On the other side, Divine Continent.

The heavens and the earth, singing thousands of miles, above the sacred mountain, today there is a Dragon Qi flying, there is a phoenix coming, and a natural phenomenon emerges!

Countless sincere True Gods come here today to bow down.

This place is the residence of the legendary Divine King Wu!

Wu Divine King, after losing his granddaughter since he was a child, he lost his thoughts and then stood up after breaking, his cultivation base has been further improved, and his mood has changed a lot.

The Martial God Palace under its sect has taught many cultivation techniques to the sincere people of the world, and once recruited countless dísciples of shocking and stunning. It was abundance and righteousness, which attracted countless applause from Divine Continent.

Today, the coming-of-age ceremony of Naiwu Divine King’s granddaughter, everyone comes to congratulate, all directions come!

It is said that Nawu Divine King’s son, Wu Changtian, will go out in person to celebrate his daughter’s coming-of-age ceremony.

The young talents present couldn't help holding their breath.

The people who come today are all supreme powerhouses with great backgrounds!

The owner of the divine wind building in Tianzhou, the Palace Lord of Jiujuedian, the Divine Continent three great aristocratic families, the master of Divine Kingdom, the Sect Master of myriad forms Blue Dragon Sect, the door of Divine Sword Sect Lord wait!

At this time, above the hall, a proud silhouette came slowly.

Wu Changtian wears a blue and white robe, a Qilin crown on his head, a white jade belt around his waist, and a robe that is curled around his sleeves. He is a handsome and handsome 30-year-old man. His whole person is gentle and elegant, like Mingyu. , There is no sign of Wu'!

When the powerhouse present saw Wu Changtian's posture, he couldn't help but be amazed.

Divine Continent Martial God Aristocratic Family The future ** is such a humble and low-key man.

If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I am afraid it would be really unimaginable. This is the next generation of Divine King Wu!

Wu Changtian got up, and the noisy venue was quiet for a moment.

He said with a smile slightly; "many thanks, everyone came to participate in the young girl coming-of-age ceremony. Later, I will give back the gift specially with the cultivation technique at Martial God Palace. I hope everyone will be more in the future. Take care of the little girl."

"Hahaha, Your Excellency Wu Changtian is polite!"

"A generation of Martial God, your **, I will naturally value it."

"Divine Wind Building, always welcome everyone from the Martial God Aristocratic Family."

The supreme powerhouses present are particularly enthusiastic, as evidenced by the prestige accumulated by the Martial God Aristocratic Family over the years.

However, there was an intriguing smell of gunpowder as everyone looked at each other.

The coming-of-age ceremony of Wu Divine King's granddaughter represents that the daughter has reached the age to discuss marriage.

In addition, Divine King Wu has recovered from his granddaughter's loss, and he loves him more. Whoever can take off this golden branch and jade leaf is truly an ancient aristocratic family who has truly climbed the Martial God Aristocratic Family such a hidden giant!

It was as if there was a clear heart, and the representatives of each family took a look at the younger generations they followed today.

It seems to be saying: Must win the heart of Wu Divine King's granddaughter!

The young talents who followed you supreme powerhouse showed a confident but not arrogant smile.

All of them are a giant amongst men, full of confidence!

Just show up their deeds and shine a circle can also hold up the level of the scene!

After Wu Changtian humbly and politely drank the wine with the powerhouse of all parties, seeing that the hour was approaching, her daughter hadn't appeared yet?

Wu Changtian helplessly said; "Everyone, please wait a moment, this little girl is normally playful, spoiled, and has no sense of time. Let her learn time management when she is free."


Everyone said with a smile jokingly: "hahaha, don't worry, don't worry."


Suddenly, the entire great hall vibrates!

The tall and beautiful figure descends from the sky, with long pink hair reaching up to the waist, and wearing a black tight fit, she outlines a perfect slender figure. She looks beautiful and beautiful. She is a wonderful figure of Heavenly Immortal.

Countless young talents are moved!

The temperament, body, appearance and strength are all unique!

This is the granddaughter of Divine King Wu!

