However, when all the senior executives took a closer look, they discovered that this person's face is too familiar!

"Could it be that this child is...Lin Chen?"

"He has only one person?"

"One person and one shot dare to break into my Genesis The alliance, bully intolerably, I can’t bear it!"

"Dare to say that the sage is a crooked melon, courting death!"

Many high-level officials stood up angrily at the table, none of them were present. A cultivation base lower than Rank 7 is all high-level members of all parties in the alliance, and even half-step Saint King has twelve!


Sword screaming Dragon Transformation, a sword light like a jade dragon flying into the sky, sweeping Lin Chen straight, and a sword like heaven falls and earth rends!

There is a sword dao Shengcai without saying a word, even if moved towards Lin Chen used a lore and not powerful, it squeezed the space of the Saint King domain into a vortex shape!

Lin Chen slammed his shoulders, shaking his shoulders! Running "Tai Yi Fu Heavenly Art", the Holy Force is fully opened, and it suddenly breaks out with itself as the center!

Boom~! boom! !

The Space Array of Genesis Headquarters, all flying over, seeming to fall apart, and shattered into nothingness in an instant!

Hundreds of Heavenly Palaces, the first dozen of them were all shaken off in the center, and the wind and clouds changed suddenly. All the natural phenomenon of Genesis headquarters was covered by a horrifying and secular Holy Force!

All the high-levels were shaken off, and the first palace, Heavenly Palace, was shaken to pieces!

I see, in the sky. When countless palace fragments drifted away, Lin Chen walked on air with one shot, staring quietly ahead.

"Really, how could this kid have such a strong Holy Force!"

"Isn’t he saying that his trump card is pure external force? The Holy Force cultivation base is also so strong "

"Don’t be careless, let’s go together!"

When most powerhouses in the Genesis Alliance were adjusting their battles and preparing to launch an offensive against Lin Chen in the college entrance examination, everyone Suddenly sluggish!

Strong as a saint on the list of saints, when gathering the offensive, the look in Lin Chen's eyes was completely shocked!

At this moment, Lin Chen is shining with a hundred six-pointed stars, and every holy cave is brewing the infinite Holy Force of moving mountains and suppressing seas!

All high-level talents and dozens of sages are struck by lightning!

A hundred holy caves?

"What the hell is this damn kidding!"

"A few dozen years old Saint King?"

"What realm is this guy?"


The sages are dumbfounded. They are extremely visionary and have never seen this scene!

Lin Chen has reached the Saint King Realm world?

But, it's not right!

50 of his 100 holy caves are in the same position, and there is no Qi of Death!

A half-step Saint King represented by Grade 9 sect twitched the corners of his mouth and tremblingly said: "Could it be that Lin Chen created a brand-new cultivation system for Human Race... Saint King Realm?"

Hearing this, many high-level executives' minds exploded, and their faces were full of question marks!

In this world, is there such an outrageous probability?

"Blood Cosmos Forbidden Technique·Six Suns Burning Heavenly Sword!"

The previous sword dao sage raised his sword in anger, burned the sacred blood, and slashed Lin Chen across the air!

The six flames in the palm of his palm that burned with the aura of extinction were quickly absorbed by sword edge. When it was cut out with a sword, it turned into Shocking Heaven Sword and slashed towards Lin Chen!

As soon as the sword dao sage shot, dozens of sages responded, and moved towards Lin Chen displayed many Absolute Art in an instant!

The high-levels of the alliance are unwilling to lag behind, and each show off their talents, aiming at Lin Chen to violently take out many killing skills!

Lin Chen peaceful, just wave!


The sacred flame of the palm exploded, and a giant palm that burned the sacred flame and covered the sky with the 9th layer Flame Seal, splitting the shadows, fiercely smashed down towards the Genesis Headquarters!

Boom! boom! boom!

The sacred flame burned all over the thousands and wilds, hundreds of Heavenly Palaces turned into a sea of ​​fire, and the alliance’s protective formation was burned through!

The entire Genesis Alliance is in a mess in an instant!

Lin Chen's "9th layer Burning Heavens Palm" with a flash of light and shadow, directly put the alliance into a paste!

When countless alliance powerhouses exited, I was taken aback!

The Alliance’s Space Formation, which is enough to withstand the powerful attack of Saint King Realm powerhouse, will be burned through and destroyed to such an extent?

