The endless insect race wave, like a giant storm in the world, can be comparable to nebula-like objects, carrying the mighty power to push the thousand-fold plane all the way!

There are five poisonous mad bees, thousands of fantasy butterflies, and violent sword mantis. There are misty tidal worms, deadly blood leeches, etc.!

There are too many insect races. There are almost all kinds of insect races in the past!

However, when some descendants of Divine Dragon, who are good at perception, perceive that this is only the first wave of pioneers, they can't help but tremble!

It is as vast and stalwart as the extermination battle between Dragon Clan and insect race back then. This power is too terrifying! So, there is a smell of killing Dragon Clan!

All descendants of Divine Dragon, descendants of Ancient Dragon, for the first time felt the taste of a desperate counterattack. Perhaps they are destined to return without success this time and use the space for escape jade slip!

This is simply not what their dozens of Divine Dragon descendants can contend!

Only the high-level gang of Dragon King and Dragon King will be able to survive!

However, Lin Chen couldn't help swallowing: "It's too special..."

These insect races are all over the attribute values!

Below the Monster Insect level, all Heavenly Dao values!

Above the insect king, all kinds of attribute values ​​are available!

Slap~! With a snap of your fingers, Avatars are here!

Lin Chen laughed proudly: "I'll do it first, you are free!"


The sonic boom smashed the air waves, Lin Chen unexpectedly took the lead alone, Sacred Dragon emerged out of his body, and the body brought seven Avatars and a Sacred Dragon to kill him!

"Mother, he is crazy!"

"No, we have no choice. We have to try and fight hard! Now use the space jade slip to leave, we will give up all our previous efforts ."

"Oli give it to the brothers!"

"I bloom in the killing, like a flower in the worm..."

"Let the Crown Prince come to learn the legend of the insect race!"

"The handsome dragon has done it, and the ugly dragon is still hesitating."



There are few descendants of Divine Dragon who are too stage fright, and their temperament is also a well-known figure of Dragon Clan. How can you be intimidated by the First World War!

Luo Shuiyue and Xingyue Princess transform into a vast dragon body, and other descendants of Divine Dragon follow closely from behind.

A group of giant dragons soaring in the starry sky turned out, as if returning to the ancient times of Dragon Clan's heyday!

The transformation of the body can make their attacks the strongest, full firepower, and maximize the lethality!

Lin Chen's recklessness aroused their arrogance and blood as Dragon Clan, and turned on the whole "Lin Chenization", and they all rushed up!

In less than a quarter of an hour, Lin Chen immediately rushed to the forefront of the worm wave, and countless Monster Insects swept like a hurricane, and wanted to swallow Lin Chen directly.

"Rune of Slowness!"

Lin Chen started with a piece of Rune of Slowness, with eight burning dragons on top of his head burning up, a Primordial Spirit, burning dragon Tianyin suddenly roared Star Fragmentation river!

Avatar raised his hand and held the knife for a "shen's tear", Blade Qi's fragments poured like rain.

A single arrow burns the sky like a meteor to pierce the night sky, and the sword shadow is like an aurora.

More Sacred Dragon appeared on the body, Taixi Ancient Dragon turned out, a tail sweep sweeping Sun, Moon and Stars!

dragon tail Huajian, dragon light blue, the extraordinary rank'azure blue dragon sword' is divided into five, killing countless insect races!

After that, Sacred Dragon released Heavenly Prison again!

The infinite waves of the raging sea cover the stars and the moon like a wave, building five giant prisons, and the water vaporized blades into a sickle and locks, instantly crushing the endless wave of worms!

Now it has absorbed the bloodline attribute value of Divine Dragon, Sacred Dragon's'Heavenly Prison' bloodline divine ability is peerless, and the formidable power is far beyond the previous transcendent level!

Combined with the [Bright Light Split Shadow] and the 500,000 Dragon Vein's stimulus, this move amazed all the descendants of Divine Dragon on the spot.

