in the sky, two holy lights are tangled together, from the sky to the ground, each time they collide, the afterglow Flickering Shadow flashes more than a dozen times, so fast that it’s naked. Eye can't capture the specific location of their afterimages!

Even if Lin Chen launched the stepping move and stacking the Purple Phoenix Wing, the speed still did not exceed the white robed old man too much, and the offensive on both sides never stopped!

Four two thousand zhang high Asura golems chanted and burst out four spiritual shocks that destroyed the Star River and attacked!

The white robed old man has imprints on both hands, and the shield like yin and yang points exudes tyrannical Spiritual Fluctuation and Battle Qi spirals, protecting him tightly!

chi! Bang! boom! bang!

Mental impacts wherever they pass, shattering countless mountains, rushing to Nine Heavens, and enraging the sky! Shattered most of the white robed old man's defenses, but he never hurt a single hair.

At this moment, the distracted white robed old man above his head, the five-color dragon light flashed vertically, and the five dragons smashed down the emperor's spear. The white robed old man reacted very quickly with his hands crossed. Push, the battle Qi of both sides collided with the tip of the gun through the palm and exploded instantly!

The air wave shakes thousands of miles of clouds and mist, the space crystal wall inch by inch broke apart, the silver robe rolls, in the sky Lin Chen retreats with his gun a dozen steps, and the white robed old man steps on three steps in a row, Stabilize your figure!

"Damn it, so strong?"

Lin Chen took a breath of air, and the power of Yuanzun's seventh stage in the late stage was far beyond his imagination!

This is Lin Chen from the 4th layer Early-Stage of the three Yuanzun realms. The white robed old man can still face-to-face confrontation and even has a tendency to suppress it!

If the whip leg was not Lin Chen's emergency launch of Rune of Slowness to freeze the space, reducing the explosive power and attack power, his two Avatars would have been shattered by that blow!

Comparing with the powerhouse of this level, Lin Chen's rune energy is not that much, especially when using the charged rune to activate the purple battle skill, the rune energy consumed at least 5 points once.

It doesn’t take long for Lin Chen to use up the remaining 700 points of rune energy!

"Is it necessary to use penetrating rune in advance, but if penetrating rune can't be done, I really don't have the means to decide the victory or defeat!"

Lin Chen is at heart! Electricity, I glanced at Azure Dragon not far away. At this time, Wan Zaixuan Azure Dragon was attacked repeatedly by black robed old man. It was also beaten to the dragon body drenched with blood, which was known to be extremely defensive. It's all torn skin and gaping flesh.

Faced in the late seventh stage, even if the strength of Wan Zaixuan Azure Dragon skyrocketed, it was still in danger even if it was delayed for a while. Simply is not a level opponent.

"It seems that it is impossible to use the same combat method as the Eighth Layer. Azure Dragon is possessed!"

With an order, Azure Dragon turned into a stream of light lasing Entering Lin Chen's body, his pure power climbed to more than 100,000 dragon power!

Lin Chen consumes 30 rune energy again, the Battle Qi of the Nine Tribulations is reduced extremely quickly, and a Phantom Clone is taken out! The three avatars are all the cultivation bases of the 4th layer Early-Stage. They swept to the black robed old man and surrounded him!

"Oh? The magical Avatar, can also be attached to Azure Dragon, Interesting, which is blessed by the body."

White robed old man was a little surprised, Lin Chen said with a smile at will — —"I can surprise seniors with a lot of things, so please advise me!"

The three big Avatars can only delay the black robed old man for a while! If Lin Chen can't quickly solve the opponent in front of him, then there is no probability of passing the Ninth Layer!

"Magic spear crack!"

Asura held the gun above his head, Lin Chen's 100,000 dragon power burst out, and awe-inspiring stabbed a sky-shattering rainbow light, with all his strength as soon as he came up!

The charging rune and penetrating rune are activated instantly, and the energy of the rune drops by 100 points!

"Is it a purple-tier battle skill from cultivation to Perfection? Although the old man does not have a true purple-tier cultivation technique, this cultivation base is here!"

white robed old man With an indifferent expression, he blatantly grabbed the void, the cold and cold azure giant claw, the size of ten acres, suddenly grabbed Lin Chen!

