another Flickering Shadow and sweeping towards Lin Chen!

Lin Chen indifferently smiled, the 5th layer became blessed with Azure Dragon possession, and when the charged rune was activated, the Asura phantom entangled from the top of his head suddenly shocked, raging to the sky, and the moment when the mental scream burst away. , Awe-inspiringly turned around and swept his legs, and the shadow of the legs of Battle Qi burst out!

"Shadow wind and magic legs! Asura's wrath!"

Boom! boom! boom!

The Venerable Realm 9th Layer lurking in the void was shaken to vomit blood only in an instant! The mental shock is mixed with Lin Chen's horrible battle Qi's leg shadow, and each path contains 710,000 dragon power, which is simply a man-made natural disaster!


This young boy has this kind of strength. The gray robe old man wanted to take action when he was shocked. A gray and white talisman turned out to be suppressed. he!

Two Phantom Clone hands hold'Eternal Night','Green Underworld Broken Soul', one blade one sword is like sword qi blade glow. The attribute ball of light, instantly beheaded this incredible half-step Sovereign to the ground!

"Seventh, seventh rank weapons! This kid actually has two seventh rank weapons?"

"Not good! Withdraw!"

The rest The five wanted to escape, and Lin Chen and Avatar didn't give them a chance at all! Kill on the spot!

All the powerful fell, and in the end only Lin Chen and the sisters were left. They landed in front of the quaint stone gate between the two valleys.

"This stone gate is guarded by an unusual atmosphere!"

Luo lightly said in amazement. When she touched the stone gate, ripples of space would appear and touch her finger. Bounce!

"It seems that it really is here!"

Lin Chen, who compared the catalogue, was a little surprised!

"This is the Five Elements energy catalog. You need to run five types of Battle Qi to turn it on!"

Lin Chen didn't expect that he could find the secret he obtained in Yuntianfu so quickly. Record location!

The two sisters looked surprised. Lin Chen has only been to the Sky Tower for a few days. How could he know this kind of treasure that will cause many powerhouse battles!

Lin Chen runs successively; gold, wood, water, fire, and earth. Five completely different attributes of Battle Qi. After the battle Qi of the Earth Tribulation was in operation, a catalogue of Yin and Yang bipolar appeared on the stone gate, reflecting five kinds of light!


Wucai Guangxia took the three of them into it instantly, disappeared!

At the moment when the three of them disappeared, the Golden Prison mountain range on the verge of collapse, a terrifying energy aura spread from the northwest, enveloping the entire mountain range!


The sky is spinning, and the three of them have arrived at the mountain within the valley when they reacted!

The mountains within the valley are full of battle scars, and all are traces of horrible to see battles. There are two light azure skeletons with a spirit ring hanging beside them, and they A war weapon used during his lifetime.


Sensing to the entry of creatures, Zixia's blurred longbow was pulled away, aiming at the three of them on their own! The bowstrings and arrows are self-condensed, and they shoot out and turn into dozens of arrow glow meteors, shooting three people away!

"Seventh rank bow?"

Lin Chen's eyes lit up, he slapped away angrily, and then unfolded an Asura rage, forcibly suppressing this handle War bow!

"The battle between the two emperors happened here, and both sides have fallen."

Luo Wei'er exclaimed.

At this time, two extremely thin spirit willpower spread out slowly.

"Later, you can inherit the inheritance that I waited for..."

"But...can only inherit from either of the two...otherwise, you will burst into death..."

" p>

This seems to be the last obsession of the two Battle Sovereign-class rivals, but it is completely different when it comes to him, Lin!

"Huh? You can only inherit the same? The little child makes the choice, I'm Lin, I want it all!"

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