"Pu chi!"

Hundreds of high-level officials and dozens of sages either vomited blood or retreated violently.

They were burned by the remaining energy of the flames, the Holy Force was distorted, and Saint Physique was charred!

The saints with life-saving trump card body protectors were shocked and unsafe, and only a small number of people were injured.

However, the gazes of the sages were even more horrified, they were there forty-two sages!

Lin Chen was able to counter them by the strength of oneself, and even the high-level leaders and powerhouses of various powers were repelled by him!

There is no doubt that this is definitely the battle strength above Saint King!

Did he really open a hundred holy caves and reach the Saint King Realm? This is too terrifying!

"Don't hide your head and show your tail, the leading dog of the Genesis Alliance, get out."

Lin Chen's eyes flashed with crazy killing intent!

He wants to make up for all the enemies that Bingxin Palace was attacked!

I saw that the Heavenly Palace, the first palace, was broken everywhere, but the screen was not damaged at all!

oh la la ~!

The screen slowly opened from both sides, and a sitting and lying luxurious and handsome silhouette slowly stood up.

At first glance, almost everyone, including Lin Chen, can feel his uniqueness!

The long haired man wears a phoenix tail robe, feather feathers on his head and long hair shawl. He has a pair of delicate phoenix eyes, pale moon eyebrows, and a fair and feminine appearance, just like the best Young Master.

The most mysterious thing is that he has a pair of demon and feminine five-color pupils!

Colored pupils seem to have infinite magic power. At a glance, they are breathtaking, and they will be eternally fallen into!

Don't talk about the ordinary powerhouse, even the sages of the sage list dare not look at his eyes too much!

It seems that he will be controlled by his eyes in a blink of an eye!

"Lin Chen Young Master, famous, like thunder piercing the ear." Color pupil man is peaceful, calm and composed, as if everything is under control.

Between his eyebrows, there is a kind of self-confidence in mastering the universe.

This kind of self-confidence is not arrogance, but the absolute boldness that makes people extremely convincing!

Lin Chen's eyes are squinted, this person is not simple!

The same sage, he and the forty-two sages are completely different levels!

Suddenly, a touch of sincerity appeared on his fair and handsome face, and he said to Lin Chen extend the hand-"Little friend Lin Chen, why bother with the life and death of those worldly people."

"Since ancient times, winner is the king, loser is the villain. Overlords have always been built on endless sacrifices. Legendary is a mountain of corpses that accumulates a sea of ​​blood. If you and I join hands, why not be afraid to dominate the sacred talent list..."


Dark thunder Dragon Transformation, Lin Chen stabs and swiftly swiftly stabs, splits the shadow in a flash, the dark thunder opens like a peacock, and bursts in layer by layer!

The color pupil man's expression condensed, and Lin Chen's murderous intention was the moment he shot. The strength of the [+17] Demon Slayer's spear was exposed, which is not trivial!

The man with colorful pupils flicked his sleeves and held the Grade 9 Holy Artifact'Six Paths of Samsara fan' with a wave!

The colorful and gorgeous holy light winds are arranged into fans, condensed with the breath of the reincarnation of all things, and turned into magnificent vortex!

Boom! boom! boom!

The magnificent five-color vortex collided with the sharp dark thunder gun light. Hundreds of Heavenly Palaces were crushed and turned into powder by the aftermath!

The countless powerhouses in the Genesis Headquarters were affected. Below the three-turn Saint, they were slightly affected by lightning and turned into a scorched ashes!

For a cultivation base with four revolutions or more, even if it is not killed instantly, the defense will be completely torn apart by the "Extinction Rift", and it will enter a state of chronic death.

Only the sacred talent list and the fifth rank cultivation base can barely withdraw or defend against the spread of the battle circle!

The five-color afterglow slowly disappeared, and the two in the sky stood in the air.

The Young Master with colorful pupils is very interested, and swings his fan pointed finger towards Lin Chen.

"Interesting, you can be equal to this seat, and evenly divided. Lin Chen, I have to admit that you have the potential to stand at the top of the sage list!"

He smiled evilly. Handsome, said loudly.

"Speaking of which, I haven't reported my family yet, this Young Master is the tenth in the current sage list!"

Lin Chen raised an eyebrow.

He is... one of the apex figures in the top ten! !

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