Tear and pull~!

Rainbow light cut through the sky and tore through the azure giant claw, so that the white robed old man finally showed shock and shock! The stunned rainbow of the billowing baleful aura rushed over, he hurriedly urged Battle Qi to defend, and the yin and yang acupoints covered his body!


A full 20,000 dragon power and 20% of the dark catastrophe energy penetrated his Battle Qi defenses and poured into the internal organs of the white robed old man, causing blood to flow all over his body, making him hurried Battle Qi, who runs Battle Qi Yuanfu, is healing his wounds, his eyes are full of horror!

"I clearly blocked this child's attack, why can he still penetrate my defenses and reach my body?"

Without giving the other party the slightest breathing time, Lin Chen The attack is fierce!

The Five Dragons Chaohuang spear danced and stabbed at lightning speed, one after another dark shadow of the spear shot to the sky, every shot was like a Demon Race screaming and wailing, rushing towards the white robed old man!

"Thousands of Devils Piercing the Heart!"

Raising the gun, Lin Chen launches the Asura Magic Gun’s Second Style'Thousands of Devils Piercing the Heart’, penetrating rune and charging rune The energy of rune is reduced by 200 points again!

The horrible gun shadow slammed into the white robed old man’s defenses like squally raindrops, and every gun had 20% of the formidable power penetrated into his body!

This time, the white robed old man failed to prevent Lin Chen's offensive at all. He was penetrated by spear glow time and time again!

"This kid's trump card is extraordinary!"

The black robed old man narrowed his eyes and stepped on the void with awe-inspiring steps. Lin Chen's three major Avatars desperately stopped!

The dark gun shadow covered the sky and covered the moon. Finally, a white robed old man fell from the void and was seriously injured. Even the puppet's body also shed a lot of blood.

The white robed old man's injuries are so serious. There is also a very fatal reason among them, which is to defend the Treasure Item. The destructive power that penetrates the rune can make some of the destructive power of the attack penetrate the Battle Qi, but cannot penetrate the characteristic defense of the defense Treasure Item.

Therefore, if Lin Chen's offensive is absolutely impossible to cause such a huge damage to the white robed old man in the late seventh stage of actual combat outside the battle tower!

In the seven-layer late stage, there will be more or less one or two life-saving defense Treasure Item, but it is different in the battle tower. The creatures in the battle tower are already some dead creatures, and their will depends on On top of the puppet, there is no redundant defense Treasure Item to protect life.

Swipe~! Lin Chen used the stepping move and swept to the white robed old man at full speed! As long as the white robed old man is eliminated first, he will have a turning point in victory!

Raising the Five Dragon Emperor's spear and smashing the old man's head in anger, at the crucial moment, as if already expected, a rays of light introverted energy palm blasted behind Lin Chen!

Lin Chen's eyes are as sick as electricity, and the Wanyue Xuanzhen Jia is turned around in a flash, and the spear is turned away!

Bang~! hong long!

The palm of energy blasted Lin Chen, knocking him to the ground, and saved the white robed old man. The old monster that black robe has arrived. Lin Chen’s three Avatars have been wiped out by him. Two!

"Damn it, something went wrong, I missed the last chance to kill him!"

In the fractured earth veins abyss, the corner of Lin Chen's mouth was bleeding, and his bones were almost broken. .

He glanced at the more than 300 points of rune energy in the system. If you can't kill the white robed old man first, there is not much chance for such a small rune energy to fight the black robed old man again!

Battle Qi was transported into the body of the white robed old man. His injuries recovered a little. The two were suspended in the air. The last Avatar stood beside Lin Chen, standing beside Lin Chen.

"Let the Old Guy recover a bit again, now I can only try to use Rune of Slowness for a wave!"

Just as Lin Chen was going to work hard, his But there was a flash of light in my heart!

"No, I can break through the limit again, maybe not very strong, but there is still a chance!"

Lin Chen suddenly remembered the innate talent he had obtained before!

The ultimate moment of innate talent! !

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