Lin Chen’s Purple Gold Eye sensed the killing attack in advance, moved out of the treadmill at full speed, and escaped the sword light sneak attack!

I saw; a silhouette exactly like Mo Zixiao holding three feet azure edge, appeared behind him!

The breath he exudes is almost on par with Mo Zixiao!

All the older generations of powerhouse are shocked! In order to play against these'high one after another four', Mo Zixiao even started Divine Vein!

Seeing this scene, Lin Chen was immediately happy!

"You and Young Master, I play Avatar?"

Play Avatar? He Lin Chen is his ancestor!


A Phantom Clone flashed, Lin Chen spent another 4000 innate talent points, and continued to activate the ultimate moment!

Mo Family’s team, now only has one 9th layer struggling to support in the later stages, two Phantom Clones that lasted for the ultimate moment chased wildly all the way, and did not give them a chance to breathe!

"This is your Bloodline Strength, right."

Lin Chen suddenly smiled. He could feel that Mo Zixiao's Avatar and his Phantom Clone are similar in the same way!

"The Avatar of this seat is not comparable to your tricks!"

Mo Zixiao's expression is cold, and his bloodline strength has doubled in strength. !

Choke~! !

Two Mo Zixiao held swords and sent, sword edge cut diagonally, sword edge cut crosswise! Two silver frost sword light slashed across, like the Milky Way down, sword glow ten thousand zhang flashes, they merged into a single sword, one sword illuminates the Divine State, sweeping the Star River for tens of thousands of miles!

"The wrath of Asura! The sacred demon sacrifices to the sky!"

The eight types of Heavenly Tribulation Battle Qi shook the sky with anger, Lin Chen turned into a sacred demon, holding a golden war spear and stabbing awe-inspiringly go with!

Avatar holds the sixth rank top-level war knife, holding both hands high and slashing down! When the blade slashed, a purple black blade burst into the air, splitting the light of Heaven and Earth!

Shih~! Boom~!

The confusing energy explosion ravages the entire battle space, the sun, menstruation, and Heaven and Earth Reversal!

Four gods are fighting together in a flash!

Mo Zixiao's sword technique Major Perfection, the point of the sword is like Mad Dragon Rises from the Sea, and the formidable power of every sword is like Dragon Snake, myriad forms are like Mad Dragon Rises from the Sea. Contains the sword rain method composed of dozens of blue-level sword techniques!

Turn the golden war spear with both hands, the blade light and sword shadows, sword glow, the blade light and sword shadows, sword glow, the guns and sword shadows, the sword glow collided with countless sparks and shot into the void!

The two fight fast, from the sky to the ground, and wherever they go, they shatter all the crystal walls of space into a vacuum zone!

Mo Zixiao, who has Avatar combat, has at least doubled his strength! He and his Avatar teamed up to fight together, and the sword technique closely cooperated with each other, and it was a perfect match!

In the past, among the descendants of the false gods of the same level, his bloodline can often occupy a lot of changes and styles of play, even if he encounters the descendants of Peak that he can't fight, he can still be invincible!

However, Mo Zixiao met his opponent today! Lin Chen's phantom rune is no worse than his Avatar!

Lin Chen even has the upper hand in terms of cooperation and tactics! If it weren't for the cultivation base, Mo Zixiao would have fallen into a disadvantage!

When the swords and guns collided, when the weapons of both sides bounced off their hands, a gray talisman turned out! Rune of Slowness is launched to freeze the space!

Lin Chen suddenly got into trouble, and a dark dragon palm rushed in angrily!

When the dark dragon palm was about to hit Mo Zixiao’s chest, his Avatar burned a bloody flame and suddenly broke the shackles of Rune of Slowness, holding the sword across the sword. Blocked in front of the body and withstood a dark dragon palm of Lin Chen!

Nine dark dragons strangled through the Avatar and passed to the body. The corners of the two mouths of the Avatar body spilled blood and violently retreated. Lin Chen was also forced to retreat by the reversed sword qi of his sword edge.

"Whose Avatar is the trick? Do you think you can suppress me with two seventh rank low-level swords?"

Lin Chen runs two secretly on the same side Great healing cheats to heal cracked palms, said with a sneer.

"Stop talking nonsense, I'll kill myself..."

Mo Zixiao vomited blood again before he finished speaking, his expression was full of incredible!

At this time, his internal organs were destroyed in a mess! Suffered extremely serious internal injuries!

"What's the matter, is it because of that palm? No, this seat has a seventh rank Treasure Item body guard, how could it be so easily broken by him!"

"Young Master, this child's attack is very weird, every move has a weird penetrating power that ignores our Battle Qi defense...Pu chi!"

The only remaining 9th layer on the side. The late old man just reminded me. Mo Zixiao, he himself vomited blood suddenly.

"He recovered so quickly? Can't fight a protracted battle with this kid! A trick must end him!"

Mo Zixiao burned his Bloodline Strength violently, he The Avatar’s injury has recovered with a magical speed in the blink of an eye!

This is his bloodline characteristic. As long as the Bloodline Strength is still there, his Avatar not only has the strength comparable to the body, but also has a stronger life toughness than the body!

"In a way, your bloodline feature is not equal to the descendant of the false god that I killed before."

Suddenly, Lin Chen's mouth showed a trace of sorrow. With a smile, secret sound transmission to Mo Zixiao.

"What? Did he kill other descendants of gods?"

Mo Zixiao's pupils trembled, and his sword-holding wrist shook slightly.

"no! He must be intimidating this seat! Want to shake my state of mind, you are too tender!"

"This sword, I let you taste what despair !"

The body of Mo Zixiao and his Avatar bloomed out of a peerless sword intent that turned the sun and the moon!

At this moment, the situation in the entire Cangqiang Tower venue changed suddenly, and Spiritual Qi within thousands of miles began to tremble, responding to Mo Zixiao's call for swordsmanship, surging!

When the older generation of powerhouse on the viewing platform changed their expressions, the half-step Sovereign referee narrowed his eyes.

"It turned out to be an intermediate purple-level sword technique."

Intermediate purple-level! This rank, placed in the Divine State, is also at the top of the pyramid!

Many veteran Battle Sovereign levels that have been famous for tens of thousands of years have never possessed the cultivation technique of this level. It almost only exists in the category above the 4th layer of Battle Sovereign.

If it were not for Mo Zixiao who was a descendant of a god, he would never have been able to cultivation to this level of cultivation technique!

Based on Mo Zixiao's background, from core method to the comprehension of sword dao and seventh rank swords, the purple-level intermediate sword technique performed with the bloodline Avatar, the combination of two strokes, and that formidable power, Even a half-step Sovereign has to run!

"Purple-level intermediate battle skill, do you think you have it?"

Lin Chen sneered, he put away the Five Dragon Emperor Spear and issued an order to the system.

"system, start limit Return to Origin!"

[Consumption of 2100 innate talent points, start limit Return to Origin innate talent. 】

The vast Battle Qi is instantly filled with Lin Chen and his other Phantom Clone!

When the violent Heavenly Tribulation Battle Qi gathers turbulently and transforms into Great Desolate energy, Heaven and Earth will change again!

All the audience gurgled their throats, as if they were pinched by an invisible big hand!

This kid also has a purple-level intermediate battle skill?

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