[The charge has reached the minimum requirement, and the host opens the Golden War God set of accessory weapons: War God Gun·Second Form. Ultimate strength, ultimate attack, ultimate destruction. ]

[War God Gun Second Form·Additional Features: Strike. The host uses the War God gun of the second form to have strong penetrating power for all attacks. The War God gun has the same power in the first form, and the second form can produce more powerful lethality. 】

When the golden divine splendor of the War God gun was high, Lin Chen's divine might climbed!

Eleven million wild powers, 12 million wild powers... Lin Chen's pure power began to soar to the limit that his fleshy shell can withstand.

War God set on, his body burst into flesh and blood, and the corners of his eyes were bleeding with blood.

The golden divine splendor of grandiose is shaped like ten thousand zhang divine light, condensed on this spear.

"If you stop me from moving forward, it's okay to kill God World first!"

Lin Chen raised his hand and raised his gun, the space behind the arm armor was distorted with a bang, Lin Chen fiercely Shoot the War God gun violently!

divine spear breaks the sky, a bunch of golden light smashes across the sea and heads towards Lin Xingchen!

This time, there is no blessing of the law, and some are just pure and extreme powers that belong to the War God set!

"How could he break out such a powerful attack?"

At the moment when Lin Xingchen's heart was shaking, it was too late to retreat. The divine force was condensed, and he could only use it when mobilized at the fastest speed. The'sword dao rule'.

With a wave of the Five Emperors Sword, the five-color cloud light lingers, the long river of overflowing and rotating sword qi revolves like a sword wheel, and the vast and majestic sword dao law blooms dazzling rays of light!

Lin Xingchen actually displayed another semi-red sword technique that is not inferior to'Yong Ye Yijian'!

Boom~! boom!

When the divine spear crashed into the sword wheel condensed by the law of sword dao, like a beam of aurora, the rays of light trembled and the sword wheel shattered.

Divine light push horizontally, War God’s golden divine splendor takes a ten thousand zhang, crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood, Lin Xingchen’s flesh and blood are shattered, and his stumps fly around, his eyes are incredible.

The woman in the silver skirt turned her head suddenly, surprised.

"This evil kind has this kind of killer move?"

【The host attack breaks the defense, triggering the ultimate innate talent effect; breaks the defense and kills instantly. ]

[The duration of the innate talent effect of the ultimate sky rebel is about to end. 】

next moment, Lin Xingchen, who was flying around with fleshy limbs and limbs, began to split all over.

In the entangled golden divine splendor, Lin Xingchen's body, Divine Soul, was shattered every bit. Pieces of fragments finally turned into powder and dissipated, and the Five Emperors Sword flew out.

Lin Xingchen once again turned into a large number of attribute light balls, and this time, he dropped a black and white attribute treasure box with divine light soaring into the sky!

"He actually killed him again..."

"It's really a monster, how many killer moves this child has..."

"No wonder it can Becoming the Miss’s Master, I really took it."

The corners of the eight gods of the Martial God Mansion twitched slightly.

Shen Lingshuang excitedly said; "Okay!"

When Lin Chen stepped into the air, on the verge of collapse, Phantom Clone was released.

Avatar takes away all the attribute light balls dropped by Lin Xingchen when he died for the first time, as well as the two most important attribute treasure chests.

【The host obtains the treasure chest of the gods, and after opening it, he obtains: Ultimate Wind God Set·Wind-God Leg Armor. 】

The attribute treasure chest that Lin Xingchen died for the first time is indeed the Fengshen suit. As a result, Lin Chen's Fengshen suit is still missing the last one.

To Lin Chen's surprise, it was the attribute chest dropped by his second death.

【The host obtains the treasure chest of the gods, and after opening it, he obtains: Absolute Defense · Sky War God set parts · Sky Sky armor. 】

It's actually a DynaSky suit!

However, the battle conditions are changing rapidly, and Lin Chen has not waited for Lin Chen to be surprised at the harvest this time, and the space is severely distorted.


