Lin Chen alone, one blade one sword, killed the four major Battle Sovereigns and backed down again and again, even they themselves did not believe that they had lived for such a long time. Roll back all the way!

The four emperors the more fights the more fearful, every battle skill of Lin Chen is cultivation Major Perfection, even more perfect than their veteran Battle Sovereign level, which has lived for tens of thousands of years. There is almost no one after another and four weak spots!

What’s more frightening is that Lin Chen briefly stepped into Purple Gold Eye highest realm "Golden Eye Twins". For the movements and every move of the four Battle Sovereigns, they can pass spatial moiré and Battle Qi fluctuations. Predict their actions in advance!

In addition to the terrifying movement speed that Lin Chen launched the ultimate moment, the battle is a complete fall of one party!

Lin Chen is pressing the four emperors frontally, they can't even adjust the lineup even if they are separated!

Lin Chen, who launched Godslayer, has been able to confront the four of them head-on, and now it’s entering the ultimate moment. The rune energy can also support Lin Chen to launch a quadruple attack on the formidable power of the battle skill in a limited opportunity!

No matter what battle method the four emperors adopt, they join forces to fight, continue the ultimate moment and Lin Chen of Godslayer innate talent has a charged rune, and battle skill formidable power has quadrupled, which is not at all!

Using the method of harassment and wandering, or carrying out auxiliary assaults around the cultivation base of the second stage of Bai Yisheng's 2nd layer is completely unworkable! Because Lin Chen has a million dragon powers, his spiritual realm has transformed to a realm above the Law Manifestation Realm!

Ling State; Eight Desolation Palace.

Many powerhouses are in a melee. At this time, the Eight Desolation Palace is being suppressed by the army led by the Bai Family, but it is met with strong resistance!

"Grandma, the bastards of Bahuangdian are really difficult!"

A Bai Family's half-step Battle Sovereign was shaken back by the Elder of Bahuangdian by dozens of steps. Swearing.

Suddenly; the sky shook a hong long long roar, Bai Family's half-step Battle Sovereign raised his head impressively, and the streams of light crisscrossed, and he found his own Baiyou Elder!

"Baiyou Supreme Elder! You are here, very good, and bother Baiyou takes action to suppress the Eight Desolate Palace..."

Bang! Boom~!

A shooting star fell into the world with extreme Water Moon Sword light, and during that half of the battle, Battle Sovereign saw with his own eyes his imposing powerhouse, Bai You Elder was bombarded by the sword light with several thousands li!

Sword light's last rhyme shakes the mountain range from all directions, and smooths the mountains and rivers for thousands of miles!


This sword stunned the many powerhouses above the Bahuang Temple and stopped their battles, and looked at the silhouettes of Dongfang Ji flying quickly!

Five ways of Battle Sovereign, destroying heaven extinguishing earth, swept the nebula. Five people were criss-crossed, and one of them was one enemy to five, without losing the wind! Even four other people were directly suppressed!

His silver robe is like snow, his sword art glows with endless sword light, and every sword shines on several thousands li. The void contains the aura of exterminating emperor and massacre!

One-handed Blade Technique is like the night falling into the world, when the sword comes out, the Heavenly Void is empty, sinking into the darkness, absorbing the sharp edge of a blade, and the other four Battle Sovereigns surrounded him frantically and flashed, But he was beaten back again and again!

Lin Chen smashed the sword of Evernight, and the dark and dark knife marks slashed out angrily, absorbing all the space around and crushing it in! Bai Yunsheng slashed back with a sword, slashed out horizontally, and the blue sword light shook out countless dark Battle Qi!

Sword edge whirled down, Blade Qi moving unhindered, and then suddenly drawn a sword light dividing Heaven and Earth, like a stream of light on the horizontal plane flashed past!

Ling Xiao's palms were turned into claws and flew away in anger. When giant claw forcibly took Lin Chen's sword light, Ling Qing flashed past, facing Lin Chen's top of the head With a fist of anger, the fist suppresses the eternal world, and there are ten thousand Buddhas singing!

At the moment when the rune is activated, Lin Chen’s figure is spinning like lightning, and the magical legs of the shadow wind are used. The dragon's power erupts like a thousand dragons, and the legs are kicked and kicked. Out!

The Battle Qi, which cuts the void, smashed away like a tornado, and collided with Ling Qing's fist!

A golden light exploded, and Lin Qing was repelled!