But at this moment, under the eyebrows that resemble the flying snow and distant mountains, Yingying eyes were filled with tears, and the woman grabbed Wu Changtian’s arm and said anxiously; "Daddy, it’s not good! My Master It's a major event!"

Everyone was taken aback.


The corners of the young talent's mouth twitched slightly.

Born in the Martial God Aristocratic Family, the elders in the family are all macho men, terrestrial Martial God, and there are countless high-level cultivation techniques. Do you still need a Master to teach?

Anyone who dared to be this rich master is a who thing...

"Master?" Wu Changtian pulled out a vague name from his memory, "Yes The Nether accepts your three-dimensional Human Race?"

Three-dimensional Human Race?

Countless Heaven's Chosen are dumbfounded. The Master of Divine King's granddaughter is a three-dimensional Human Race?

Shen Lingshuang said anxiously: "Yes! Master Lin Chen is in danger, daddy, you have to help me save Master!"

The owner of Divine Wind said in surprise:" Lin Chen? Could it be that it was Saint King Lin Chen from Sinzhou?"

Various Heaven's Chosen: "??"

Saint, Saint King?"

Heaven's Chosen: "?"

Holy, Saint King? Good guy, this is so cheap! Saint King dare to be a Master!

Wu Changtian is curious, "Does the host Qin know him?"

The host of divine wind nodded: "I heard about it yesterday. It is said that this child is the youngest Elder of the Xingzhou Alchemist Association. One day, I practiced Divine Pill’s stunning move. I don’t know what great character was provoked. Nine rare Heavenly Ghosts declared war on the guild. They were encircled and suppressed by all gods. They broke through with the Saint King cultivation base and broke into the world. The sea."

All Heaven's Chosen: "???"

The gods encircle a Saint King?

Even Wu Changtian couldn't help being a little surprised: "A Saint King who was surrounded and suppressed by the gods, but also broke through? The Master Lingshuang...a bit fierce."

Shen Lingshuang's face flushed with anxiety, "Daddy! Now is not the time to sigh!" Wu Changtian helplessly said: "Lingshuang, let's be reasonable, don't fight and kill..."

"If the Master dies, I won't live anymore!!"

"All of them, go to the world and fight the fuck! Who dares to attack my Martial God Aristocratic Family People, beat him up as a bitch!"

"Daddy is the best!"

Everyone Heaven's Chosen: "??"


2nd layer Jiehai, raging waves are rolling.

"Huh? There is a divine light metamorphosing and becoming a natural phenomenon?"

"Good guy, who would dare to enter the sea without becoming a god!"

"Is there anyone who dared to break through from the sea to become a god? The road is so wild?"

"No! Maybe it is the big fish named Lin Chen, go and see!"


The Yin-Yang Law of the black and white twins is like a bunch of divine lights, which instantly knocked down many True Gods!

Four more 5th layers of the God Realm were repelled, and the woman's cold voice spread all around!

"Anyone who approaches without authorization, die!"

"Release the divine force prober, die!"

"The use of action means the snooper, die!"


The terrifying killing intent rushes straight into the sky, and on the small island shrouded by Yin-Yang Law, a breath of power like a mountain and a big prison dominates the world!

"What a cruel lady!"

"Look, isn't the divine light guy on the island who has transformed Lin Chen from the arrest warrant!"

"hahahaha! I caught a big fish, go back and notify the owner!"

Some True Gods who arrived in batches approached first, and when they were repelled, they recognized the situation on the island and quickly noted it down. Location, leave a mark along the way and retreat!

In Yin-Yang Law Formation; Zhao Anran's pretty face is all solemn.

"There are too many people coming, and I can't kill these guys in one move. More powerhouses will come in next!"

She looked down at Lin Chen At a glance, Lin Chen is still in a state of breaking through at this moment!

San Divine Transformation is by no means a simple process! It's better to say that Lin Chen's seemingly slow process is actually'extremely fast'!

Zhao Anran took a deep breath, and when he looked into the distance, a strong aura faintly approached!

"The ancestors of Divine Kingdom, I hope you bless the last candlelight in this world."


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