"He actually passed the Seventh Layer after only a little one hour?"

"My God, this is a team game played by one person. Lin Chen and his Azure Dragon are too terrifying!"

"Throughout the history of Two Great Continents, there has never been such a terrible Venerable Realm 1st Layer!"

Don't talk about paying attention to the fighting audience, even the high-level referees, Yan Family, Li Family, Heavenly Book one after another Four Academy, Heavenly Song Academy and many other powerhouses are staring at the magic eye stone with trembling heart!

Eighth Layer, that is a completely unknown area!

Since ancient times; no one has ever entered it, let alone what the Eighth Layer looks like!

Eighth Layer battle tower space; Bai Xue comes into view, this is a world of World of Ice and Snow, vast and infinite.

Two mountain peaks, hanging above the sky for a few thousand zhang, seem to stand in the center of Snow and Ice World.

When Lin Chen urged Purple Gold Eye, his pupils trembled slightly, standing in the center of Snow and Ice World, on top of two icebergs, there are two Yuanzun realm seven-layer Early-Stage! !

Seventh Early-Stage and Mid 6th-layer are two completely different realms. In terms of difficulty, the difficulty of the Eighth Layer will be more than five times more difficult than that of the Seventh Layer!

"Azure Dragon is possessed."

At one thought, Azure Dragon merged into Lin Chen's body, and 51,000 dragon powers summed up Lin Chen's body.

At the level of Seven-Early-Stage, if you face-to-face battle, Azure Dragon may not be able to support even twenty rounds.

Because it is currently only the sixth rank intermediate, it has not been able to cross three great realms, even if it evolves to Wanzaixuan Azure Dragon, it cannot cross such a large dimension!

"I can't remember how many years I haven't seen the creatures outside the tower. I can't imagine that I can take another look at the descendants of Ling State before Cannian disappears."

middle-aged A man wears a white jade crown, Tsing Yi, and a sword. Fluttering in the air, his temperament is chic and dusty. After seeing Lin Chen, he said with a smile.

Another man, wearing a yellow shirt, looks indifferent, holding a knife, his eyes glowing with a sharp aura that cuts the void!

Although the two of them are still puppets, they have independent thoughts. It seems that the previous puppets are different.

"The Dark Tribulation Change!"

Lin Chen, apart from anything else, urges the newly acquired 4th Layer Jiuhuang Change!


The abyss, like a deep sea like a sea, condensed violently, and almost constructed the fourth illusory yuan mansion for Lin Chen!

3rd-layer Peak! Lin Chen, who has all four changes, can step into the 3rd-layer Peak from the first stage!

However, the 4th Layer of Yuanzun Realm was an important dividing line, and he failed to fully enter.

"Oh? There is the secret of the charm of Asura, it should be Immemorial. This child has a good background, no wonder he can get here."

The expression is slightly surprised, and the azure robed man follows Pull the sword out of the sheath!

Choke~! Jian Xiaolongyin, this is a broken sixth rank top sword, in the hands of the azure clothed person still contains the last sword intent!

"senior, please enlighten me!"-Lin Chen arched his hand slightly, and then his handprints changed suddenly!

Two thousand zhang high Asura illusory shadows rose from the top of his head, Three Heads Six Arms, make chanting gestures!

The combination of "Supreme Beginning Sacred Sutra" and "Asura's Fury" has become a Spirit Attack battle skill no less than half-purple!

"Charging rune·Anger!"

Horr~! Roar~! Boom~! Boom~!

The sound waves of the spirit are like the sun, menstruation, and the sky, and the mental impact is surging, destroying the mountains and cracking the ground. Wherever they pass, the mountains burst into dust, the ground veins collapse, and the space crystal walls shatter, just like the end of the world !

"Junior, good come! The sword shines on the Nine Spirits Return to Origin!"

The swords flow through the nine Water Element spiritual lights, and the swordsman in Tsing Yi waved a green rainbow across the day. unrolled bolt of white silk, flew out horizontally!

