Haiyue Island; inside a restaurant.

Scarce silhouettes, some people drink alcohol, some people look at each other.

The atmosphere is very quiet and weird.

"Guest, the phoenix dragon liver you want, steamed turtle fish, stir-fried bear paw..."

A shopkeeper smiled and served the dish, with a strange light in his eyes .

black robed youth has an indifferent expression and a sense of sound transmission.

"Blush, is there any problem."

"There are problems, even the alcohol has been drugged, and one cannot be eaten."

chi! The Qi Jinhua blade cut through, and the shop Xiaoer of the quasi-god cultivation base instantly blew up and four fingers were chopped off!

"Hiss! You, dare you..."

black robed youth stepped on his face with an indifferent expression; "Bring me something clean, otherwise today Everyone in your store must die."

The hearts of the customers in the store were shocked. They didn't even see when this youngster made the move!

"Good guy, it doesn't seem to be a baby..."

"Play the pig to eat the tiger, is a fierce person of body refinement."

"Hey, it's not a messy stuff."

"I didn't catch anything today."

The shopkeeper screamed, "Big...big brother, forgive me," The little one will arrange it for you..."

Bang! black robed youth blasted him like a ball, glanced at everyone present, many powerhouses put away the thoughts in their hearts.

After a while, the sumptuous delicacies were presented again, surely no problem, the black robed youth gorge oneself, gobbled it up with nothing to eat.

black robed youth is Lin Chen disguised after entering the sea!

There are crises everywhere here, if you don’t show tough methods, you will be eaten to the bone at any time!

Satisfied with wine and food, Lin Chen got up and dropped a piece of Divine Jade casually, and walked outside the store.

Even so, there are still a few silhouettes such as ghost-like followed along.

Leaving the Inn, Lin Chen strolled on the street.

The streets are full of noise and blood, and the silhouette is sparse. Everyone deliberately keeps a distance of more than ten feet from anyone.

The street is dead, and everyone seems to be communicating through sound transmission, without making any extra sounds.

Lin Chen remained silent, strolling the streets, listening carefully to the sound transmission underground, inside the city, and every corner.

"It is rumored that on today’s Haiyue auction, there is a blockbuster news about the value of 30 million defective Divine Jade!"

"che, who knows how to make a gimmick, Save more money to join the Sky Gate, don’t think about these."

"Unfortunately, I haven’t saved enough Divine Jade yet, so this Haiyue auction has got a special crystal. Lao Tzu's heart is itchy!"


Lin Chen collected information and moved towards the auction in the center of the island.

"Crimson, how much is the total amount of the luck planting and ringing I handed over to you."

"Plus the two air luck spirits given to you by Tianyi Divine Kingdom plant, plus the True God you killed, you now have a total of 178,000 Divine Jade, and there are also some Pill Recipe and medicine ingredient that I haven’t counted for you."

Brim Fairy is in luck. Lin Chen counted the spoils of war in the implant sac.

Most of the True Gods, except for special circumstances, will not carry too much Divine Jade with them, and will only exchange them for cultivation resources.

Now Lin Chen intends to convert his spoils of war into new cultivation resources.

In the center of Haiyue Island, Lin Chen paid the entrance fee and entered a dimly great hall.

This place is divided into three levels.

Third Layer is auction, which is being held. The first two floors are the halls for selling goods.

Jiehai has rules. If you enter the opponent's power, you can't do it easily, otherwise you will be attacked by groups.

Lin Chen stepped into the First Layer, and the bright rays of light illuminate the entire palace.

There are a lot of medicine ingredients on the surrounding crystal counter, cultivation technique battle skill, top grade alien crystal, Divine Beast material, rare and exotic minerals, everything.

Lin Chen was greedy, but he didn't have a lot of Divine Jade, so he ignored First Layer and went straight to Second Layer.

When entering the Second Layer, a wretched old man stopped Lin Chen.

"This distinguished guest, looking at your ruddy face and handsome appearance, you must be a rich and noble family. I have good things..."

The wretched old man stretched out his hand and asked When Lin Chen showed the products on his crystal counter--

Looking at the scene in front of him, Lin Chen's pupils shrank slightly.

In the azure blue crystal counter, there are a dozen silhouettes frozen in ice! All True God Realm is a cultivation base!

Some are men, most are women, and all of them are naked.

The men were cut open, and the internal organs were clearly visible

The women inserted a tube with their wrists and stretched out.

Everyone is sealed in the wall water crystal interior.

Their eyes were filled with panic, despair, and trembling.

The wretched old man is holding a small cup and inserting it into a tube, with a touch of azure-red blood flowing out of it.

The blood is full of energy and contains divinity. It is the blood of a true Goddess!

"Come..." The wretched old man handed the cup to Lin Chen, grinning said with a smile: "This distinguished guest, have a taste, you will like it."

"If you buy more, the old man can still be sold to you cheaper, or you have other ideas, these True God organs, which part of the guest’s body has problems, old man can also help you and their parts Replace."

Lin Chen stared deeply at the cup of divine blood.

True God, the world's most powerful, turned out to be a commodity for sale here!

Everything, as long as it is valuable, will be squeezed to the extreme!

Lin Chen took the cup.


Follow it! Vulcan flame burns violently in the palm, and divine blood evaporates!


The wretched old man was furious in an instant, and the breath of God Realm 3rd-layer Perfection was released!

Lin Chen’s eyes skyrocketed, and he released a ray of Holy Force to suppress him, "Keep away from me."

The wretched old man was scared back three steps, this youngster, What a horrible oppression!

Lin Chen glanced at the dozen or so True Gods on the counter, then turned and left.

"en? There is a trace of Holy Force in the god..."

When the wretched old man narrowed his eyes, staring in the direction Lin Chen was leaving, his expression gradually became crazy.

Lin Chen walks through the hall. In the entire Second Layer, some sell Holy Infant, some sell a large number of holy realms and quasi-gods, some sell real Divine Item officials, and there are naked cannibals everywhere.

"Boundary Sea is simply a purgatory on earth..."

Forcibly resisting the killing intent of sinking Haiyue Island into the seabed, Lin Chen's expression became more and more gloomy.

"Lin Chen......"

Bright Red Fairy suddenly sent a soft sound transmission to him.

Lin Chen wondered; "en?"

Brim Fairy said: "You are such a weird person. In the powerhouse I have seen, the stronger the creature, the harder it is to empathize. And sympathy. The stronger the power, the more indifferent sentient beings step on countless lives."

"Really? Maybe I was born this way. In my eyes, the oppressed are all the same. Yes, it is no different."

"May you always be the same."

During the conversation with Scarlet Fairy, Lin Chen stepped into the Third Layer and entered the auction field!

In the dim venue, only the high platform in the center was shining brightly. Inside the venue, there was a faintly powerful coercion, and many powerful True Gods gathered here!

The moment she stepped into the venue, the beautiful woman on the high platform gave a smile.

"The next thing to be auctioned is a thousand Ancient Sect!"


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