Lin’s mouth is full of grotesques, if you can’t get in, the girls and beautiful women outside the venue are all blushing, or they are shy, or flirting, don’t talk about their face Qian Yun, an individual can't stand his harassing speech toss!

"If you chew your tongue again, I won't teach you the skills of Prediction Master next time!"

When Yan Qianyun was cold to Lin Chen, his heart was shaken. Lin Chen clearly saw that in her vast star map, a pair of Star River that seemed to be the same as the others trembled suddenly!

Although the frequency is extremely low and low, Lin Chen immediately noticed it! The eyes of Nine Tribulations glowed with rays of light, and Lin Chen immediately poured all his concentration into that area!

In that star map, there is a faint blood light unrolled bolt of white silk lurking, as if the Tianhe crosses this is a blood light disaster of Yan Qianyun!

When Lin looked towards this blood light disaster, he was surprised to find that this blood light disaster was accompanied by a faint blue glow, which proved that danger and romance coexist.

However, the following scenes emerged from the disaster of blood light; however, Lin was completely opened wide and stunned!

Two silhouettes faintly discernible, the scene is very hot.

The flawless skin is like a perfect artwork from the sky, and the beautiful cheeks are blushing like clouds. It is Yan Qianyun!

Look at the handsome face holding her again, he turned out to be someone Lin!

"I'm making a big slot!"

Lin Chen jumped up instantly, almost blinding his titanium alloy eyes!

Brother Chen, did I watch my own movie?

I rely on, what the hell is that experience! It seems pretty exciting?

Lin Chen jumped up suddenly and frightened many people. Then, he stared blankly at the large-scale action movie in the star map, touched the chin, and watched it carefully.

The whole process lasted for four or five hours, and finally, when Lin Chen finished watching it, it was almost a day!

"As expected of me in the future! Sure enough, I became stronger again. This time I learned a lot of postures. No, knowledge. Sure enough, learning makes me happy, and learning makes me boring. Life has found the real sense of being alive, I love sex, no, I love learning, learning to love me."

Withdraw from the Nine Tribulations Eye State, Lin looked up at the sky with melancholy eyes, and took a few pictures by the way. The paper towel wiped the large amount of nosebleeds from him.

"Lin Chen Young Master, don't force yourself! If you can't figure it out, forget it!"

Yan Qianyun thought that he would over-activate the secret technique, causing backlash or side effects , Hurriedly leaned forward and asked caringly.

When the beautiful lady's misty fragrance like a white rose approached Lin Chen, Lin Chen saw Yan Qianyun through her clothes at close range, and instantly remembered the'learning materials' he had just observed. The nosebleed was another Squirting wildly!

Damn, this Yan Qianyun's figure is really amazing, Lin hasn't gotten used to it all of a sudden, and his mind is full of impressions of learning materials.

This scene frightened many people. This Lin Chen Young Master is really desperate for the first place! With so many nosebleeds, it must be a desperate effort to deduct Yan Qianyun's fate!

Thinking of this, everyone at first is not so angry about his release of pigeons, but their eyes are full of admiration.

"How about, contestant Lin Chen, do you want to continue? According to the regulations, the time for both sides must be equal. Now there are less than seven days before the conference is officially over. In theory, you There are still less than three days to calculate."

At this time, the referee Elder outside the venue declared indifferently; obviously, he didn't think Lin Chen could deduce Yan Qianyun's fate.

"Cough cough, no need, this study material is a bit heavy, I will have to drink Jiuzhitang after reading it, I have already calculated the result!"

At this time, Lin's indifferent said with a smile surprised the referees Elder!

"Oh? Tell me, what did you play?"

The guest official Prediction Master Elder of Yan Family frowned and asked indifferently.

Yan Qianyun also turned her curious beautiful eyes and stared at Lin Chen. Did he really calculate his fate?

Yan Qianyun’s current realm is placed in the Yan Family. The Prediction Master who can calculate part of her fate is no more than three! And, only partly! It's all deduced, it's basically impossible!

"Cough cough, then I will say, I hope everyone stays calm."

Someone Lin was lightly coughed, staring at Yan Qianyun, and said with a very serious expression——" Miss Yan Qianyun, you have a blood light disaster, and that is in the future, you will be hopeless, love ~ on ~ me ~"

When this statement came out, all the audience were stunned. ! The referees were also stunned!

Yan Qianyun was even more surprised, staring at the same place!

It is undeniable that Yan Qianyun's treatment of Lin Chen is indeed different from ordinary men of the same age.

At least in the face of men of the same age, except for Lin Chen, she hardly looks at the second opposite sex, but if you want to talk about love, it definitely does not count.

At best, it's just a little goodwill and some curiosity about Lin Chen's secrets! This kind of sentiment is not even a liking!

"Lin Chen Young Master, are you kidding...?"

Yan Qianyun stepped back ten steps, looking surprised at seeing the foolish man. Although Lin Chen has no skin and no face, But it's not like someone who said this remark in the public!

"Believing or not by you. Anyway, I have already said the result of my own deduction. Then it is your turn."

Lin Chen shrugged, and then sit cross-legged Next, I ran the "Nine Tribulations of Creation" well, restoring my previous consumption of using the Eye of the Nine Tribulations.

"Unfathomable mystery, is he smashing? But this is not his style..."

Yan Qianyun's heart is full of questions. After thinking for a moment, she took out his first Prediction Master's life tool'Symboless Heavenly Book'.

When reading the Heavenly Book, Yan Qianyun’s aura became awe-inspiring and mysterious. Deep and blurred rays of light enveloped Lin Chen’s head, revealing a nebula-like psychedelic rays of light!

The rays of light rotate around Lin Chen's body, forming a 9th layer aperture!

Without reservation, Yan Qianyun used her real strength at first. She tried to deduce the general fate of Lin Chen last time, and there was no clue at all, so even if the realm improves this time, she must spare no effort!

From her perspective, there should be a powerful Prediction Master who had acted for Lin Chen, concealing the secrets and hiding his destiny.

"Unless it is a Prediction Master outside of Nine Provinces, no Prediction Master can completely block my Symboless Heavenly Book! Lock!"

9th layer Aperture burst out layer Layers of rays of light penetrate Lin Chen's whole body, Yan Qianyun stares into a blurred starry sky, but there is no star map of Lin Chen!

One day, one night is over, Yan Qianyun still has no trace of Lin Chen's fate!

" could it..."

Yan Qianyun looked wrong, unbelievable!

Like the last time in the Holy Fire Realm, Lin Chen's destiny star chart, as if simply does not exist!

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