This Third Elder is not the Divine Soul Avatar, but the ontology!

"Hehe, the third child, you came very quickly."

When the white clothed youth stood beside the old man, he was chatting and laughing, and there was a little calmness between his eyebrows,

azure clothed old man nodded, "My guild will have an amazing talent born, how can it be bullied by outsiders."

The nine ghosts stepped aside, and the atmosphere finally appeared a little jealous!

This old monster, realm has to crush them a lot!

9th layer Peak? No, maybe it's a half-step Divine King!

The azure clothed old man looked back and looked towards Lin Chen and said calmly: "Lin Chen boy, go back and leave it to our Alchemist Guild."

Lin Chen frowned, Stand up and say: "senior, one person does something, the other person..."

"youngster." The azure clothed old man interrupted Lin Chen, carefreely smiled; "Life and death are indifferent, and just do it if you don't accept it is a good mentality. , The old man can see that your fighting spirit has not disappeared and you still have your hole cards, but this realm in front of you is too early for you."

"Behind the realm, one layer is one piece. God. It’s a price to step into the battle of God Realm Peak rashly."

"Only if there is no other choice will you risk your death, but you have a choice now, don’t you?"

"If you leave, these guys will be restless day and night, with swords hanging in their hearts, cold glow biting, and this kind of torture to the enemy, first torture and then revenge, wouldn't it be better than killing them directly. "

azure clothes The old man persuaded Lin Chen to sound transmission, and the rays of light flickered in Lin Chen's eyes.

After more than nine thousand True Gods were bombarded, they regrouped again.

This time their breath was defeated, unable to adjust in a short time, did not dare to attack Lin Chen easily, stood in a group, and True God guarded Lin Chen all over the sky.

The next breath, the golden divine light dissipates, the War God gun disappears, and Lin Chen's Wind God Wing unfolds again!

Lin Chen said with a big smile: "Thanks Senior for guidance, and the help of the Alchemist Guild. I, Lin Chen, keep it in my heart."

The nine hidden illusory shadows The ghost suddenly complexion slightly changed!

"Stop him for this seat!"

More than nine thousand True Gods gathered again, the divine force was released, and burned into an endless Divine Sea to form a front barrier space!

Nine ghosts wanted to act, and the two Divine Soul Avatars immediately set off to intercept them.

Suddenly, the Third Elder of the General Assembly swept his sleeves, and Divine Soul, like a torrent of mountains, instantly penetrated the space and passed away.

A battle line of hundreds of True Gods was blown up, breaking the gap.

Lin Chen's eyes are fast and his hands are fast. After receiving the attribute light ball, Divine Dragon is instantly incorporated into the body.

Wind God Wing flew high, Lin Chen turned into a divine light and disappeared, laughing loudly when he left.

"Today's battle, I, Lin Chen, wrote down! The blood feud of thousands of True Gods, I will definitely get back the blood feuds of thousands of True Gods!"

Seeing Lin Chen's departure, Ji Lan's house The two elders and Qin Wan from Qin Family understand with all their heart, they are sighed in relief.

"Leave it to these Old Guys next."

"The rest is the pharmacist guild's business, I won't mix it up later."

The big brothers of the Aristocratic Family of the two sides retreated from the battle circle and protected their juniors. The 8th layer of the gods and the powerhouses of the seventh layer that were stopped immediately lifted off, and instead surrounded the guilds in the sky!

Qin Shuangjue and Shangguan Yun watched Lin Chen's departure direction. Shangguan Yun almost rushed out without hesitation!

The powerhouses hired by the Apothecary Guild were relieved, and they also stepped aside. Lin Chen and the many people in Dancheng have retreated, and it makes little sense for them to stay on.

Hundreds of True Gods who control the law stepped into the air to levitate and retreated into the battle of more than 9,000 True Gods.

They neither dared to chase Lin Chen easily, nor did they dare to attack the big bosses in the center easily, and were ready to fight.

"It’s been a long time since I saw such a big scene."

Third Elder stepped out, and a round of five-color gods appeared above his head. As he spun slightly, terrifying coercion spread throughout. Dancheng!

