For Qin Shuangjue, such a Heaven-blessed Genius woman, battle strength is not the first element to conquer her, and really let the Heaven's Proud Daughter put down the disguise.

After laughing, Lin Chen has a cynical expression, and his eyes are particularly calm, "Miss Qin, I'm not selling myself."

"A man who doesn't understand style."

Qin Shuangjue glared at him slightly and pushed Lin Chen away.

Lin Chen laughed and said nothing.

Qin Shuang definitely wore dressing yarn, his eyes were full of resentment.

"I'm here to inform you that everyone in the Elder Council can't wait to see you. I hope you will meet them in the guild tomorrow."

Lin Chen nodded and said ; "No problem, if there are no accidents, I will see them tomorrow."

Lin Chen finished speaking and looked down at the book.

Qin Shuangjue leaned forward suddenly and murmured softly from his ear.

"You are the first man who can make my heart so excited. If your heat cannot be calmed down, my body can be lent to you at any time."

, Qin Shuangjue showed a beautiful smile, like an iceberg melting, nothing more beautiful can be imagined.

Lin is a serious man.

"It looks so good-looking, I should be able to cry for a long time with a punch."

Qin Shuangjue's expression became stiff, and he lowered his head to see the title of the book in Lin Chen's hand-" How to get along with idiots when you are too handsome"

"You!" Qin Shuang is desperately angry.


The divine wind whizzed, Lin Chen pointed at her eyes with two fingertips, it was terrifying!

"Want to run wild with me, I can punch you ten thousand punches before you run wild."

Lin Chen said with a smile.

"Okay...I'll go!"

Qin Shuang definitely gnashing teeth.


Soon after, a beautiful lady slammed the door of Lin Chen's residence and left with angrily.

"I want to seduce you Brother Chen, a trick."

Lin Chen shook his head and laughed.

Qin Shuangjue and Shangguan Yun, under the two ice-beauty, seem to be the same, but completely different.

The coldness of Shangguanyun is the indifferent insight into everything.

Qin Shuangjue's indifference is derived from the arrogance of birth and ability. If he can beat her or conquer her with his ability, he will show the youngest woman's side hidden under the beautiful and glamorous face.

This kind of woman has no good results after getting a relationship.

Although he is romantic, he doesn't breed horses. He doesn't just meet one, even if he has this ability.

"Are you the high-level members of the Alchemist Guild, I will go and see tomorrow to see what tricks they can do. I just lack the essence of the suit, hehe......"


Under the moonlight, the top of Pill Pagoda.

When Qin Shuang left in a desperate manner, a beautiful and refined figure struck under the night sky.

A strand of colorful clothes is like a cloud Cai Piaopiao, she rises from the sky like a fairy dancing in the night, and Qin Shuang's charming posture makes Qin Shuang couldn't help but see a little bit of God.

Qin Shuangjue said: "Are you leaving?"

Ye Qingwu looked down at Qin Shuangjue, and when she saw the blush on her face, she said with a smile: "You went to hit him, didn't you? I can't see it, it's so lonely. I guess, I didn't succeed."

Qin Shuang is definitely like a fox whose tail has been trampled on, blushing Dyeing her cheeks, biting her teeth tightly, "hmph! You don't need a virgin fellow to teach me!" Ye Qingwu smiled and said nothing.

Qin Shuangjue said again: "I can't guess him, I can't see it at all. Every time his actions are far beyond my expectation, you already know these?"


Ye Qingwu said; "No one can know his next step."

Qin Shuang said: "You will leave if you don't see him?"

Ye Qingwu shook her head, "I want to see, but I don't want to see."


"Because I was afraid of meeting, I didn't want to leave. Stay by his side, always There will be endless fun, but now is not the time for me to leave Ye Family for a long time."

After that, Ye Qingwu turned into a wisp of smoke and disappeared.

"I really envy you, the Peerless Demon Empress..."


The next day, at the top of the guild.

Lin Chen looked at a series of treasures with the Elder token, dazzled!

"Defective Divine Item, Cangyue Divine Weapon, price: 12000contribution point."

"Defective Divine Pill, reincarnation pill, price: 9800contribution point."

"Divine Grade Pill Recipe "Six Yang God Pill", the price is 24000 contribution point."

"Divine Grade Pill Recipe, the price is 13000 contribution point."

"Black Night Pavillion's top-secret manual, which is suspected to record the secret of the entire pavilion's destruction. The information is so thin that it can only be read once and then disappear. The price: 2990contribution point."

"ninth Rank odd ore, 9th layer red iron. Nine divine runes are calcined, which can be used to cast middle grade Divine Item. Price: 9000 points."

A series of heavyweight treasures, Rare Item , All in front of Lin Chen!

As long as there is a contribution point, these are all opportunities within reach!

Lin Chen clicking one's tongue in wonder, "Good guy, if I accumulate a wave of contribution points for feelings and exchange Divine Items on a large scale, why not worry about not having the essence of the suit!"

This At that time, a deacon from the upper level of Pill Pagoda walked up, saluted and said respectfully.

"Lin Chen Elder, Elders have been waiting for a long time."

Lin Chen met with several Elders from the Elder Council.

In a secret room, several black robed old men and a gray old woman are sitting in the great hall.

It's all Divine Soul realm!

The faintly discernable Divine Soul oppression was uploaded from the bodies of several elders. It would be very difficult for an ordinary pharmacist to hold his mind in front of these people.

However, Lin Chen cocked Erlang's legs, biting the apple and humming a little song. The relaxed and calm appearance made the corners of the Elder Council Elder's mouth twitch.


Yun Tianlan let out a light cough.

A black robe Elder spoke hoarsely.

"Lin Chen Elder, we have seen your performance in the formal election. It just so happens that our association has a major commission suitable for you. If you complete it, the reward will be very rich."

black robed old man introduced a space jade slip.

Lin Chen took the jade slip and spread it out.

Om~! A lot of information poured into the Lin Chen Elder token!

"Tianyi Divine Kingdom, a first-class Divine Kingdom power. The prime minister of Divine Kingdom has a strange poison in his body. He is currently critically ill. He is located in the mansion of Tianyi Mountain which is impossible to move. Between the sacred mountains, there is a wild and ancient array surrounding , Except for the people of Divine Kingdom's own country, foreign True God will be suppressed by the first Ancestral God soul of Tianyi Shenshan."

"Remaining time: 81 days. If you complete the commission, reward: 10 Ten thousand contribution points, two Divine Items, one volume of Divine Grade Pill Recipe, and one volume of cultivation technique can be selected in Divine Kingdom."

Two pieces of Divine Item and 100,000 contribution points!

Lin Chen's heart beats!

He has learned that in the Alchemist Guild, this contribution point can be exchanged for more than five Divine Items!

The old woman in gray said: "Little fellow, you are very suitable for this task. Tianyi Divine Kingdom has their ancestors on the territory, and the foreign True God stepping in, needs to resist the strong Divine Soul. Pressure, but you are neither in the Divine Soul realm, nor in the True God Realm, but also have the strength of a Divine Grade alchemist. This commission is very suitable for you."

Lin Chen calmly said; "Why They don’t disarm the big formation."

The gray-clothed old woman said; "The way to dissolve the formation is that only the Prime Minister of Divine Kingdom will meet. Now the Prime Minister is in a coma and can only borrow the Divine Stone from Divine Kingdom. He could not leave Divine Kingdom. When the foreign Divine Grade alchemist entered the mountain, he could not give full play to his alchemy ability to investigate problems for him."

Lin Chen said: "Less reward, go Nothing."

Everyone startedled.

Is this too small?


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