bang! bang! bang!

Heaven and Earth roars, divine light shines.

An almost invincible spirit rises in the heart of every True God!

Many powerhouses were shocked to see, 9th layer of Golden-Red Clouds rose in the sky, and layers of golden light were in full bloom between Heaven and Earth.

"What is that..."

"The old man perceives an unprecedented oppression! Not lose the monster above!"

"Not a god It’s not a ghost or a demon or a demon, but it can make the core method of the old man tremble. Is this the killing move of this child?"

"That day against Asura King, he didn’t Not doing my best!"

When the powerhouses from all walks of life looked at each other in shock, the sky suddenly exploded!


In the golden beam of light, the one silhouette flew upside down in an instant, turning into a meteor and falling into the city of Pill.

It's that Xueyi Sword God!

His sword intent collapsed, the law of the sword was defeated steadily, and even the Divine Sword in his hand was smashed to pieces.

Xueyi Sword God's seven orifices are bleeding, and there is a horrible to see wound in his chest!


Countless True Gods who are about to besiege Lin Chen have stagnated, suck in a breath of cold air!

The late Sword God of True God 5th layer was seriously injured in an instant, life and death are unknown!

I saw, under the golden beam of light, the full silhouette bathed without golden light, and walked out slowly.

What catches everyone's eyes is a golden armor silhouette, powerful and overbearing, watching the heavens!

Lin Chen is full of golden brilliance. The helmet is cut into three dragon horns. The outline of the golden breastplate is engraved with the head of Torch Dragon. It is lifelike. The shoulder armor is shaped like a dragon's teeth and hangs on the right shoulder. The cloak dances with the wind, the knee armor is like a dragon claw lying cross-legged, and the leg armor is cast like golden lacquer, shining with the eternal divine splendor.

The faint eyes glow with golden brilliance. When Lin Chen looked up again, everyone who was stared at by those two-colored eyes would have one's hair stand on end, Divine Soul shuddered!

"Golden...golden's War God..."

Qin Shuangjue's red lips slightly opened, it really is the same as the secret information she got!

"Could this be his attitude when he destroyed the Divine Kingdom in the early days?"

The two elders invited by Ji Lan looked towards Lin Chen.

"Is this child the youngster who helped Ji Lan, it's amazing!"

"It's a pity, everything is good, but it's too troublesome..."

In the high air, while wielding a divine axe to block a few black armored men with the seventh layer of the gods, the corner of the eye swept towards Lin Chen.

"en! It looks so fucking! If it wasn't for this child to mess with such a big basket, it would be nice to be the son-in-law of my Qin Family."

Divine Soul In the battle circle, when the nine ghosts and two Divine Soul Avatars were fighting, they looked sideways.

"Although it is an external force, this is a bit too enchanting."

"The power of Saint King can actually use this external force."

" If it grows up, it will be a huge threat..."

The supreme powerhouse of the 9th layer of True God Realm feels a bit of pressure at the same time!

It is indeed the head named by their master, the first time I have seen the enchanting level!

The two Divine Soul Avatars of the guild are eyeing one after another.

"Unexpectedly, my guild has produced such a stunning dark horse."

"If this child becomes a god, he will definitely be the star of the future in Sinzhou."

The two Divine Soul Avatars stared at each other, tacitly agreeing.

This youngster is covered by their Medicine Refining Association!

Isn’t it just to protect the calf?

Boom! Suddenly, the curved four-dimensional sky opened a gap without warning!

When the leaders of all parties were surprised, Lin Chen was not idle!

Golden brilliance flashes vertically, Lin Chen smashes the void in one step, and the whole person disappears like a shift!

The pupils of a Blade God who previously besieged Lin Chen suddenly shrank!

A gleaming golden light fist came into his eyes, and blasted fiercely into his face almost fiercely!

that Blade God subconsciously blocked the knife, trying to block this punch——

Clang~! boom!

The explosive power of the divine fist penetrated the knife, and the blade's body cracked open!

The divine force of exterminating the world penetrated his divine body at once, his facial features were blurred, his body was beaten to pieces, and the law collapsed!

