Affirmed by system, Lin Chen almost jumped up!

"Grandma's, there is no way out, if rune can be used for fusion, then it can be fused with my corrupted rune!"

Lin Chen without a word, click on [Fusion function], move the Level 4 corroded rune and Level 1 weak rune in the rune attribute, and drag them into the fusion furnace.

[System hint host, this fusion needs to consume 3800 Heavenly Dao value, rune fusion will completely modify the level and attribute of rune itself, and the fusion rune attribute will be completely random and lowest Level 1 rune, does the host use'Level 1 Weak Rune' and'Level 4 Corrupt Rune' for fusion? 】


Lin Chen gave orders with a slight tremor. After all, this is the rune he got from his favorite sister Ruoyan!

【Consume 3800 Heavenly Dao points to start fusion. ]

Incorporate two runes into the fusion furnace, after two breaths.

[Boom~ding~! The fusion is complete, the host gets a new rune, and Level 1 penetrates the rune. ]

[Level 1 Penetration rune: Allows the host’s attack to have 5% penetration characteristics, and can penetrate the enemy’s Battle Qi defense. If it is upgraded to Level 4, it is 20%. The 20% formidable power for launching an attack has penetrating characteristics, and the rune energy required for launching is higher. Please use it with caution...]

It is just a brief introduction at the beginning of the system, let Lin Chen thoroughly Sluggish!

"Baby! 20% of the formidable power can penetrate the enemy's defense. Is this too terrifying?"

Lin Chen is ecstatic in his heart, and after careful understanding Later, he understood the formidable power that penetrates the rune. Any of his attacks can have a 20% penetration effect. It can penetrate the enemy's Battle Qi defense, but cannot penetrate the defense Treasure Item.

But even so, this is pretty abnormal!

If Lin Chen keeps this trump card for the end, he will fight a protracted battle with the opponent first, exhaust the opponent's defense Treasure Item, and then launch a penetrating rune in one breath!

20% of formidable power is equivalent to Lin Chen. If a punch has 50,000 dragon power, 10,000 dragon power will penetrate the enemy's defenseless body!

That kind of taste, even the high-level powerhouse of the Yuanzun realm must have a taste of sourness! And this rune has no level restriction, Lin Chen can also use it in the face of Battle Sovereign powerhouse in the future!

"It just so happens that I still have 4 Evolution Stones, and there will be one left after the complete upgrade!"

Lin Chen upgraded the penetration rune to Level 4 in one go, his trump card rune One more added!

In Lin Chen's heart, there was a fierce and fighting spirit that barefoot is not afraid of wearing shoes!

Originally, he only had the attitude of giving Ninth Layer a try, but now it's different!

He now has a total of 885 points of intermediate talisman literary energy, four ace-level traits rune, and his spirit strength advanced to the middle of the Law Manifestation Realm, the seventh Heavenly Tribulation battle body, Yuanzun realm 2nd layer Wait!

These breakthroughs; enough to make Lin Chen's battle strength upside down!

"The attribute light balls dropped by the Eighth Layer are so rich. If this is the Ninth Layer, I don't know if it will give me a top grade innate talent, hehe."

Lin Someone was shameless delusional, just about to get up, and suddenly thought of something, mobilizing the spirit ring.

A pill of red incense wrapped around the red medicine pill hovered in front of Lin Chen, and the strong Fire Element Energy formed a strip of small Fire Dragon shuttling through the void!

"That's Fire Core for ten calamities!"

"Isn't this the medicine pill that Lin Chen participated in the refining finals? Does he want to take it by himself now?"

"Is he crazy? The medicine pill of the sixth rank top high grade, he is a cultivation base that does not have the 4th layer of the Yuanzun realm. What should he use to refining the medicine pill of this level? Isn't he afraid that the medical power will burst him?"

When some powerhouses were about to exclaim, Lin Chen almost swallowed this medicine pill without the slightest hesitation!

Boom~! Ten several ten zhang scorching flame energy circles around Lin Chen's body, like hell fire sea scorching Lin Chen!

"It's hot! The sixth rank high-grade pill medicine is really abnormal!"

The whole body and even the Battle Qi Yuanfu are starting to burn raging flames, Lin Chen released his Azure Dragon and shared this violent energy with him.

Running the creation of the Nine Tribulations, Lin Chen frantically refining medicinal power, if he wants to break through the Ninth Layer battle tower, he is not strong enough now!

Eighth Layer is already two seven-fold Early-Stage, and the creatures of Ninth Layer are very likely to have two seven-fold later stages!

This level opponent, Lin Chen has not encountered it so far! Any Yuanzun realm of the late seventh stage placed in Ling State is a well-known Peak powerhouse, deeply respected by billions of civilians!

If there is one such opponent, Lin Chen is confident to fight, but if there are two, he must make every effort to show his own heritage!

one after another The hot Fire Dragon wanders through Lin Chen's body, even with Azure Dragon's share of it is not easy!

He and Azure Dragon One are the 2nd layer of Yuanzun, and the other is the sixth-rank intermediate beast, which is far from the bottom line of the refining of the sixth-rank top high-grade pill medicine!

"trifling a medicine pill, it is still refined, I don't believe you can turn the sky up!"

Lin Chen's heart is furious, and he violently urges the fire robbery body , Increase the refining efficiency of Azure Dragon!

Ten Tribulation Calcined Body Pill has the effect of breakthrough Battle Qi bottleneck, and it has excellent effects on Yuanzun realm 7th and above, not to mention Lin Chen's 2nd layer Early-Stage, plus that fire calamity energy Forging body, at this time, the pure power of him and Azure Dragon are climbing at an unprecedented speed!

[The host absorbs pure fire calamity energy, and the system has automatically transformed into an intermediate Fire Element Energy attribute, and it starts to rise: 1 point, 2 points, 3 points,]

This scene, Some Peak powerhouses who fell into the field suddenly realized it!

"Good guy, this kid uses his Wanzaixuan Azure Dragon to share the medical power of this medicine pill, and one man one dragon shares and absorbs it together!"

"If yes In this case, it is really possible for this little fellow to completely refining this medicine pill!"

"It's so powerful that pure power climbs, how can this kid refining medicinal power so fast?"

"Even his Wan Zaixuan Azure Dragon is really a pervert! is it possible that it is a demonic beast? How can cultivation be so fast!"

Many powerhouses are surprised. The difference is shocking again; time passed by minute by minute, and the Celestial Spirit Board Assembly has completely entered the final stage!

Day 29, Day 30!

At noon on the 30th day, there is still the last half day before the official end of the Celestial List!

Everyone thought that Lin Chen would spend the last half day in a long retreat. When he was about to get up and leave, two breaths came from the Heavenly Spirit Battle Tower. Suddenly recovery!


Lin Chen and Wan Zaixuan Azure Dragon opened their eyes almost at the same time, shaken by the imposing manner condensed by pure power, destroying all the Snow Mountain within ten thousand zhang, destroying the mountain and cracking the ground, and the air is flowing. , The mountains collapse! The audience outside the venue was both pleasantly surprised and shocked!

At the moment of awakening, Lin Chen and Wan Zaixuan Azure Dragon became a stream of light, racing against time to break into the Ninth Layer! Disappeared in everyone's eyes!

The entire venue outside the Sky Spirit Tower, hundreds of millions of powerhouses all around, fell into a dead silence for a moment! !

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