When I heard the name of'Heavenly Song Academy' Lin Chen, the girl who was responsible for filling in the information flushed with excitement. Cautiously went through the formalities for Lin Chen.

They didn't react until Lin Chen left. Many people beat their chests and feet!

"He is actually Lin Chen with a dozen or four purple medals?"

"My God, he hasn't seen what he looks like just now!"


"I saw it! Young and handsome! He is really only 20 years old, younger than my younger sister!"

"Heaven's Chosen in Tianzhou just provoke our Ling State Lin Chen? Hahaha! There is a good show to watch!"

Ling State Heaven's Chosen were shocked and ecstatic.

Lin Chen not only signed up for casting and refining medicine, but also participated in the Prediction Master and Tianling Tower battle strength list!

He participated in all four major projects!

A feast that belongs to the peak genius confrontation between Ling State and Tianzhou has kicked off!

The four major cities of Yan Capital City, East, South, West, and North are temporarily listed as the No. 1 to 4 contest areas.

District 1 Medicine Refining Competition, No. 2 Casting Competition, No. 3 Sky Spirit Tower Ranking, No. 4 Prediction Master Competition!

If you fail to watch live games in other regions, you can watch the scene of the magic eye shifting, and you will not miss the exciting moments of each game.

Similarly, those powerhouses who failed to come to the scene can also pass Heavenly Book Academy and

Lin Chen stood on the ladder in Division 1, and couldn’t help taking a slight sip. Air-conditioning, as far as you can see, everything is vast crowd!

The beginning of the Tianling List Conference brought together nearly one billion viewers in Yan Capital City!

These viewers may come from Ling State, Tianzhou, and 300 million people are powerhouses above Heavenly Dipper Realm!

300 million Heavenly Dipper Realm! Those spectacular scenes, you only need to wait and see once to make people unforgettable!

"It is worthy of a millennium-level event. It almost attracted most of the Heavenly Dipper Realm in Ling State!"

Lin Chen couldn’t help but feel a sense of pride, here Under this kind of event, any genius against the sky is possible. To fight against many Heaven's Chosen in this kind of scene, thinking about it is enough to make people tremble!

"All participants, please listen carefully. The first round of the competition lasts for 7 days. During the competition, you can enter the competition site with your identity Xingyu. You only need to take it out under the witness of the referees at the specified time. The results of the competition are free, and there is no restriction on movement."

"In addition, every time you pass the competition, you will receive Tianling points according to the comprehensive ranking, and the points can be exchanged for various rare in the Yan Capital City central area Treasure and treasure are provided by two academies, including Heavenly Book Academy and Heavenly Song Academy."

"In addition, any audience please keep order and do not make any slapstick incidents. Violators will be dealt with seriously. "

In the sky comes the vicissitudes of the old man's voice, which is endless, and Yan Capital City can be heard clearly inside and outside!

Lin Chen stepped onto the stage of the competition, the vast and infinite square is endless, and each contestant has about half an acre of competition space.

all around Youyuan Venerable Realm 9th Layer powerhouse personally set up Space Formation to ensure that there will be no accidents during the competition.

The two rows of side-by-side auditoriums are tall like a hundred zhang, with vast crowds on both sides, spreading all the way, with no end in sight! This pomp is simply breathtaking!

"Now I announce that the major participating projects have officially started!"

tone barely fell, many participating pharmacists have called up their pill furnaces and started refining!

Tens of thousands of high-level pharmacists at the same time impose pill concocting handprints. Normally, the priceless green-level pill concocting handprints, green-level high level, top, and even blue-level handprints have been born!

All forces cheered excitedly, some cheered for their own forces' geniuses, and some raised banners for Goddess in their hearts!

In the past hundreds of years, some old monsters that were not born in a thousand years were also located all around the auditorium.

Palace Lord Chiyu, who is away from the Fire Palace, stared at the back auditorium with squinting eyes. What he looked at was the silhouettes of five peaceful old men.

Ling State Alchemy Sect teacher; Bai Yun, Xiang Tianyin, Qing Xuzi.

Tianzhou Alchemy Sect division; Yu Rufeng, Wei Qingmo.

The former three are the three Alchemy Sect masters who witnessed Lin Chen pulling strongly against a crazy tide at the Ling State Refining Ceremony that day!

"This youngster is the peerless genius you mentioned, Lin Chen?"

"It seems that it is also only this, how can I mention on equal terms with Heaven's Chosen in Tianzhou. "

The white eyebrow Yu Rufeng and the skinny Wei Qingmo shook their heads and laughed, looking towards the three of them.

