Luoyang City, at the gate of Luoyang City.

In front of the gate of Luo Mansion, the lady wore a dress, valiant and formidable looking, with an extremely beautiful appearance, short blue silk hair, and a sword across her waist, like a sonorous rose blooming on a cliff, she waved a jade hand and shouted to the crowd Tao.

"There are still three places left for Luofu to enter the Sky Tower this time. The minimum cultivation base requirement is the 8th layer of the Yuanzun realm!"

This cultivation base requires the agitated crowd Gradually one after another four calm, Yuan Zun realm 8th layer, placed in the ancient aristocratic family are extremely powerful Elder, this participation requirement is too high!

"I'll come."

A stream of light lasses, and the silver robe youth is single-handed, cup hand to hold fist.

"en? So young?"

"Crap, so young can have the strength of the 8th layer of Yuanzun realm?"

In front of Luofu Gate Dozens of Yuan Zunjing cast questioning glances, and even the short-haired beauty couldn't help but glance at the silver robe youth, and said calmly.

"You have hidden the cultivation base and released the cultivation base."

At the request of the beautiful woman, the silver robe youth removes the intertwined energy fire net in the body, and the real cultivation base is released. When they came out, many Yuanzun realms suddenly revealed the look of ridicule and sneered.

"Venerable Realm 3rd Layer? No matter how arrogant you are, you have to be a little self-aware!"

"This Little Brother should have brain issues. It's time to find a pharmacist. It's ruled out."

Many Yuanzun realms laughed forward and backward. Among them, the lowest cultivation base was in the middle of the 4th layer. In this late 3rd-layer, should they compete for these three places?

is it possible that he can still have the strength of the 8th layer Yuanzun realm in the later stage of 3rd-layer? This is simply a fantasy story!

"hmph! What's your name!"

The short-haired lady is crying coldly. This person is obviously here to make trouble!

Silver robe youth shrugged, lightly said with a smile — "I’m in the next high head."

What? expert?

The two Yuan Venerable Realm 6th-layers couldn’t help laughing—"expert? You have to be shameless!"

"Yuan Venerable Realm 3rd Layer also dare to call yourself an expert This is the Divine State, do you think you are a barren little place to stay?"

The Yuanzun realm in the crowd broke out with ridicule, this noble master is naturally Lin Chen after disguise.

Just as Lin Chen was about to release his Wan Zai Xuan Azure Dragon to show his strength, an elegant and beautiful neutral voice slowly spread from the Luo Mansion.

"He passed, and our number is full, we don't need to recruit anymore."

A word of casually made everyone present dumbfounded!

The senior inside Luo Mansion actually let this kid pass? What happened?

The most important thing is, suddenly add a sentence full of people? Is it because you don't need to recruit other people after you have this kid?

Even Lin Chen and the short-haired lady in front of Luofu are dumbfounded! The former was completely didn't expect, and the latter was astonished by his elder sister's such absurd decision!

"What the hell is the elder sister thinking, it really is..."

With a whisper in her heart, the beautiful lady waved her hand and whispered coldly--"As just said, this time Luo Mansion is already recruiting enough manpower, please go to other places to find a team!"

Lin Chen's eyes were squinted, and the rays of light from Purple Gold Eye flashed past. It was discovered that Luo Mansion not only has Battle Sovereign inside. There is also a smell that I am familiar with, but I can’t remember anything!

"It's weird, I don't know anyone in Divine State, how could the unfathomable mystery pass me? Could anyone see through my strength?"

But under normal circumstances, even Battle Sovereign can’t see through Lin Chen’s real battle strength. His on the surface is only the 3rd-layer post-cultivation base and the 100,000 Dragon Power Body Refinement Realm. If it’s placed in Yuanzun The field of the 8th layer is far from enough!

And what surprises Lin Chen is that this short-haired beauty makes him have several points of familiarity, but he is very sure that this is the first time he has seen this woman.

"How can this kid pass? This is cheating?"

"What's your name, it's over after people have passed, so hurry up and find the next one, it's so fucking unlucky! "

"I'm not convinced! Why on earth is your kid able to pass the selection requirements!"

Several Yuan Zun realm dissatisfied Lin Chen berated with a sinking tone!

The slightly ordinary face raised up and was very lowly laughed that protected a beating-"No way, who makes me look handsome? Handsome and capable people are so popular. ~~"

"Fuck! This tall head is shameless!"

"Grandma, if it weren't for Luoyang City to fight, I would have to cut him off!"


In the restaurant secret room, Lin Chen clicked on system.

"system, I want to activate the fusion function to integrate all cultivation techniques!"

[The host has a total of 229 blue-level intermediate battle skills and 589 blue-level high-level battle skills , 205 types of blue-level top-level battle skills, 19 types of semi-purple-level battle skills, 21 types of purple-level incomplete battle skills, and 5 types of purple-level low-level battle skills. All merged will cost 89400 Heavenly Dao points. Does the host merge? 】

5 kinds of purple battle skills! In the past, Lin Chen could not imagine it at all, but after killing the five Venerable Realm 9th Layer of Ning Family, he first picked up the purple cultivation technique attribute light ball, and then turned out two purples from the spirit ring. Order battle skill.

Lin Chen's brows trembled, brightened with a little excitement—"OK!"

Lin Chen's Heavenly Dao value dropped by 89,400 points, consuming one of his third Heavenly Dao value!

Two days later, he will participate in the trials with the powerhouse recruited by Luo Family. Before entering the Sky Tower, his hole card is naturally the more the better.

【Boom~Ding! Boom! ]

[Congratulations to the host for triggering the extreme special rewards. The result of the fusion comes with a roll of pill concocting handprints. 】

A purple light strong scroll emerges from the fusion furnace, and a blue and purple jade dossier.

"Purple Tier Intermediate top grade battle skill: "Eight Desolate Fingers" mobilize Battle Qi to condense Great Desolate energy, and condense Great Desolate. The higher the energy, the stronger the formidable power. The eight Great Desolate energies are gathered and formidable. The power is close to the high level of the purple order!"

"Half-purple order pill concocting handprint: "Xuantian Hand", the handprint is profound, and the transformation can be shocking. The cultivator needs the spirit strength above the mid-term Law Manifestation Realm..."

Lin Chen's expression is full of uncontrollable ecstasy!

He has assembled so many cultivation techniques at the same time, and finally he has obtained a purple-level intermediate battle skill!

"This half-purple-level pill concocting handprint is totally a surprise, but I want to keep it. If I can collect one or two more blue-level top-level pill concocting handprints and blend together, maybe I A purple-level pill concocting handprint can be combined!"

Pill concocting handprints of a purple-level pill concocting! This thing is completely priceless!

The same is true in Danzhou, because no one will sell this heavyweight treasure at all, unless it is a handprint of unknown origin or abnormal cultivation.

It’s not polite to say that if an ordinary pharmacist does not have the opportunity to be super heaven-defying, he will hardly have the opportunity to touch the purple-level pill concocting mudra in his life.

Lin Chen’s current refining skills have also unhurried high-level refining handprints. It is better to keep them in one breath and hit the purple handprints in the future!

"First cultivation the Eight Desolation Fingers, this Finger Law trick was born for my "Nine Tribulations of Creation"!"

[Inheritance "Eight Desolation Fingers" requires 9900 Click on the cultivation technique essence. Does the host determine the inheritance? 】

Lin Chen: "... Robbery?"

He killed hundreds of Yuanzun realms and two Battle Sovereigns to collect more than 50,000 cultivation technique essence. This Why is it costing 10,000 for every opening?

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