The Five Emperors Sword volleyed back Lin Chen and a Phantom Clone. In the space where Lin Xingchen was killed twice before, time began to look back again.

The scarlet pendant at the hilt of the sword burst into a red vortex, and a beam of light rose into the sky.

The powerful Law Power is like shaping a new life, the silhouette of Lin Xingchen actually walked out of the beam of light again.

This time, the scarlet pendant on the hilt gradually fades from rays of light.

Everyone eyes shrank.

"Unexpectedly, it can be resurrected!"

Lin Wanxuan and Lin Mingxiao of Lin Family were shocked.

This is the foundation brought by God World's first Prediction Master plus God World's first gift!

The strongest talent matches the strongest Prediction Master.

It's terribly strong!


At this moment when Lin Xingchen was resurrected again, his state was restored to its heyday!

His handsome and cold face was a bit distorted, and the Five Emperors Sword came into his hand again.

The War God gun fits into the palm of his hand like a ray of divine light, Lin Chen has a cold expression, and once again squeezes the War God gun.

This time, the two eyes locked on each other, and there was no more word.

The killing intent of the two has risen to an unprecedented peak!

It seems that there is a strong intuition telling the two of them until the last moment,


The sword light is like a dragon yin, and the Power of Stars above Nine Heavens is like a bunch of streamers, incorporated into the palm of Lin Xingchen.

both of his hands holding a sword, full body divine force concentration, the law of sword dao and the law of stars are like twin dragons converging on the body of the sword, the edge of the five emperors sword becomes stronger and stronger, and Lin Xingchen’s wrist begins Soaring blood.

Different from last time, Lin Xingchen actually gave up defense this time!

He uses all the divine force-driven star laws and the sword dao laws to accumulate attacks!

golden light ten thousand zhang, Lin Chen is wearing golden armor, and the killing intent in his eyes is maddening, and the huanghuang War God golden brilliance is like the unsettling sun, and the candle illuminates Nine Heavens.

The War God gun in his hand was transformed into the second form again, Lin Chen's power suddenly shocked, War God Might is invincible, shocking the world, divine might be monstrous!

shua! shua! shua!

The battle between the nine Heavenly Ghosts and the Martial God House Eight God Guards ended instantly.

The sonic boom is rolling, one after another divine light that was fighting stopped abruptly, and immediately retreated.

"Damn, the old man really took it!"

"These two people have been completely mad!"

"Miss, get out first !"

"If we continue to fight, even we will be involved."

I have seen Lin Chen’s "one shot instant kill", which is as strong as the 9th layer of the gods. Powerhouses are particularly heart-shaking, they can be described as frightened and stepped aside!

Especially the Eight God Guards, take Shen Lingshuang away first without a word.

In the eyes of others, Lin Chen and Lin Xingchen are completely crazy!

These two people, in the true sense of the word, are'losing their minds' and only'killing intent' is left!

Ye Qingwu watched this scene.

Lin Chen saw Lin Xingchen for the first time.

"Unexpectedly, Lin Chen would be obsessed to this point...Probably, both of them felt the fate of each other, and they were about to fight each other until they died."


At that time, at this moment.

Lin Chen's pure strength has soared again, and Lin Chen has even become numb to the pain in the body!

In his eyes, there is only the killing intent of Lin Xingchen!

In the eyes of the other party, the same is true!

Boom! The divine splendor flashes and smashes the void!

hong long! Stellar Sword light, inspire Nine Heavens!

At this moment, Lin Chen and Lin Xingchen are acting at the same time! The natural phenomenon on both sides soars into the sky!

One party golden light ten thousand zhang, golden armor silhouette hold high the divine spear, the spear breaks the sky!

One party is shining with stars, and the white robe is like snow holding a sword crosswise, destroying the world with one sword!

The dim 2nd layer Jiehai, ushered in two bright new stars, collided in advance.

History seems to be opening a new scene at this moment.


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