hong long long ~!

The Supreme Elder of the Divine flame palace and your servants reacted very quickly. All those who still have the combat capability rushed out of the palace in an instant, and appeared in the air!

"These mice ran very fast."

"Didn’t it mean that Fang Ling and Lang Fanyun have already breached Saint King Realm? I want to compete with them. Well, but in the future, there are so many opportunities, let these guys be operated on first."

"Divine flame palace, Divine flame palace, why bother to choose Lin Chen, one step wrong, wrong step! Shameless to the face Ah, don’t blame us for being ruthless!"

"Lin Chen has Martial God bloodline and belongs to the old man!"

When the playful sneer echoed in Heaven and Earth, both Hundreds of silhouettes appeared in the great palace all around the void of all directions!

Although there are not many people, everyone is a strong player! Even the saints on the list of saints have come!

Especially the silhouette of the front group, the five Great Saint Kings gathered together!

They are ghostfiend Saint King, Qiankun Saint King, Celestial Phenomenon Saint King, and a Yin and Yang Saint King from the Genesis Alliance, and one of the trickiest Saint King in Saint Hell. !

However, when Jiang Taixu first looked through the void, his attention was on a black robed man behind the Five Great Saint King!

The black robed man is located in the very center of the team, and because of him, it conceals the general fate of the whole team.

From the standpoint of his position, he is the opponent's Prediction Master!

I saw, the black robed man also immediately looked at Jiang Taixu.

A pair of pupils under the black robe slowly rotates a round of astrolabe, and the astrolabe is filled with red, which is extremely mysterious!

It is the heartbroken red imprisoned in the Holy Hell·Eye of Hell!

The first Prediction Master of Human Race in the ancient period!

"It's a pity, Jiang Taixu, there are too many burdens around you. As the Prediction Master of the same realm, you and I have not been able to face a real confrontation once."

Self-deprecating and shook his head.

Shangguan Jue’s beautiful eyes condensed, sound transmission next to the girl in the blue skirt--"Supreme Elder, we are surrounded. With the current battle strength, I’m afraid it’s too difficult to keep everyone out."

The chief Supreme Elder was expressionless and said indifferently: "This is the end of our choice. Take a good cover and leave the important dísciple. The facts indicate that we lost the bet."


Shangguan Jue coldly said-"Can't you let those Old Guys go out?"

The pretty face of the girl in the blue skirt is as light as water, "They have already left the pass and traveled to the major galaxies. , Even though the old body has just been sent a message, it is impossible to come back in a short time."

Shangguan Jue Yinya bit, her expression changed.

"How do you pester and chirp."

The impatient jade person turned into a stream of light and appeared in front of them. It was Lin Ping An!

She looked at the five Saint Kings with her hands on her hips, curl one's lip and said: "The boy and the other two old bastard on the other side will give it to me. The remaining three Saint Kings King, can you handle it?"

The girl in the green skirt frowned: "Do you want to commit suicide?"

She admits that the disaster of pain is powerful, but Saint of the Thousand Foxes of the Holy Prison King is a Saint King at the same level as her. He alone can stop Lin Ping An, let alone deal with the other two Saint Kings!

Lin Ping'an stroked the blue silk in his ear, and suddenly smiled slightly: "He gave it to me, and I will return it to him."


The calamity energy transforms into shape, and Lin Ping’s footsteps on the three calamity poisonous dragons and swept away!

The biskirt girl and Shangguan Jue can't refute, they can only keep up with Lin Ping An!

The beautiful and enchanting Thousand Fox Saint King raised his eyebrows, and a rare trace of solemnity appeared: "Is this thing really a Spirit Physique? The catastrophe of pain is really disgusting!"


Lin Pingan has been killed, and the delicate palms linger with the aura of death and disaster, he slapped his head with his palms!

Behind the thousand fox Saint King, there are many swaying fox tails and point them!

Boom! boom! boom!

