Lin Chen turned his head and glanced, suddenly opened his eyebrows and smiled. He changed his face quickly. He looked like the sunshine of harmless to humans and animals said with a smile.

"It turns out that it's you, Little Sister, you don’t need to know the problem of two guns for the time being~ You only need to know that lollipops come in many flavors~"

"hmph~! shameless! Indecent! Insignificant!"-Murong Qingxue heard this one after another four questions, put away Battle Qi Xingyu, pretty face took a bite with shame.

"Sorry? I'm sorry, I'm so insidious."

Lin Chen chuckled, waved to the white-clothed girl, and cast encouraging eyes. The three of them almost At the same time set foot on the caster table.

"Whether I can defeat this bastard or not, I must beat him in casting technique first, and give me Murong Clan a sigh of relief!"

Murong Qingxue is for herself Cheer up; start to use his Grade 6 casting technique

Turn the jade hand lightly, and a pair of dark iron heavy tongs clamp the water chestnut of the sixth rank strange mine'fire glass source stone', wearing gold gloves The jade hand turns into a faint milky white light flower, and cuts several patchy areas of the source stone one after another.

The milky white light flower penetrated the surface of the source stone, and the area with the dazzling impurities started to emit a little smoke and began to be purified into a pure and flawless state!

On the other side, the dress girl'Xiao Qing' on stage 48 also entered the state, completely without her timid appearance.

As long as she enters the real cast state, she is a Grandmaster!

Flick the jade hand lightly, and the Dark Green Battle Qi silk thread is like a fine needle tip, penetrating the'Sanjue Glazed Mine' in the table, continuously extracting the internal energy.

Next, the petite and exquisite lovable body wielded a hammer several times larger than herself, and violently beat Sanjue Glass Mine with a dozen times!

The shape of Sanjue Liuli Mine was initially changed into a flat shape. After the beating, Xiaoqing’s green jade fingers were dancing lightly and gracefully like spirits, swimming on the surface of the Liuli Mine.

Shih~! The Sanjue Glaze Mine is divided into ten fine pieces, each of which has a smooth and round cut surface, which is pleasing to the eye!

"This is Tianzhou's caster genius, Mengxiangqing!"

"She should cast the Grade 6 caster technique "Yuxia Huarou", just with the middle band It’s soft and soft, it’s really pleasing to the eye!"

"The little girl of Murong Family is not simple. The casting steps of Murong Family’s "Sheng Qing Ten Forgings" are simple and precise. The first-class casting technique!"

Many castings Old Senior couldn't help but look to this side, pleasingly admiring it.

These two little girls are much better than most of the contestants in the field!

Heard the Casting Item Masters on both sides of Tianzhou and Ling State's evaluation of his granddaughter, the old man in Mai was very satisfied with his beard and chuckles.

Suddenly; the old man's smile suddenly stiffened, he stroked the palm of his long beard and pulled off a few strands of white beard, which was very funny!

Not only him, but also the two old men who ridiculed him just now, their eyes focused from the two girls to the young silver robe among them!

"hey hey hey! What kind of posture is that!"

"The old man casts for thousands of years, but I have never seen this cast gesture style!"

At this time; on stage 47, a gorgeous scarlet, ten zhang-high sixth rank different mine, Fire Crystal, was erected on the stage.

Lin Chen stepped slightly. At this time, he made a sideways stance with bare hands. Except for the faint atmosphere of Seventh Gold Qi and Yang Fire flowing between the five fingers of the palm, there is no casting tool!

Everyone noticed that Lin Chen’s Casting Item Master didn’t understand it! The casting technique myriad of Casting Item Master has many changes, but it is inseparable. None of them can be completed without many casting tools and castings.

To forge a high-end weapon, too many steps and preparations are required, let alone a competition of specifications like the Tianling List Casting Conference!

It's the first time they have seen Lin Chen, who are using bare hands to forge war weapons!

next moment, Lin Chen’s palm is as sharp as a knife, and he pierces the Purgatory Fire Crystal abruptly. It spreads through the entire spar by palm-forming fist and Gengjin Qi Jin. It all splits in an instant. up and in pieces!


"No, it's not that simple!"

Just as some very elderly Casting Item Masters narrowed their eyes, Brilliant!

Lin Chen turned around coolly, leaped into the air, his fists appeared like stars and rain, and he played frantically!

Left hand Gengjin sharp, invulnerable, indestructible and impregnable golden breath tears the Nether Fire Crystal stone, right hand fiery Yang Fire, violent and domineering Yang Fire, accompanied by a lightning strike from the palm of Lin Chen Come out and melt all the Dark Fire Crystal stones!

The palm shadow of the fist wind is all over the sky, and the scene is extremely spectacular. Lin Chen only polished the entire block of Purgatory Fire Crystal into ten one-foot-sized spars in just over ten breaths. The dross is the essence.

Silver robe rolls over, Lin Chen falls to the ground! Behind him, pieces of perfect Purgatory Fire Crystal began to fall!

Boom! boom! boom!

When the Fire Crystal was folded up, Lin Chen had a wicked and confident smile on the corner of his mouth. He leaped forward, his left hand was like a knife, and he slammed down!


The hand knife covered with pale-gold coating falls like a star, cutting off all the Fire Crystal!

Those surplus underworld flints are melted into the essence of energy by the fierce and violent Yang Fire breath, and flow into the essence spar, perfectly integrated with it, there is no waste at all!

right hand Make a fist like the hammer of a mountain, constantly beating and forging a complete Fire Crystal! Then the second sixth rank odd mine flew out of Lin Chen's spirit ring!

"Use the body as the platform, use the fist to cast the tool, use the will to forge the material, use the mind to transform the complex, and finally achieve the ultimate result of Grand Dao Reaches The Simple!"

The grandfather of Meng Xiangqing, that old man in Mai stood up, showing an unprecedented shock!

He looked at each other with the other two old men, cry out in surprise in unison!

"This is the golden sun casting technique of Far Ancient Era! It is also one of the few Grade 7 casting techniques known in the Nine Provinces ancient book!"

"Cultivation is required This casting technique not only has a strong flesh-shell power, but also has pure Gold Element Battle Qi and Fire Element Battle Qi, and it also needs super spirit strength. Always observe the changes of casting technique!"

"Even if these three conditions are met, the golden sun casting technique has long been lost! Is this child who are you?"

Grade 7?

Whether it is the Casting Item Master of Tianzhou or Ling State, I can't help but feel a tremor in my heart when I hear this grade!

Some are greedy, some are just marveling.

Even if the Casting Item Masters of Tianzhou and Ling State are added together, those who master Grade 7 casting art can count them with one slap. And they are all old monsters that have survived for thousands of years in some ancient aristocratic families!

"so that's how it is, it turns out that he is the youngster who gave Qinger the jade pendant. He can cultivation Grade 7 casting technique at a young age. Maybe, his casting is one of the The art is still above me! If the old man can worship him as a teacher, maybe he can go further!"

The old man in Mai hesitated and made a major decision after hesitating a little. !

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