"The Fiend race is by no means my Human Race's mortal enemy, and future generations should not be used as guns. The Hundred Saints fall, and all our generations of Saints inheritance, Saint is immeasurable, leaving the town of Saint The monument is to prevent demons and monsters from secretly coveting my descendants Nine Provinces. Although the hypocritical sage has failed to achieve its goal, sooner or later there will be descendants who will control Nine Provinces. If descendants will achieve something one day, please subvert their descendants. Save Nine Provinces one after another four!"

The incomplete spirit willpower became thinner and thinner. Finally, Lin Chen saw that many Saints had fallen on many lands on the Nine Provinces continent. Their bodies were transformed into mountains, rivers and oceans, and they became more condensed. Created a vast and magnificent stone tablet, suppressed on the continent plate!

The stone tablet is engraved with Saint’s divine might and spirituality. It has the power of good fortune and is hidden in the world. Some become mountains, some become storms, some become stars, and some are paved. Into the desert.

Others, turned into a high tower, as high as Nine Heavens, rushing into the sky. As it condensed, Lin Chen saw a series of code names.

Fire Phoenix·Big Dipper·No. 19!

Lin Chen concentrated attention completely, for fear of missing a detail!

Next, he saw again that a sacred monument of the town boundary fell into the extreme east of the continent, and finally changed into two mountain gorges, which looked like a half moon.

The "Emperor God·Xuanlong·47" is engraved on it!

Lin Chen remembers the location of the mountain gorge very clearly. If it corresponds to the current Nine Provinces continent, the general location is.

Divine State! 'Emperor God·Xuanlong·47' is the most prosperous and prosperous Divine State on the Nine Provinces continent!

It is said that there are servants of God and descendants of God in charge of Heaven and Earth!

After watching this fine divine light group, Lin Chen's heart could not be calm for a long time. The battle was too shocking. He has not even fought on the 8th layer and 9th layer of the Yuanzun realm, let alone Those Battle Sovereign and Saint battles!

"No, nothing is right. On the Nine Provinces continent, even children and mortals know that the Human Race on the Nine Provinces continent was created by Spiritual God. It was God who gave us wisdom and life, and it was also created by God. The Nine Provinces continent is divided into nine continents."

"But why in the previous divine light group inheritance, the magical gods do not appear, and the Nine Provinces continent is not nine The continent plates are connected as one, a complete continent. After experiencing the unprecedented war in futile, the Nine Provinces continent split from one into nine continents and evolved into the last Nine Provinces!"

"Who is the lie? Who represents the truth? Where is the Spiritual God, and what about the descendants of God? Why did the Spiritual God never appear during the war, but after countless years, Is the descendant of God running across the Nine Provinces continent again?"

Lin Chen's heart was filled with questions, and he seriously looked at the "Fire Phoenix·Big Dipper·No.19" above the giant gate.

Accepting the information contained in the previous divine light group, Lin Chen knows that this is a sacred monument of the town!

The relic left by is a Saint, contains the inheritance of Saint!

But according to the divine light regiment, the sacred stele of the town will not show the True Form. On this day, the spirit battle tower has shown the True Form for many years, and it is obviously a thing that belongs to the owner.

What about'Emperor God·Xuanlong·47'? According to previous memories, the No. 47 sacred monument of the town boundary is located in the most prosperous Divine State, where eternal geniuses are everywhere, even the descendants of gods, have they also been discovered?

"No matter what, I have to go to Divine State when I have time. The sacred monument of this town is not trivial. It contains the inheritance of Saint. If I can get the inheritance of Saint, maybe I can get closer to the truth. One step, facing the so-called Spiritual God behind the Ning Family, I can also be more confident!"

Lin Chen's eyes flickered, and he has made up his mind. As long as there is a chance, I will go to Divine State to explore. exactly!

The rays of light flashed, Lin Chen stepped into the exit of Ninth Layer, disappeared.

Outside the battle tower; Yan Capital City, because Lin Chen caused an unprecedented earthquake, Lin Chen seemed to have expected it and deliberately used the'Azure Dragon Piying' to sneak into the void, except for a small part of the powerhouse, No one has seen when he left the Heavenly Spirit Battle Tower.

The Heavenly Spirit Ranking Conference came to an end. A magnificent list hanging on Yan Capital City rolled down, up to ten thousand zhang, with countless names and rankings!

And the names of previous champions, etc., but there is a very conspicuous name on the list!

Lin Chen! The 79th Celestial Spirit List Conference: Prediction Master first, battle list first, cast tool first, and medicine first!

The first four consecutive championships in history, rays of light shine through the ages, and it will be unprecedented! In particular, he was the first person in history to be on the Eighth Layer and Ninth Layer. It’s still the only one who challenged the two-person team mode as a single player!

For the shock that occurred in Yan Capital City, Lin Chen ignored it and rushed to Hidden Treasure Pavilion at full speed. Bought the fifth volume of "Asura Nine Brights"!

Apart from this, he still has more than 1,000 Tianling points left, and the final champion can get 500 Tianling points. He won a total of four finals!

Each point of Tianling points is extremely precious. 1 point of Tianling points can be exchanged for the sixth rank Tiancai Dibao. This time Lin Chen consumed all the Tianling points and purchased hundreds of medicines. ingredient, a small amount of rare and exotic minerals.

After the purchase, Lin Chen immersed himself in the closed room and took only one day to recuperate to at the peak period!

Next, another 90 points of cultivation technique essence inheritance were spent on the Asura Jiuhuang Change in the fifth volume!

After completing the inheritance of the fifth volume of Jiuhuang change, Lin Chen just ended the retreat. At this time, the powerhouse of Yan Capital City has already begun to leave.

And after the top management of Heavenly Song Academy have dealt with many matters, the deputy dean personally took Lin Chen back to Heavenly Song Academy!

One day later; inside the Academy secret room.

All around is Battle Qi Formation, Lin Chen is waiting.

He placed a jade box in the spirit ring in the secret room, and then tore off the seal containing two powerful Battle Qi, the jade box exploded!

A black edged blade flies into the sky, its sharp edge is like the reincarnation of the night, annihilating life silently!

It is the seventh rank sword "Eternal Night" of Hun Mo Bai!

The previous Lin Chen, although able to temporarily suppress this tool, was unable to completely surrender it. There is still the imprint of the Battle Qi of the soul ink white, and it is the imprint carved with Divine Vein. It is not so easy to make this knife acknowledge allegiance to him.

In addition, this knife cannot see the light. The seventh rank knife may not even have a normal Battle Sovereign. It is easy to use and it is easier to attract a killing disaster. In addition, if someone knows Dao Soul inky white When he recognizes this knife, Lin Chen is more likely to have an accident.

So this knife, Lin Chen will only use it at critical moments!

"The Young Master's strength is not what it used to be, and it can't lower you a saber, please calm me down!"

Lin Chen launched the 3rd-layer change of Jiuhuangchang like lightning. , The strength climbed 3rd-layer late, one hand controlled Yong Ye and slammed down!

Seven Heavenly Tribulation battle bodies took turns, Lin Chen forcibly injected his Battle Qi into the battle knife, Azure Dragon possessed his body, and his pure power reached 100,000 dragon power, which was firmly suppressed.' Yong Ye'!

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