Ning Family; Baixuan arena, which was only opened in the highest level Heaven's Chosen competition in the past, was opened today unprecedented!

In the Ning Family, there are rising winds and scudding clouds. Countless people gathered in the Hundred Profound Arena and watched.

"He is Lin Chen? My God, he is younger than the legend!"

"I heard that he came to propose today? Who is his propose? Could it be me?"

"You? Are you thinking about fart! It's pretty beautiful, I came to Miss Ning Qingxuan!"

"Ning Qingxuan No wonder the servant of God, I don’t know that this battle will be the one to emerge victorious!"

The young generation of Ning Family gathered here, everyone talking at once hotly discussed, This battle is thousands of times more exciting than any Heaven's Chosen matchup in the Ning Family!

One is the peerless genius who was born in Ling State recently, and the Prediction Master of Casting and Refining Medicine is omnipotent. He has become the only four consecutive championships in the Celestial Spirit Ranking and the only one to climb the Celestial Spirit Tower Ninth. The people of Layer still challenge the two-person team as a single player!

The other one is the mysterious Spiritual God servant. The peerless Heaven's Chosen stationed in Ning Family to wait for Ning Qingxuan, is said to be dispatched from the Divine State. He is a cultivation base and a high-level talent. Elder is afraid of it!

What will be the result of these two confrontation? Everyone knows what kind of concept Spiritual God is! For those who can be servants of Spiritual God, the high-level cultivation technique is definitely not too rare, at least, the purple-level cultivation technique is definitely not too rare for them!

Even some Elders who couldn't get out of retreat in the past were shocked to get out of the game. Among them, there are a few Battle Sovereign Supreme Elder peeping in secret.

Everyone from Class 66 sits on the other side of the Baixuan arena; they continue to cheer for Lin Chen!

The deputy dean is located in the back row, and the up ahead of his position is precisely aimed at the Ning Family and other Battle Sovereign-level seniors!

She had seen Lin Chen’s killing intent before. According to his character, this so-called move, I am afraid he has already moved the murderous intention!

This is no longer a question of victory, but life and death!

Once Ning Family notices any abnormality, it must act immediately.

"Hehe, Qingyuan, if you could be here, you might be able to see our Academy students defeat the servants of false gods!"

Associate Dean’s There was a momentary trance in his eyes, and then a gratified smile appeared.

Hundred Profound Arena; all around is Space Formation blocking isolation.

Wan Zaixuan Azure Dragon turned into a dragon light and merged into Lin Chen's body. He consumed 50 points of intermediate talisman energy. Half of the Battle Qi in his body was drawn out, and a Phantom Clone was condensed around him.

"Oh? This is the Avatar technique you are proud of. It really is a bit of Ghost Sect."

Chen Lingxi was a little surprised when Lin Chen’s Phantom Clone appeared. , Then slowly bend down and draw a knife.

Although there is no knife in his hand, for some reason, a peerless edge is brewing faintly!

"5th layer change!"

Lin Chen released the 5th layer change of Asura Jiuhuang change in one breath. His breath stops at the 5th layer of Yuanzun realm, fifth seat. The illusory Battle Qi Yuanfu has formed four-fifths; it is a little short of being able to step into the 5th layer Early-Stage!

Lin Chen’s Avatar is also increased by the 5th layer change, and the cultivation base is raised to the realm of the 4th layer Peak!

But then; Lin Chen swallowed a sixth-rank middle-rank'Purple Spirit Gathering Pill' and ran the core method frantically to absorb Spiritual Qi. His innate talent points consumed 2000 points!

"Ultimate moment!"

This time, Lin Chen and his Phantom Clone are surrounded by a faint cyan rays of light, and he even casts Avatar on it. The ultimate moment!

This time, Lin Chen and a Phantom Clone are showing the'Ultimate Moment' at the same time!

Since the other party wants to fight a trick! Then Lin Chen this move will show his full strength!

"It’s a terrifying Battle Qi consumption. If you urge the battle skill with all your strength, let alone two minutes, my Battle Qi will bottom out within a few tricks! I have to rely on medicine pill to barely keep up. Consumption!"

Lin Chen's dark center is shocked. Although the trump card of'Ultimate Moment' is strong, but the required Battle Qi consumption is too amazing. Phantom rune itself also needs to consume a huge amount of Battle Qi to cast Avatar. , The two tricks are used together, even "Nine Tribulations of Creation" can't bear it!

Boom~! A scroll of sword qi was rolled up on Chen Lingxi's head. As they were listed, there was a sword qi surging in the air, converging into one after another sword qi Star River, releasing the Galaxy Sword that covers the sky and the moon!

The sword power divides the space crystal wall, splitting heaven and earth apart, such as the stunning sword qi of Great Desolate Era brewing in Star River!

The entire Hundred Profound Arena is on the verge of collapse. I can't think of this so-called one-trick agreement that will make these two people show their full strength!

Chen Lingxi had already felt Lin Chen's extraordinary halfway through, from the very beginning to disdain to astonishment, and finally to solemnity! He has completely regarded Lin Chen as an opponent of the same level, and he can't tolerate any sloppy!

The quasi-seventh rank sword weapon'Spiritual Extreme Que' is like a whirlpool, gathering all the sword power condensed on the top of the head, and the Wandao Galaxy Sword rushes and rushes, sublimated in the sword.

"The sword falls on the Star River · Extreme Day!"——Chen Lingxi suddenly coldly shouted, holding up the "Spiritual Extreme Que" with both hands and slashing down!

Sword Slashing Void · Star River suddenly fell!

This world is like an aurora of bright and extreme daylight emerging from the void in an instant, resembling a half-moon revolving slashing down, reflecting the entire sky!

"die for me!!!"

Lin Chen's shoulders suddenly shook, and the man was so angry that the eight Heavenly Tribulation battle bodies were all urged, imposing manner Nine Heavens and Ten Earths !

"Huangmo Sacrifice to Heaven!"

In the form of a dark fire flashing and burning, the "Huangmo" reappears Heaven and Earth. His hands are stabled in anger, and the five-color dragon light gathers together. The spear glow spear glow spins away!

At this moment, Lin Chen's rune energy has experienced an unprecedented drop! It cut 1,000 points in one breath!

The four ace runes of charge, penetration, slowness, and phantom rune are launched together!

At the moment when the spear glow swirling in the dark fire storm was about to collide with the sword light of the day, Chen Lingxi's pupils trembled in horror!

He clearly saw that when Lin Chen's body a spear thrust came out, his Phantom Clone swung the knife!

"Ten Thousand Souls!"

The sword is out of its sheath, like the eternal night, in the faint darkness, as if to annihilate everything in the world in silence, and the blade slashes the void , The remaining knife marks are like night reincarnation!

This blade, he is impossible to admit his mistake! More impossible to forget!

"It's the Soul Mo Young Master Bai's Eternal Night Sword and "Soul Slayer"! How could Soul Mo Young Master Bai's Blade Technique and Sword be on this kid?"

The questioning thoughts just passed through his heart, Lin Chen's "Wanhun Slash" and "Huangmo Jitian" surged! Shake the eight wilderness clouds, blasted out a purple black energy storm, and exploded raging across the ring!

"No, not good! My Sword Art can't stand his attack!"

At this moment when Chen Lingxi was surprised and panicked; Battle Qi surged all over, spirit ring A space jade slip flashed out. To urge the space jade slip to escape from the void, a gray talisman shot out!

In the thousand zhang space where Chen Lingxi is located, all have become slow to freeze, and even the flow of Spiritual Qi has become as slow as a tortoise!

The threat of death quietly strangled Chen Lingxi's heart!

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