Under the bright moon, the woman in the silver skirt is like an immortal descending, and heavy white snow is lifted under the sky. When the white snow flies and whizzes, two weird silhouettes appear in patches of white snow.

bang! bang!

The ghost-like black robed man rationale, under one-knee kneels, respectfully asked.

"My lord, what's the matter now."

The woman in the silver skirt stood with her hands in her hands, staring at the distance with her eyes, and said awe-inspiringly.

"I want you to kill someone, if you can catch it, you have to live, if you can't catch it, you will die!"

"Who, how about the cultivation base."

"Human Race, Lin Chen, Saint King cultivation base in the branch of the Sinzhou Alchemist Guild."

The two were shocked.

Saint King cultivation base? It was a Saint King who could alarm this adult?

Who is this Saint King?

"If it's just Saint King cultivation base, then both of me can go..."


The woman in the silver skirt interrupted the two .

"I not only want the two of you to act, I also want you to call on all organizations under your command to send the nine ghosts to act with you, plus the 3rd-layer and above of the gods. Assemble them all."

"I want you to assemble thousands of True Gods, go to Sinzhou, and destroy this child! I will not give him any probability of escape and comeback!"

"hiss !"

At this moment, the two black robe True Gods had a numb scalp and the corners of their mouths twitched.

Ten thousand True God!

Moreover, the legendary Nine Ghosts lead the team. Every ghost is the cultivation base of the True God 9th layer! !

True God 4th layer Perfection controls the laws and urges the Grand Dao Law with a large number of divine forces. Once the laws come out, it has the power of destruction and surpasses all Life Power.

True God 5th layer, Law Comprehension goes one step further, the mastery and application of the law goes far beyond the next level.

True God 6th-layer, the number of control laws has increased, and many different laws need to be controlled.

The seventh level of True God, divine force transforms, transcends the divine realm, fully integrated into Grand Dao Law, divine force completely transformed into'Law Divine Power'!

True God 8th layer, the god body is in harmony, the Divine Soul is the law, and the god body condensed with divine force begins to integrate into its own Grand Dao Law.

To reach the 8th layer of the God Realm, even without using the cultivation technique, a casually punch and kick can burst the world and destroy the law of divine might!

And the 9th layer of the gods is the Peak of the gods!

Nine ghosts are nine True God Realm 9th layers!

The nine big ghosts add Wan Divine Formation content!

Almost an unstoppable lineup under Divine King!

What is this concept?

The battles of the gods on all continents in the past dynasties rarely use a lineup of this size!

Enough to push a lineup of more than a dozen eternal giants, actually used to deal with a Saint King? A Saint?

Use a lineup of invincible players under the Divine King to deal with a Saint King?

It's like, more than 10,000 giant dragons are going to kill an ant!

Simply is not a dimensional battle!

black robed man hesitantly said; "This time... my lord, if we enter the Star Continent with such a huge lineup, will we attract the attention of those above..."

Although it has long been heard that this adult uses'carefulness' and often clearly understood the name of the overall situation, but this is also too cautious!

If it weren't for her to speak, the black robed man would even think it was a joke.

Isn't there a Saint worthy of using this lineup in the world? Isn't this nonsense?

"It's okay." The woman in the silver skirt turned around and said; "A few old bastard in Xingzhou, I have my own handle, they will not move you, you only need to follow my orders, remember, you If you dare to underestimate the enemy and the mission is not completed."

Her beautiful Xueli showed a ruthless sneer; "If you dare to underestimate the enemy, you know the end."

A trembling, respectfully said: "Subordinates take the command!"



The two turned into a streak of divine light, and the sky disappeared, and the two world mountains returned to calm once again, as if the eve of a storm was brewing.

The woman in the silver dress stared into the distance, and the corners of her lips slightly provoked a glamorous arc.

"I will not despise the opponent who can make the stars attractive."

"Even if there is a billionth of a probability, I must It's annihilated!"