Om~! With a punch, Lin Chen patted the top of the head of Blade God with his backhand, and his five fingers shattered the might of suppressing Ghost God!

pu chi ~!

The golden light flashed by, the god body collapsed, Lin Chen slapped Blade God on the human skin with a palm, and crushed the Primordial Spirit into nothingness!

Countless powerhouses who participated in the siege of Lin Chen looked as if they were still, and their faces were shocked!

One punch, one palm. In the late stage of the 5th layer of Destroying the God Realm, the Blade God is still comprehending the principles of Blade Dao!

Is this guy really Saint King...

[The host gets 9 points of high level suit essence, 11 points of high level suit essence, 220,000 points of Divine Grade essence... 】

Golden brilliance Lin Chen is floating in the air. He frowned when he saw a generation of Blade God disappeared.

"In the late stage of the True God 5th layer, it was really hard. It took me two tricks to die."

At this moment, the gods who heard Lin Chen's words almost didn’t Frightened him, all of them looked at Lin Chen as if they had seen a ghost!

I took two tricks from you, is this fucking hard?

A Blade God in the late stage of True God 5th layer, even in the face of the 6th-layer Early-Stage of God, he is not vulnerable to death with two tricks!

Everyone redefines the concept of'hard'!


The divine light smashed the void, and Lin Chen turned into a golden light shuttle, rushing to the void hidden in the surging dark mist.

"Not good!"

In the dark mist of pitch-black emptiness, a silhouette suddenly rushed out.

Shih~! Lin Chen pulled his hands horizontally, tearing through the dark mist condensed by the laws of the dark sky!

He uses his hand as a knife and slashes in the air, divine force flashes like a golden rainbow in the sky!

That black robe True God surging in the dark mist made'uh uh' twice, and the protective body Divine Item burst and exploded into two halves!

The God Realm 5th layer Early-Stage, perish!

Several 5th layers of the gods surrounding Lin Chen looked terrified and urged the law to retreat!

"I want to run after the group fight, it's a bit late!"

Lin Chen jumped, and the golden divine splendor across the sky jumped again!

Lin Chen cut through the sky alone and smashed into two True Gods almost skilllessly, like a meteor falling into the world, knocking their gods into pieces all split up and in pieces!

Bumped into the body of God, Lin Chen volleyed a whip leg, two True God 5th layers were crushed into blood mist!

The arm armor of the shining golden light is like a thunder and lightning. Lin Chen's palms are shooting continuously. The terrifying wind tears time and space, and suddenly rushes to the three True God Realm 5th layer who want to run away!

Golden rainbow opens the sky, tears through the sky, like a shock of electricity piercing through three gods!

Three True Gods burst into the sky full of blood mist, and the gods collapsed with the Divine Item, and even the screams were heard in the future.

A azure Divine Dragon shining with red gold is suddenly born, swallowing the fallen Spiritual God body in one bite!

All the fighters happened almost for a moment. Lin Chen turned his steps, like a dragon, rushing to the dozens of True God Realm 4th layers that surrounded him before!

"Damn, he is coming to us!"

"Guard him, must guard him!"

"Wait The adults are free to take action and crush him in minutes..."

Bang! boom!

Flesh and blood are flying, Lin Chen punches and kicks his legs, rushing into the group of gods to kill indiscriminately!

For the gods, what is despair? Just like this moment!

Looking at Lin Chen's killing, he could clearly perceive his breath and position, and he could clearly feel his extremely powerful oppression and pressure, but he could not stop his actions, even Defense is also useless!

Lin Chen is like a giant straddling the starry sky, leaning against the sky and covering the earth, watching the gods!

Every step Lin Chen takes, he will explode with the ultimate pure power, changing time like rivers and the earth, day, menstruation, and sky. In wartime, fist open the starry sky and crush your feet!

The power should be unstoppable, such as entering the land of no one!

In a short time, Lin Chen completely killed him in Dancheng! Almost every breath has two True God 4th layers fall!

More than 10,000 True Gods formed a battle, and for the first time there was a panic!


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