Yellow shirt Sabrewielder's eyes want to rush and roll the vast Tianhe-like Blade Qi, swallow mountains, rivers, sun and moon, and have a sword to dominate the sky!

Don't know; when he just drew his sword, a afterimage appeared and disappear unpredictably behind him!

"9th layer Dark Dragon Strength!"

The dark Black Dragon pattern strength formed by 51,000 dragon strength surrounded by five fingers, strangling fiercely with the strong Dark Qi Battle Qi Angrily patted behind him!

The eyes were quick and the hands were quick, Sabrewielder in the yellow shirt immediately slashed back. Unexpectedly, the knife was halfway out, Lin Chen, who was walking on the gangway, flapped the purple phoenix wings, and Jin Jie and Thunder Tribulation Battle Qi slammed their heads down!

Bang~! !

Everything happened in a flash, the earth-shattering explosion resounded through the sky, shattered the snow in all directions, and ice mountains on all sides!

clang! clang! clang!

The blade light of speed to the pinnacle collided, and two'Lin Chen' attacked the yellow jersey Sabrewielder like lightning!

Although Sabrewielder did not see blood in the yellow shirt, there was a big hole in his dantian, which was obviously injured by Lin Chen's 9th layer Dark Dragon!

The knife slashed the shoulders of Sabrewielder in the yellow jersey. The latter revolved back and forth. At the same moment as the secluded sword was separated, the golden war spear tore the void smashed down, forcing him to stature. There is embarrassment, and the figure keeps retreating!

Every time the newly-forged Wanfenyuanming Sword is slashed, it is accompanied by a whistling and sharp Blade Qi, which is like the whistling of the wind, and the coldness of killing, which perfectly combines the wind and the battle body. Features of "Seven Flashes of the Nether"!

"Oh? Unexpectedly, there are Avatar skills, but your opponents are two people."

Just as the Tsing Yi swordsman was surprised and ready to support, a hole penetrated the space crystal The blazing sword intent of the wall pierced and flashed, and there was a faint afterimage of the fire glass!

The expression congeals of the swordsman in Tsing Yi, one block with the sword, the pace retreats continuously, and vice versa, the swordsman stabs ten swords in succession to block the afterglow of the sword light!

When the swordsman in Tsing Yi saw the visitor clearly, he couldn't help showing shock and consternation! There is another "Lin Chen"?

Lin Chen’s Phantom Clone doesn’t give him time to think, the Scarlet Dragon Sword in his hand glows with a sword light like dragon flames, the sword is slashed, the dragon power blesses the fire fighting body, and the rune is charged again and again. !

The two swords are confronting each other, and the Scarlet Dragon Sword is turned and cut, and it is the neck of the swordsman in Tsing Yi!

The opponent's sword edge reverberated and shook the Scarlet Dragon Sword with one sword! However, a faint afterglow of Thunder Tribulation was cut out, and the eyes of the swordsman in Tsing Yi condensed again, and it was moving!

The sharp and hot fire glaze sword cut abruptly from a high altitude, and a sword light that was as flexible and elegant as soft water rushed out, and the two sword lights collided and stirred together in an instant! Two heavens of water and fire!

At this moment, even the powerhouses in the appearance battle at the venue were stupefied and stunned!

Lin Chen can actually cast the second Avatar, and the formidable power is not reduced at all. From the Battle Qi fluctuations, it seems to be completely as powerful as his body!

This magical Avatar battle skill, unheard-of, has never been seen! Avatar battle skills often cast out of Avatar are weaker than the main body. Perhaps it may not be able to tell from the appearance of the imposing manner, but as long as they fight against each other, they can see the result immediately.

But Lin Chen's Avatar is completely different! Not only can't tell the truth from the fake on the surface, but even the battle strength has the same strength as the main body, forcibly dragging the Seventh Early-Stage Tsing Yi Swordsman!

Lin Chen’s Avatar can only delay time. Avatar does not have the background to single out this swordsman in Tsing Yi!

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