The descendants of Divine Dragon feel a tingling scalp!

This guy's Ancient Dragon, how come his strength soared so much in three months!

At least, this spans three levels!

Boom! boom! boom!

Lin Chen’s series of stunts exploded, the rolling offensive devastated the world, and the front row worm tide exploded!

Its innate talent 【Destroy Explosion】The second trigger, exploding the sky and wing feathers, blood and rain clouds!

The atmosphere is particularly embarrassing in a short time. A powerful giant dragon is deadlocked in the void, looking like a ghost!

For a time, Lin Chen by the strength of oneself blocked the first wave of the worms' attack!

Yes, Lin Chen does not have the battle strength of Saint King yet, but he has achieved the record and effect that Saint King has not achieved!

His seven Phantom Clone, seven people and seven strokes, superimposed on the innate talent, seven strokes change into thirty-five strokes!

This is Lin Chen, who is least afraid of group battles!

In addition, the [Destruction Explosion] was brilliant in this mass attack battle. A trigger to break the defense will trigger a chain reaction, inciting [Extinction Rupture] and [Super Chaos], and the worm tide is broken head-on in an instant All of a sudden fell into chaos!

By Lin Chen, hundreds of millions of insect races disappeared in the insect tide, and tens of billions of Head Insect families fell in a blink of an eye!

Outside the distant void, among several clusters of nebulae exploding like starbursts, Divine Dragon's will who are repairing Formation and delaying the battle are looking at them!

"Human Race? The descendants of the Taixi Ancient Dragon turned out to be Human Race!"

"This little fellow blocked the first wave of offensive as soon as he shot! Good guy, it's really scary Ah!"

"The rumors that this child destroyed the centipede of the thief, it really is true!"

The prison dragon of Tianyue Town was both shocked and angry, and he dared to ask him for a god The descendant of the Ancient Dragon of Bone Marrow, the real identity is Human Race?

Lin Chen’s explosive battle strength aroused the attention of the strongest powerhouse.

Several insect gods who turned into half-human forms are also looking at each other——

"What way, why is there a Human Race here, where is the strange flower."

"You Old Turtle, don't you mean that everything is under control!"

Only the red-eyed man in the front, with a humanoid upper body, a scorpion body on the lower body, and his violent pupils burst into the sky. Hostile and killing intent!

Red Scorpion God!

It is the leader who has planned all actions, a crazy insect god will!

At this time, the eye socket of the Red Scorpion God's will is completely cracked-"Taixi Ancient Dragon's bloodline turned out to be obtained by Human Race... I am going to kill him, kill him completely!"


The colorful god Dragon Qi's breath turns into a dragon's shadow and roars, and the will of the Primordial Spirit of Divine Dragon strikes again!

"You will not have a chance, struggling on whilst at death's door!"

"My Dragon Clan can both destroy your clan and suppress you forever. Today ours Descendants will also annihilate you race devourers forever, die!"

The two sides broke out in war again, the formidable power stirred the galaxy, and countless stars were instantly shattered into dust!

The time and space near the Divine Dragon ruins are distorted and collapsed, and even light cannot escape this distorted time and space, as if the world's doomsday is coming!

On the other side——

The descendants of Divine Dragon joined the battle after a brief shock, and the second wave of the worm tide was coming!

The densely packed insect race army is neat and fierce, like a wave of ants targeting Lin Chen and his Avatar!

Lin Chen and all Avatars focused their firepower. This attack trend is obviously not as crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood as before. It has become a lot slower!

Luo Shuiyue dragon soared, and when he approached Lin Chen's side, sound transmission said-"There are a large number of insect emperors in these worms, and the battle strength has increased too many times." Your Human Race moves are responsible for attacking the insect tide, our gods and your Ancient Dragon are responsible for attacking the position of the insect king! "

Lin Chen said with a smile: "It's so smart, I'll buy you a supper when I have time." "

Luo Shuiyue rolls her eyes.

When is this person not a sense of crisis!


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