Everyone in the Alchemist Guild is very angry, Third Elder is not going to die!

"Look at this handsome young man fighting the gods, and the old man was also ignited."

Third Elder smiled unprecedentedly, "Leave it all."

Nine ghosts entire group said with a sneer.

"You want to kill us because of the people of your pharmacist guild?"

"If you have the Divine King cultivation base, today I can only retreat, but with You are not enough now!"

"Divine Soul Avatar is not suitable for continuous fighting, you alone want to pull strongly against a crazy tide? But you are not qualified yet!"

The sneers of the nine ghosts , Third Elder doesn't care at all, serene.

"It's almost killing you. It's okay to keep you for a while."

Third Elder means laughed with profound meaning.

"It's you who should worry about."


In Dan City, the situation is back!

The next day, beyond Xingzhou, the boundless world, the two world mountains.

The woman in the silver skirt stands in the sky, wiping her fingers lightly, the sky sheds ten thousand zhang moonlight, and the continent map of Xingzhou gradually appears, and a group of marked starlight rushes to the direction of the sea. .

"Did the first action fail."

The beauty of the woman in the silver skirt was beautiful and bitter, with a cold smile.

"This Lin Chen can't escape from my Five Fingers Mountain. Innocently thought, I can get rid of the chase by going to the sea of ​​bounds."

slender jade finger stroked his hair , The woman's beautiful side face, her lips are lightly opened, her fragrant tongue is spit out, a touch of jade-jin hanging down from her tongue.

The crystal clear and near-transparent jade-jin falls, dripping into the palm of the palm, and then quickly levitating into the void, transforming into a peach-red Luan bird.

Tap Luan bird lightly with your fingertips, and the woman in the silver skirt smiles particularly coldly.

"Go, make Jiehai crazy."

oh la la ~~!

The palm-size pink Luan bird spreads its wings and flies, and when flapping its wings, ripples appear in the space, as if it crosses the void, and disappears into a touch of aurora on the horizontal line.

Two days later--

The dark mist entangles the sky like a dragon. On an island, there are several palaces.

For the first palace, there are dozens of women with naked lovable bodies lying vertically, with flushed cheeks, rolling eyes, lying down on the ground, exquisite breath, and the air is full of stench.

In the great hall, there are several naked women's tiger-backed robust men hanging on their bodies.

He sits at the head of the temple, is two zhang tall, has a strong physique, and his muscles are wriggling like a horned dragon. He opens a pair of tiger eyes and shoots fierce rays of light!

Ripples appeared in the space, and the pink Luan bird flapped its wings and broke into the great hall!

"en? It turned out to be that adult..."

The naked robust man stood up, his expression was obsessed, his breath shook, and he bounced away one by one with his eyes rolled like corpses. woman.

both of his hands cautiously took the Luan bird, sniffed lightly with the tip of his nose, and trembled all over.

"Ah! This smell, this sweetness, this is fascinating!"

I saw that when Luan Bird released rays of light, it showed a star map, above Engraved with the appearance of Lin Chen!

Plus, one line!

"Reward: Lin Chen. Cultivation base: Saint King. There are multiple counter-True God’s killing move and cunning. Reward amount: 1 million middle grade Divine Jade. If you can catch alive, you will be offered a reward. If the conditions are not allowed, kill on the spot, and receive rewards with human heads or Primordial Spirit."

The naked robust man opened his eyes wide, and laughed at random!

"hahahahaha! Millions of middle grade Divine Jade, really worthy of that adult, he is so bold. A Saint King is worth millions of Divine Jade, really damn worth, this vote is a big deal Yes!"

Millions of middle grade Divine Jade! It is an astronomical number!

10,000 pieces of defective Divine Jade are worth a piece of middle grade Divine Jade!

Millions of middle grade Divine Jade? Absolutely enough to set off a stormy sea in any First Layer Realm sea!

"Small ones, send an order to inform Nine Big Sects, this time we have a big ticket!"

Laughter was thunderous, and the law of sound transmission shook the entire island!

In the past, nine ghosts led a team to chase after the gods, and afterwards, there was a reward of one million yuan from the boundary sea to Lin Chen!

Jiehai Deadline!


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