"Who is playing a piece of pipa, and the years are peeling off the wall and I saw when I was a child. I still remember that we were all very young, but now the sound of the piano is faint and I am waiting for you I haven't heard it."

"Who is playing a piece of east wind break with a pipa, maple leaves color the story and the ending, I can see through, I will lead you through the old road outside the fence. The breakup is very silent. One after another four"

One after another, many people have tears in their eyes unconsciously. The frivolous years of youth can't help but appear from the depths of memory along with the tune. , Flashed through my mind like a revolving lantern.

Om~! The tune suddenly changed, and Lin Chen's voice came out again!

"The sky is azure waiting for the mist and rain, and I am waiting for you. Where are the tourists looking for, the Yangtze River tens of thousands of miles."

Ning Qingxuan's ethereal and euphemistic voice is like a light bell swaying, passing by. Out.

"Writing in the Ning Family Pavilion, I felt lightly said, just as I should lightly said to meet you."

Lin Chen stared at the beautiful lady, his fingertips fluttered and flicked—— "Azure is waiting for the mist and rain and I am waiting for you, the moonlight was salvaged and the clouds opened to the end. As the beautiful scenery handed down at this moment is remembered, I am drunk in Yanjing."

Countless people are stunned. ! In Yan Capital City, anyone who used the magic eye to watch Lin Chen rush to the tower was amazed by these two!

Take a good celestial list, and forcibly made Lin a unique concert for these two!

"So amazing..."

"The squad leader is really amazing, just like he is omnipotent..."

"I suddenly remembered that we were fighting against the Heaven Dou Dynasty. Time!"

Class 66, who was staring at the screen in the Magic Eye Stone, everyone looked at each other, and their eyes were filled with emotion and amazement.

It is the end of another song, Ning Qingxuan turned his head to stare at Lin Chen, suddenly puchi smiled!

The two laughed at each other. The laughter was simple and simple, like two children who found a friend.

The people of Ning Family sighed even more complicatedly. They had never seen it before, Ning Qingxuan would show this kind of smile.

"Let's go, we should go to the next floor."

Lin Chen wiped out the two jade armor wyvern with a wave of his hand. Ning Qingxuan was cleverly nodded, and followed him behind.

After the two disappeared in the space of First Layer, everyone had an inexplicable reaction!

In a blink of an eye, I took a look at Second Layer. This time, it is the glacier of World of Ice and Snow. All directions are the world dotted with ice and snow.


Two huge monsters smashed icebergs, crawling on all fours, with scales like ice, and a long tail, crawling extremely fast, destroying mountains and breaking mountains wherever they pass, and shattering countless icebergs!

"It is the cloud Ice Dragon lizard puppets with the sixth rank primary level Peak, and they are almost catching up with the strength of the late 3rd-layer!"

I saw; the two huge monsters are crazy The iceberg kept smashing into pieces, and everyone watching the battle was surprised. Why did these two big guys go crazy first?

"Look, what is that?"

When the audience exclaimed; the two figures glide through the ice and snow at top speed!

In the first place, Lin Chen led Ning Qingxuan. Both of them had a smooth and bright long board under their feet, sliding at high speed from this world full of ice and snow.

Less than a hundred miles away, they are the two violent clouds Ice Dragon lizard puppets, crawling fast, opening their bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl, spitting out a few pillars of cold ice. To the direction of the two!


Lin Chen twisted his legs suddenly, and the snowboard under his feet spun up in the air, and he spun in the air, grabbing Ning Qingxuan's slender waist. , The two rotated together to fly to the other side, letting the ice beam plunge into the air, freezing three Snow Mountain.

Just after landing, the two of them stepped on the skis again, and the other cloud Ice Dragon puppet crawling faster, raised its claws to slap the two of them, and the force smashed into ten directions, and the space was drawn. Wear a faint crack!

Lin Chen pulled Ning Qingxuan and flicked again. The beautiful lady gave an excited and surprised "Yeah" and was threw away by Lin Chen high above the sky.

Step on the toes lightly, Lin Chen jumped, the snowboard under his feet bounced into the void and revolved forward, transporting pure power and condensing, and with a palm of his head, the head of the ice dragon lizard puppet was crushed. Turn into a piece of powder!

Lin Chen, who was spinning in the sky, landed suddenly, not partial or crooked, just on his skis, and the beautiful woman happened to be beside him.

At this time, the first cloud Ice Dragon puppet has already approached, jumped up suddenly, and slaughtered the two!

The vast and stalwart body was under pressure. At the crucial moment, Lin Chen pulled Ning Qingxuan, the skis under his feet gently tiptoe, and the two moved in the direction of the snow slope.

The moment Lin Chen flicks with the finger, a ray of dark light mixed with terrifying pure power tore the void, cut through the belly of the cloud Ice Dragon lizard puppet and cut off its body , Scattered ashes and dispersed smoke on the spot!

"This skiing is so fun~~"

Ning Qingxuan smiled like a bell, and looked happy, making Lin Chen carefreely smiled——"I still have There are many ways to play, here!"

Take Ning Qingxuan to slide down the snow slope, and rush up. The two of them volleyed a dozen times from in the sky, and then they landed on the snow again, several times in a row. After skiing over and over, in the face of everyone, the two skied and swayed, sliding into the entrance of the Third Layer in a leisurely manner!

All the spectators and the contestants on standby felt their scalp numb and the corners of their mouths twitched!

Even the referees Elder who presided over the tower couldn't help but hold their heads.

Is this a fucking tower?

Skiing in front of the dragon-lizard puppets at the end of the 3rd-layer stage and peacefully entering the Third Layer, are you sure you are not here to travel?

However, in the next scenes, the contestants who were desperately trying to pass the first 3-floors almost vomited no blood and almost fainted on the spot!

Third Layer; the flame mountains exudes fiery and violent aura, there are flames everywhere, the fire sea burns thousands of miles, as if only a few more seconds can ignite the whole body of Battle Qi!

The two-headed dragon Fire Qilin puppet was originally a powerful creature from all directions. The Qilin puppet encountered by Lin Chen in the Third Layer is the sixth rank intermediate, comparable to the 4th layer Early-Stage of Yuanzun.

However, in front of Lin Chen's Wan Zaixuan Azure Dragon, the two big guys were crushed into nothingness before they played three breaths!

"Sky Spirit Tower contestants: Lin Chen, Ning Qingxuan. Passing the first 3-floors, time-consuming: 1 hour, ranking 10th temporarily."

When the screen appeared, the information of the two was logged into the Celestial Spirit Battle List.

Although the ranking is only ranked 10th, everyone can see that if it weren't for playing the tower with Ning Qingxuan, the first place must belong to two people!

"Lin Chen, thank you."

Suddenly, Ning Qingxuan in the Heavenly Spirit Battle Tower smiled softly and seriously at Lin Chen.

"Thank you, wouldn’t it be better to wait for me to give your birthday gift next time?"

Hearing this, Ning Qingxuan shook his head--"No , This is my birthday gift. I am already very happy. I can have such memories in the last period of time. I am already very satisfied. I don’t want to trouble you any more about me."

Lin Chen frowned, and asked urgently—"Why?"

"Don't ask, don't worry, okay..." Ning Qingxuan struggled, and his tone was a little pleading. Lin Chen said.

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