The sky full of disaster aura exploded, and quickly condensed into ten poisonous dragons dancing, killing towards ghostfiend Saint King and Qiankun Saint King!

"Want one to fight three?"

"The disaster of pain, you value yourself too much!"

The two Saint Kings each made a move, Crush the poisonous dragon, and the Saint King melee begins in an instant!

Shangguan Jue and the girl in the blue skirt immediately intercept Celestial Phenomenon Saint King and Yin Yang Saint King!

Shangguan Jue of the Venerable Dharma Protector was injured, and the Chief Supreme Elder shared the pressure for her and took the initiative to attack the two kings!

In the eastern part of the profound domain, rising winds, scudding clouds, the space is agitated!

If the temporary strongholds set up by the two houses were not more marginal, this battle would have affected many Human Races!

Other powerhouses in the alliance act immediately. The previous generation of Divine flame Palace Lord appeared. She led the guardian hall to block the alliance powerhouse offensive!

And the servants who still have the power to fight, dash on bravely with no thought of personal safety, dash in the front row, and face the powerhouse of the Genesis Alliance head-on!

The powerhouses that came this time are all powerhouses of Saint's with no less than four turns.

Under the premise of multiple sieges, the wounded servants were also caught in the delayed battle.

The Heartbroken at the center of the alliance team yawned and said boringly: "It's really boring, they plan to retreat to the space channel to the west and cut off their retreat."

Broken Heart Red spread out a volume of scripture and read it slowly, and said at will—"In addition, the daughter of Martial God bloodline you want is in the Divine flame palace. There is no one around her who can fight, so go get it yourself. "

As soon as this statement came out, seven sages immediately urged the movement method to bypass the main battlefield!

Jiang Taixu clenched the teeth, the other party has completely figured out their course of action, and he can't stop it now!

In fact, if Heartbroken Red assists the five Great Saint Kings in the battle and predicts the actions of Lin Pingan, Shangguan Jue and the others, the Saint King battle circle of the Genesis Alliance will win faster!

However, Heartbroken and them are only a'temporary' cooperative relationship, each has a ghost.

"Hey, Wu Pianjue's waste is gone, and there is a replacement."

"Moreover, this is more plastic, but it is less stable than Wu Pianjue. It must be Take her down!"

"There is still a disaster here. Just take the daughter of Martial God, and then kill Ji Wuchen, Zi Qianshou, Xiao Linger and other very threatening people, perfect Retreat!"

The goal of the sages is particularly clear. They came to kill Xiao Ling'er and take away Shen Lingshuang!


Divine flame In the palace, everyone was broke into the palace. Bai Ruoyan and Shen Lingshuang, who were wounded and unconscious, were immediately surrounded by the sages!

Swipe~! The four Elders of Divine flame are forced to withdraw from Bai Ruoyan's side to welcome the War Saints!

Shen Lingshuang is fearless, her pretty face is full of perseverance, she stands in front of Bai Ruoyan and a few Divine flame Elder——

"Last time it was Ruoyan’s elder sister who protected me , This time it’s my turn to protect the elder sister!"

The leader in white greedily swept Bai Ruoyan who was in a coma, and said with a smile ——"Divine flame Palace Goddess, if it grows Getting up is also a big threat. Kill her on the spot, this Young Master will use this Young Master to refine her body into a slave girl!"

Shi~! The white-clothed saint gripped the void with his five fingers angrily, the space battle twisted and twisted towards Shen Lingshuang!

Shen Lingshuang went forward desperately!



There was a loud noise, and the disaster exploded!

Lin Ping'an backed back again and again, bleeding from the corners of his mouth.

She suddenly coldly shouted sound transmission to everyone.

"Everyone leave immediately!"

As soon as these words came out, Shangguan Jue and the girl in the blue skirt eyes shrank seemed to realize something.

Thousand Fox Saint King's response was extremely fast, and he sounded a transmission quickly.

"She wants to detonate Spirit Physique and become a primordial disaster, stay away from her!"


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