Tianyi Divine Kingdom, territory.

The territory of Divine Kingdom often faces significant pressure.

The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. While Tianyi Divine Kingdom possesses a territory far beyond the ordinary Divine Kingdom, it is also at the forefront to resist the Asura crowd's attack.

Even, even the Saint Sovereign of Divine Kingdom in Tianyi, leader personally bringing troops into battle to resist the Asura clan!

However, Tianyi Divine Kingdom's actions as Divine Kingdom are still bewildered by many Divine Kingdoms. As long as they plan their territory obediently and honestly, Divine Kingdom will not be disturbed by the Asura clan.

Many Divine Kingdoms are still unable to understand. What is the purpose of Tianyi Divine Kingdom's resistance to the Asura clan, and what are the benefits?

The territorial boundary is great hall.

Today, the Saint Sovereign leader of Divine Kingdom personally bringing troops into battle is in a triumphant battle, and the soldiers on the border are excited.

The great hall is filled with powerful oppression, and many Peak powerhouses in Divine Kingdom of Tianyi gather here!

Saint Sovereign Zhao Nine Heavens sat on the seat, with a touch of fatigue on his cold and handsome face.

"This group of Asura clan, Yao Shun poisoned from the 9th layer Jiehai sneak attack, and waited for the opportunity to launch a fierce attack. They really learned the three indiscriminate methods of the demons and monsters in the Jiehai!"


Suddenly, a silhouette appeared in the great hall.

Saint Sovereign Zhao Nine Heavens' eyes changed, thinking that an enemy was coming, he stretched out and talked about said with a smile; "It turned out to be Jinger, what's wrong with me."

"I have seen the Imperial Father!"

Fourth Prince saluted and said excitedly: "Congratulations to Imperial Father, Prime Minister Yao's blood poison has been resolved, and his life is safe."

hearing this, Many god experts in the entire great hall got up one after another, looking ecstatic!

"My father's poison is over?"

"hahaha! Uncle's poison is over, today is a double happiness!"

Go to the front line The descendants of the Imperial Family laughed heartily.

Suddenly, Fourth Prince began his bewildering behavior.

He walked up to Zhao Nine Heavens, placed an incense burner, and lit three incense sticks.

Under the stunned eyes of everyone, holding the three sticks of incense, bends down and bows slightly to his own father, and then inserts it into the incense burner.


Fourth Prince was blown away by the thunder!

"Damn, you are going to rebel!"

Zhao Nine Heavens stood up suddenly, smashed Dragon Throne with a palm, the tiger glared and shouted.

"Do you dare to give me incense? Good boy, do you curse me to death? I hope I die, are you usurping the throne?"

Fourth Prince covered his face and cried My face was distorted, "Imperial Father, wronged! I am not"

"You bastard, I have raised you for many years, and treat you well, even if you go to Divine Kingdom next door to play Goddess money It's all from me. Do you dare to give me incense today? It's so damn irritating, come here, bring me the scepter!"

Zhao Nine Heavens is completely furious!

Good guy, how did you raise such an unfilial son!

I fought dimly with Asura King at the border, fighting desperately. He didn't have enough ready-made food at home, so he wanted to come and give him incense?

"Your Majesty, the magic scepter."

A loyal god will offer the magic scepter, the divine splendor is full, and the scarlet magic scepter has a Supreme divine might that ignores the law!

Zhao Nine Heavens picked up the magic scepter, and actually hit the Fourth Prince violently, beating and cursing.

"Why did I give birth to you an unfilial son!"

"Sell me incense, who is the fucking courage to give you! I'm so courageous, I like it Fragrant, right? I think you’re satiated and drunk, courting death, are you tired of your life?"

Zhao Nine Heavens waved his magic scepter and beat it all, although he didn’t use the divine force, but the magic scepter had one. This kind of penetrating rule divine might still made the Fourth Prince scream.

"Your Majesty, please calm down! Don't be impatient, don't be impatient!"