"hahaha! You Old Guy in Tianzhou has poor eyesight, look good, this little fellow is not simple."

"hehe, let's make a bet if you don't believe me, We bet that this kid will be in the top 10 in the first round, and we will bet on Old Man Wei, your dragon blood vine, how about it?"

The skinny Grandmaster Wei Qingmo sneered and sneered— —"Bet on bet. If you lose, you will hand over your white jade broth to me."


At this time; Lin Chen didn't know that he caused it. After the attention of Ling State and the five major Alchemy Sect divisions in Tianzhou, he was also unambiguous. As soon as the scene opened, his expression was completely serious!


Lin Chen's extra-large fifth-order top-level pill furnace, which is more than ten meters high, fell, and a sneer of sarcasm and disdain was suddenly heard next to him.

"Tier 5 top pill furnace? Your Ling State is too poor, hahaha!"

Lin Chen's eyes were swept, it was actually the jade from Tianzhou Senior Brother. Unexpectedly, the two of them are such enemies on a narrow road, just such a distance from several hundred meters.

He flicked his sleeves, and the dark and dim pill furnace was like Mount Tai Zhenyue. The surface of the pill furnace was surrounded by blue stripes, and the natural phenomenon was so full that the whole audience fell into the arena.

At the moment when the pill furnace emerged, the palm of the hand was grasped out of thin air, and several medicine ingredients were refined into the pill furnace.

"It's the Qingyang Profound Demon Furnace of the sixth rank primary level! This pill furnace is almost catching up with the sixth rank intermediate in terms of quality, so big!"

"I remember this People, he is the chief Heaven's Chosen of Heavenly Pill Pavilion in Tianzhou, Yu wyvern!"

Part of the powerhouse in the auditorium is rich in experience, and can’t help exclaiming slightly; Yu wyvern heard that someone in the powerhouse in Sifang recognized him, even more so. Head up straight, very proud and arrogant.

His handsome face, like a crown jade, combined with his skillful and smooth pill concocting technique, the changing handprints caused many young women to scream.

"Look, Lin Chen is on the stage!"-Xiang Qinghong, who was sitting in the front row, saw Lin Chen's position and his pretty face was red with excitement.

"Come on Lin Chen!"——The elegant and quiet Shangguan Bihan was also rarely driven by the emotions of the scene, cheering for Lin Chen.

Lin Chen blinked at them, but not in a hurry to refine the medicine, he picked up an attribute light ball not far away.

At this time, Yu Wyvern's eye was out of the corner, but he glanced to the other side, where the five Alchemy Sect divisions were.

"Master Zhuang is looking at me, I must not let him down, even if it is a first round, I will make it to the top 10!"

Yu Wyvern's hands changed rapidly, The fire is like the wind, which is the pill concocting handprint of the Fire Element class; each plant of the fifth-rank medicine ingredient and the sixth-rank heaven and earth treasures are drilled into the pill furnace in turn. The technique is so powerful that it surprises the four!

He concocts medicine very fast, and it seems that he is also famous for his efficiency of pill concocting mudra. It only took less than a quarter of an hour to complete the steps of condensing pills in half!

"Look clearly, Ling State monkey, see how big the world is! Can you achieve this medicine efficacy rate?"

Yu Wyvern laughed arrogantly , All around Ling State contestants are so angry that their veins are exposed, but they can't even keep up with the efficiency of one-tenth of Yu Wyvern!

"Big brother! Fuck him! What made the shit geniuses of that state see the foundation of our Ling State!"

Ying Liang and Gu Chenfeng are two passionate idiots Standing directly on the front railing and shouting excitedly, that emotion was even more excited than the contestants.

"Come on Lin Chen, squad leader~~ Haitang and Lin'er said that if you can get the top three in the first round, they will kiss you!"

unearthly Yue Linlin She shouted with a charming smile, making the face of the second girl next to her flushed, and Xiaofenquan kept hitting her.

Lin Chen didn't pay attention to the noisy jade wyvern first, but blinked at the class 66, and then jokingly whistled to Yue Linlin.

"Then if I take the first place, then even you are counted~"

Yue Linlin's cheeks are slightly flushed, and she spit out cloves on Lin Chen lovely The uvula is beautiful and charming.

Next, Lin turned to Yu Wyvern, first with a thumbs up.

Then Lin Chen's thumb was slowly pointing down, and Yu Wyvern's veins were exposed immediately, and his expression was gloomy!

Lin Chen said shyly with a smile.

"In my eyes, you are not as good as a chicken. I speak more straightforwardly. If there is any dissatisfaction, please hold it in my heart, because even if you say it, I will only Make things worse."

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