There is a record of later generations——

The shocking battle that took place on that day was unforgettable.

Unprecedented encirclement and suppression of all gods!

In the far west, palaces stand in great numbers, and the mists of gods are misty.

Under the curved time and space, a group of Divine Palaces, like the everlasting Divine Vestige, stand in the sky, misty.

Wyvern-like Divine Item Totem is between the clouds and the sky, releasing one after another god in the sky like a list, and continues to write the achievements of the Divine King, the Divine Vestige of the God, the Divine Emperor’s According to the legend, it attracts sentient beings to bow down, like three big mountains, praised as Divine Vestige, suppressing sentient beings!

This place is Divine Realm!

The everlasting Divine Realm!

Since the birth of Human Race, the first "Civilized Land", the brilliance will not fall, leading the world's Legendary to bend its waist.

A'moon palace' in Divine Realm, guarded by Divine Weapon, every gaze is accompanied by a strong Divine Consciousness. Sweeping all around, even if invisible things are close here, they will be instantly understood!

In the Moon Palace, the beautiful woman holds the jade slip in her hand, her phoenix eyes are bright, she can't concentrate enough to stare at the contents of the jade slip!

Her blue silk on her bun is like snow, her vermilion lips are like sand, and her eyebrows are full of traces of time. She has always been sad, but today is not as excited as she was in the past.

"I practice Divine Pill in one day...Qing Wu is right, my son Xingchen is really back!"

"Even if he loses divine blood, he still comes This God World, amaze the world with a single brilliant feat!"

When I finished reading the contents of jade slip, the beautiful woman was already in tears.

Teardrops fell between the cheeks, and there was a smile of joy and sadness.

"This child is in the lower realm, and he must have endured hardship...I want to prepare for him. Even if he is under house arrest until now, I must prepare all possible Divine Pill for him!"


Pill City, in the Alchemist Guild.

"What? You said that the 100,000 contribution value commission in the guild was taken away?"

The yellow robe old man shot the tabletop, the tiger glared and asked coldly shouted: "Who is it, who dares to delay this seat, even if it is taken, it is a waste! Who is more powerful than this seat to heal the Prime Minister Yao Shun of Tianyi Divine Kingdom?"

Everyone keep quiet out of fear, who I dare not say a word, this Elder Xue, but has the qualifications to enter the Elder Council, few people in the guild dare to offend him.

Even Elder was responsible for entrusting management with a wry smile and said; "This is an order from above. It's useless for your Senior to get angry at me..."

Elder Xue shouted angrily "Then tell me the name! I have to see, who dares to grab my commission!"

"The ugly people are still yelling, and the handsome people have returned from the commission. That's it."

The joking sneer of the teenager echoed in the lobby.

Everyone looked at it, Lin Chen entire group and Qin Shuangjue appeared together.

When Lin Chen entire group appeared, it immediately attracted everyone's attention!

"en? Where did the smell of mother's milk not yet dried kid come from!"

Elder Xue frowned.

After finishing speaking, Lin Chen walked to the counter and put his Elder token on the table, the light screen was immediately listed.

"Guild Elder, Lin Chen, have completed the Tianyi Divine Kingdom designated commission, received: 200,000 contribution value, two Divine Items, a volume of Divine Grade Pill Recipe, and you can choose your Divine Kingdom to register in A cultivation technique of the case."


Many deacons and Elders startled in the lobby!

Lin Chen unexpectedly completed the commission of Tianyi Divine Kingdom! And such a short time?

Furthermore... the commissioned reward is actually 200,000 contribution points, which is actually doubled!

"It turned out that you robbed the commission of this seat!"

Elder Xue was extremely angry and laughed back, and asked old fashioned, "Boy, which district are you from."


Lin Chen jokingly said with a smile; "It doesn't matter which district I am in. The important thing is that if you don't agree, you will appear in the fruit producing area."

Elder Xue:" ?"


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