Several Old Generals hurriedly spoke; "Jing'er is our old bastard Looking at the grown-up, this child has little contact with the world, knows little, is naive, and secluded cultivation. How can he dare to have a heart of rebellion? Maybe he was induced by this trip, Your Majesty and Listen to him."

The Old Generals stopped Zhao Nine Heavens in a few pieces, and he asked sternly.

"Okay, let me listen to him!"

"Imperial Father, I offer incense for your own sake!"

"You and him Damn..."

Zhao Nine Heavens picked up the magic scepter and wanted to give this unfilial son a little bit.

"Your Majesty, calm down, calm down!"

The Old Generals were scared and sweaty!

This Fourth Prince took the wrong medicine today!

"Listen, is this what people say? It is good for me to give me incense? He can tell me fortunately!"

"Fourth Prince, why do you want to do it This move, you are telling the big guy."

Everyone hurriedly asked.

"Lin Chen master did this, and that is how he cured Yao Prime Minister. The teacher of the Imperial Family used to say that Shangxiang is a measure for mortals to pray for their ancestors..."

Fourth Prince was aggrieved like a two-hundred-jin child. When he came here, everyone was stunned.

"Your Majesty, this sounds amazing. How about we go back to imperial city? Anyway, the war is over."

"Well, I just want to see you anyway. This master, early, not late."

When Zhao Nine Heavens put away the magic scepter, he glared at Fourth Prince, and said with his sleeves.

"Come on, bring him to the imperial tomb! Let me give incense to the ancestors of the imperial tomb for ten years!"


Two days later, Zhao Nine Heavens, the imperial envoy of Law Power, moved quickly and returned to Divine Kingdom.

When I entered the high altitude of Divine Kingdom in Tianyi, I found that the capital of Divine Kingdom was celebrating the whole country, and everyone was overjoyed.

"If I haven't returned for many days, the sight of my Divine Kingdom is really thriving."

Zhao Nine Heavens sighed, several veterans around him joyfully said congratulations,

As Saint Sovereign, Zhao Nine Heavens released a divine force, and listen to what the lively people are talking about.

"Brother Wang, are you incense?"

"It's up, it must be!"

"Old nine, you don't mean enough Ah! Didn’t give me incense today!"

"My mine, I will give you a few shots now!"

"Did you incense today?"

Zhao Nine Heavens: "??"

What happened, what happened?

Today's Tianyi Divine Kingdom, the style is not quite right!

No matter where Zhao Nine Heavens looks around, the tens of millions of people in the capital of Divine Kingdom, and even people in other territories outside Divine Kingdom, there is a wave of'incense tide' everywhere!

Zhao Nine Heavens went straight into the imperial city, and the Guard Army powerhouse in the imperial city sensed the breath of Saint Sovereign, one-knee kneels.

"Welcome to Saint Sovereign!"

"Flat. Tell me where is the third Princess."

"Princess is at the Prime Minister's Mansion."

Zhao Nine Heavens left in the air and entered the Prime Minister's Mansion when all the ministers gathered.

Seeing the return of Saint Sovereign, everyone saluted!

"See Saint Sovereign!"

"Meet Saint Sovereign!"

Faced with the salutes of the crowd, Zhao Nine Heavens was fixed in the mansion at a glance. The boy who attacked the silver robe.

Like, too much!

Zhao Nine Heavens is full of wonder.

"This youngster, regardless of temperament or appearance, has the demeanor of my past!"

Zhao Nine Heavens stepped forward quickly, ignoring everyone and even the most proud of himself Three Princess, patted Lin Chen's shoulder.

"This is Lin Chen's little friend."

He patted Lin Chen's shoulder.

"My Tianyi Divine Kingdom, there is still a son-in-law missing, are you interested?"

Everyone was dumbfounded.

This is the first time Saint Sovereign met, right? So fast forward to the solicitation of the son-in-law?

Lin Chen: "...I'm a good guy!"


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