"For the sake of you helping me, I will be gentle."

When the woman was ashamed and angry, the dragon's power exploded slightly and hit it. Xia Yinyue fainted and pushed her with both hands to transport her to the edge area.

"One hit cleaned up the seven late stages?"

"This kid hid so deep?"

Everyone in the Luofu team was surprised, this What kind of freak is this kid! It’s been beaten to upgrade one after another, and four, more and more great realms kill the Seventh Stage in a second!

"The new breakthrough realm, you have to get used to it. This battle can be used to warm up!"

Lin Chen's figure flashed for a moment, and all Yuanzun realm present was 8th. The face of the layer's powerhouse changed drastically!

"Not good! He is coming over!"

"Stop this kid! Damn, it's hidden too deep!"

tone barely fell, Shocking lightning flashed in front of Luo Wei'er, a fist wind smashed the whole world, and the anger was like a storm that hit an 8th layer Early-Stage!


The overbearing fist wind turned eight kinds of Heavenly Tribulation Battle Qi through the old man, his Battle Qi defense was shattered, rolling down a few attribute balls of light while retreating more than a dozen steps, full of expression incredible!

The distorted space suddenly flashed a fuzzy illusory shadow, an 8th layer mid-term black clothed old woman who was good at assassination came and stabbed with a dark red short blade, stabbing Luo Wei'er!

While stepping and moving, Lin Chen leaped on his toes and hugged Luo Wei'er. While turning around, Lin Chen kicked away like a strong wind and lightning!

The spinning Thunder Tribulation and Wind Tribulation Battle Qi turned into wind, thunder and lightning blades, cutting the bullets and flying to the short blade of the black clothed old woman, and then the second leg smashed like lightning, blasting the black clothed old violently. woman!

The space reinforced by Battle Sovereign continues to be distorted, Luo Wei'er stared at the ordinary profile of the young man in a daze, the corners of his mouth were hung with that wicked smile from beginning to end, just wait By his side, a sense of security seemed very natural.

The powerhouses of Luofu and Yuexiamen immediately separated and retreated, each taking one side, staring at the tall leader in the field, eyes full of incredible!

Yuanzun realm 4th layer, with one leg and punch, repelled the 8th layer Early-Stage powerhouse!

More Level 4 battles or one-sided?

This weird scene is like an invisible big hand pinching everyone's throat, even shocked to breathe a little!

This kind of innate talent already belongs to the level that Peak Holy Son Saintess can only reach in the ancient aristocratic family of Divine State. There are few rivals under the descendants of gods!

"You...Have you enough."

Luo Weier came back to his senses, coldly said.

"The situation is urgent, you can't blame me."

The shrugged tall head chuckled, adding to his heart, the waist is soft and the legs are thin, which is really good.

"I can't think of your high head being so powerful. We were blindsided before."

"As expected, Luo lightly said Young Master personally selected the person, this time we enter the Sky Tower It's stable!"

"Your Excellency really deserves the name of an expert!"

The attitude of Yuanzun in the Luofu team towards Lin Chen suddenly came to a point. After turning a hundred and eighty degrees, everyone was smiling aside.

Luo lightly said lightly said with a smile-"Need help?"

"No, you guys stand aside, I'll take care of these guys."

Lin Chen peaceful raised his hand, making everyone throbbing!

Lin Chen's many medicine pills not only improved his elemental attribute value, but also the boutique Body Refining Medicine Pill. His dragon power has been 200,000.

With the addition of the innate talent of the divine force, that is 250,000 dragon power! Pure power alone can compare to the late 6th-layer!

In addition, after stepping into the dividing line of the fourth realm, pure power plus eight types of Heavenly Tribulation Battle Qi, combined with his many purple-level cultivation techniques, today he does not rely on the Jiuhuang change and characteristic rune Waiting for a series of trump cards can also face the absolute majority of Yuanzun realm 8th layer!

"You delay the other people, let's get rid of that kid first..."

The two old women have not finished talking yet, between the space distortions, the electric purple flame rushes So, both palms broke through the air and pushed out!

"Not good!"

The two elders inwardly shouted that it was bad, and the backhand condensed Shen Ruwanyue's energy handprints, and the old palm shot out!

Do you know that the five fingers of the youth linger around the dark energy of the nine spirals, like a Cooling Dragon howling, the palms smashing the energy handprints of the two elders, causing the two to vomit blood and retreat. The twisting and revolving dark dragon Jin Xing had enough energy to fly away the two! Roll down the attribute The ball of light levitates into the void!

"Let's shoot together!"

Seeing that two of my own 8th layer Early-Stage were retreated, three of the 8th layer late-stage old women suddenly drank, and the sword light fists were released like lightning. , Blast Lin Chen away!

A single knife jumped out of the hand, the dragon power burst, when several kinds of Heavenly Tribulation Battle Qi were running, Lin Chen chopped out horizontally, and Blade Qi moving unhindered turned into a monstrous storm!

"Soul Light and Thousand Deserts!"

The whistling earth catastrophe and wind catastrophe Blade Qi tornado ravaged the audience, and after the 8th layer, they were all injured by Blade Qi. Falling aside!

The remaining three 8th layers are still struggling to support them in the late stage!

In the Blade Qi tornado, the blade light and sword shadows clash and whistle, the afterglow flashes horizontally and horizontally, and the four silhouettes collide in succession!

"No, look, what is this kid doing!"

The discerning old man has found an abnormality!

I saw that in the Blade Qi tornado, the silhouette of the lord's head flashed like an electric light, and the speed was extremely fast. Only a few people could catch his silhouette!

He held a knife in one hand and slashed and slashed, and he drank repeatedly with a pot! Awe-inspiring, full of madness!

Seeing this scene, some older generation powerhouses frowned wildly, and the corners of their mouths trembled fiercely a few times!

A Yuanzun realm 4th layer is playing against three 8th layers in the late stage, can you still drink while fighting?

How mad this must be, and it doesn’t put people in the eyes!

"It's now!"

The three 8th layer late old women exchanged their eyes, and a Battle Qi wave tore the void that was several times more terrifying than them!

azure clothes long robe, white haired old man holds three feet azure edge in his hand, pierces the void and pierces a sword, the square is blooming with faint plum blossoms, Ghost God is easy!

It is Yuexiamen’s purple-class sword technique! Scored with one sword!

Everyone in the Luofu team was suddenly surprised. This old man was still the cultivation base of the 8th layer Early-Stage just now. Why did he suddenly rise to the middle of the 9th layer?

"It's the foreign aid invited by Yuexiamen!"

"Why! The middle stage of the 9th layer and the latter stage of the 8th layer are not of the same magnitude!"

When the hearts of the Luofu team jumped, three types of Heavenly Tribulation Battle Qi detonated, and Lin Chen's cultivation base rose steeply from the 4th layer Early-Stage to the 5th layer Early-Stage!

His hip flask disappeared instantly, turning into a bitter sword light, and the sharply flowing sword light pierced out awe-inspiringly, reflecting the casually smile of the youth.

"Energy rune · Extremely water light!"

Sword breaks Nine Heavens, the watery sword light and plum mark sword glow collide, the space crystal wall cracks faintly The cracks overturned the air currents in the entire battle space!

Lin Chen pierced by a sword has not stopped his offensive, his right hand slashed with a single blade, Blade Qi storm rolled out, and another soul light thousand deserts rolled up all the powerhouse!

In this offensive, charged runes were launched twice in succession, three 8th layer late and one 9th layer mid-stage, and they were seriously injured on the spot!

The moment when the youth of silver robe was holding a sword and one hand hold blade, standing proudly in the court, the audience suddenly silenced!

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