The cold ghost hand turned into a lasing python and grabbed Lin Chen, his eyes flashed sharply, and a Spiritual Fluctuation of anger that shattered the universe, like Asura's anger, slammed away. ! Shattered Baiyou's sneak attack attack!

Five silhouette criss-crossed, the Four Emperors were unable to attack, and switched to procrastination tactics, but Lin Chen’s'Soul Slash' combined with the rapid attack of the Purple Phoenix Wing and'Tread Gang Movement', Retreat steadily!

A distance of seven to eight thousand miles away, powerhouses such as the Eight Desolation Hall and Bai Family are dumbfounded, and their scalp is numb!

"Hiss! One dozen four?"

"Ling Family’s emperor, Ling Qing, Ling Xiao, these two bosses are also born?"

"It actually suppressed Bai Yisheng Elder positively, what the hell is Divine Immortal?"

"That's not right! Isn't that Lin Chen, who won the fourth consecutive Tianling list?"

"What the hell are you kidding! What the hell are the four Battle Sovereigns? Didn't you say that the kid is the Yuanzun realm!"

Whether it is the Bahuang Temple or the Bai Family and other powerhouses, all are Gasping hard! A battle against the four emperors? This world is crazy!

A few months ago, Lin Chen had beaten four purple-honored powerhouses of the Eight Desolation Palaces and fled mad! Damn, this boy Yuanzun realm is about to shake the sky, this has to be able to fight Battle Sovereign, and the Eight Desolation Palace was leveled by him in a scoreless minute!

As the pupils of the'Golden Eye Twins' turned, Lin Chen noticed the many Yuanzun realms that fled in the sky above the Eight Desolation Palace, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth!

His body shape suddenly changed, and the Battle Qi of the Earth Tribulation appeared turbulently, like a storm of thousands of miles of yellow sand swept through the wasteland!

"Soul Light Thousand Deserts!"

Eternal Night's battle knife smashed into the void, and the Earth Tribulation Blade Qi shot away from the tip of the knife, and turned into a bundle of yellow sand Blade. Qi storm strangled away!

The terrible yellow sand Blade Qi swept Heaven and Earth, and every spinning sand has the terrible formidable power that easily penetrates the defense of the Venerable Realm 9th Layer Peak!

The wind and sand scattered the sky, penetrated Bai Family and many other powerhouses of Yuanzun, and even half a step Sovereign was sucked into the tornado storm and was strangled to death! Almost 90% of the coalition forces that attacked the Bahuang Temple were directly destroyed by this move!

They have rays of light burning with the will of the holy fire in their bodies. Lin Chen can easily distinguish who is the enemy; although this blade formidable power is strong, it flattened the Eight Desolation Palaces, but it did not hurt. And all of them!

Wan Jae Hyun Azure Dragon, who escaped into Azure Dragon's shadow-sharing state, cleans the battlefield again, Dragon Vein soars!

sword qi avoids Ling Qing, and the sword gang kills Bai Yisheng in chaos, but Lin Chen's eyes wink!

"In the face of the four of us, you dare to be distracted to deal with other people. You still have a weak spot!"

The Battle Qi of the Earth Tribulation has just condensed into the "Wan Yue Xuan" "Zhen Jia", when Ling Xiao's sneer sounded, he brazenly crushed Lin Chen's back!

Shih~! boom! ka! ka!

Lin Chen’s Wanyue Xuanzhen armor was shattered on the spot, the claw marks wounded Lin Chen’s body, heavy baleful aura penetrated his body, causing Lin Chen’s mouth to bleed before falling to the ground , Holding a sword in both hands and a knife in the sky, spinning extremely fast, turning into a blade light whirlwind falling into the void!

Just as Ling Xiao was preparing to take advantage of the victory, his face suddenly became particularly pale!

His legs are gone!

Lin Chen, who fell to the ground, still had a faint sneer at the corner of his mouth!

"Damn, what kind of freak is this kid! Can he predict this level?"

Ling Xiao is about to get his legs back As long as the people of his cultivation base take back the wound immediately and then run Battle Qi, there is a higher chance that his legs will be taken back!


Seventh Gold Sword Qi kills the stars alone, and when it shoots out, it penetrates nothingness and annihilates the legs of the sky falling in the sky into nothingness! Make his face paler!

"Lao Tzu is not that easy to deal with! Are the four Battle Sovereigns strong? Today, Lin Chen is going to kill the emperor!"

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