After receiving the attribute ball of light, Lin Chen boldly said with a smile: "The stumbling block has been dealt with. Let's move on! I know the ruin tombstone you want to go to, probably around here."

Everyone was nodded, invisibly awed Lin Chen a little more.

If the outside dragon patriarch always sees the obedient appearance of his goddess, I am afraid it will be shocked.

In the Wild Ancient Dragon clan, the descendants of Divine Dragon disagree with each other.

After all, it is comparable to the existence of the Human Race sage list, and the arrogance of the temperament is unusual.

The defeat in the formal elections does not make them completely convinced.

But now, when Lin Chen's killing move was able to kill Insect King, they realized that it was difficult for them to catch up with Lin Chen, they now have a sense of seeing him as the head of the horse!

In the descendants of Divine Dragon, it is like seeing a toad flying into the sky and a sow going up a tree.

Luo Shuiyue exclaimed in her heart: "Even the gods were silently convinced... What a terrible guy..."

Followingly, Luo Shuiyue and Xing Princess Yue leads the way through this area and arrives at a vast nebula!

Lin Chen's eyes squinted: "If you watched from before entering, the position you are now in is the position of the Dragon Head Nebula."

Close to the Dragon Head Nebula area, the power of Divine Dragon Sudden increase in pressure!

However, this is not too stressful for the descendants of Divine Dragon, but not for the insect race. Without the strength of the Insect King, it is almost hard to resist the divine might!

While Lin Chen’s Avatar cultivated'Tai Yi Fu Heavenly Art', the power of Divine Dragon is not a big problem.

xiu! xiu! xiu!

one after another sonic boom, Lin Chen’s Avatar retreats.

It's not that Avatar can't hold the power of Divine Dragon, but Lin Chen is racing against time to decompose more Divine Dragon scales and Divine Dragon feathers!

After all, this opportunity to enter the Divine Dragon ruins is no longer missed.

When entering the position of the Dragon Head Nebula, the nine Divine Dragon descendants showed pious and admiring expressions.

They admiredly stared at the continent plates in the Dragon Head Nebula. As each continent slowly rotated, it was overflowing with the terrifying Dragon Qi, like a giant dragon hissing.

Here is the remains of Divine Dragon! When a group of Divine Dragons were about to die, they left Dragon Clan with the last brilliance and highlights!

Within dozens of continents, every continent is very likely to inhabit the will of the ancestors of Divine Dragon!

Divine Dragon is the supreme existence of Dragon Clan today.

As a descendant of Divine Dragon, Dragon Clan who can truly become Divine Dragon is still rare. Most of the gods have stopped at the Dragon King realm, and it is difficult to have a breakthrough in a lifetime.

So, being able to come into contact with the will of the Divine Dragon ancestors will likely change their future heights!

shua! shua! shua!

The gods and Lin Chen just arrived, and several silhouettes entered the leading nebula area from different directions.

They are the descendants of the ancient dragon of arrogant.

A total of eight descendants of Ancient Dragon arrived almost at the same time.

However, when their gazes looked towards Lin Chen and the others ahead, they were full of surprise!

What's the situation? These guys actually arrived before them?

There is a Chief Insect King · Centipede King’s lair over there!

To avoid the perception of Insect King's lair and enter here, it is almost impossible!

What shortcut did they copy here?

Seeing the stunned and puzzled gazes of the descendants of Ancient Dragon, several descendants of Divine Dragon all showed a proud of one's success.

There are even two descendants of Divine Dragon pretending to sigh--

"Aiya, it’s so annoying. Kill a centipede king and give those small insect races I’m tiring up, so tired!"

"Never do such a tiring job again next time. It is better to do less to kill Insect King. You have to retain some strength."

Hearing the dull "sighs" of the two, the descendants of Ancient Dragon twitched their mouths...

You don't need to write drafts? What a joke!

You kill the king of centipede? I'm afraid to live in a dream!

Lin Chen: "...Good guys, let them say everything, I have my own taste."

Before the descendants of Ancient Dragon question, Lin Chen team A group of silhouettes emerged in the far back of the man!

Fifteen more descendants of Divine Dragon!

"hahaha! Fortunately, I can't think that this ten thousand centipede king's nest has disappeared!"

"It must be the ancestor's god Dragon's Might. It's rateless!"

The eight descendants of Ancient Dragon were completely shocked!

Enter from the front again? Could it be said that King Wanzu Centipede's lair was really unsuccessful!

But impossible, they know more or less the battle strength and methods of the nine Divine Dragon descendants.

If the two sides really fight, their nine Divine Dragon descendants may not necessarily beat their eight Ancient Dragon descendants. This team does not have the probability of running in in troubled waters or killing the king's lair of centipede!

Between the electric light and flint, all the descendants of Ancient Dragon looked towards Lin Chen!

When I saw the gazes of the descendants of Ancient Dragon, Lin Chen sighed suddenly pretending to be depressed, with the charm of standing Peak lonely at the top.

The descendants of Ancient Dragon were shocked immediately, confirming the thoughts in their hearts!

Could it be that...this is the Human Race!

According to the battle strength he showed in the regular elections, it is not enough to put Insect King's lair in one go!

Could it be that he still has reservations!

Play the pig to eat the tiger! They have missed it!

"This Lin’s very tricky..."

"These guys can come over, most likely to be related to this child."

"hmph, unexpectedly Let them hug their thighs!"

"Will I wait for this detour to behave like a fool, Human Race Lin Chen, we have recorded this account!"

Ancient The Dragon descendants felt that he was taking a detour, and his face couldn't hold back. Lin Shuai forced to carry another pot silently.

Many descendants of gods enter into the monuments of many gods Dragon Tomb. Each continent section contains the breath of Divine Dragon, which is the tombstone of Divine Dragon!

The nine descendants of Divine Dragon bid farewell to each other--

"Everyone, let's work hard!"

"I hope we can get the guidance of our ancestors and win Peak! "

"And your Excellency Lin Chen, if it weren't for you, we would never have arrived so quickly. I wish you a fortuitous encounter!"

The descendants of Divine Dragon even gave Lin Chen bid farewell to conquer others with his strength, just so dare to be alone!

Seven Divine Dragon descendants flashed, looking for the Dragon Tomb of their ancestors, leaving Xingyue Princess and Luo Shuiyue.

Lin Chen raised an eyebrow and jokingly said with a smile: "I said this Princess, the ancestor inheritance is gone? Stay by my side? You won't fall in love with me, will you? Shuaibi allows you to like me secretly, but you can't fall in love with me! Falling in love is a very bad habit..."

"Enough!" Xing Yue Princess fly into a rage out of humiliation said coldly: "Stop being passionate, I'm just preventing you from secretly attacking other descendants of Divine Dragon. It is my responsibility and obligation to monitor you!"

Lin Chen said with a smile: "You don't think I'll make your idea now, do you?"

Xing Yue Princess coldly snorted: "Who knows? You Human Race, knowing people, knowing faces and not knowing heart. Senior in the clan I told me that the most nasty thing is your Human Race, most of them are people who cheat the world..."

Lin Chen: "en?"

Xingyue Princess turned aside, "Of course, maybe not including you, but I still can't completely you."

Lin Chen: "en!"

Lin Chen suddenly said: "You can't look at it, you should Learn from the Luo Shuiyue girl, as the saying goes, the bigger the chest, oh no, the bigger the heart is, the greater the tolerance is."

Xingyue Princess: "...get off!"

Luoshui month support amount.

Xingyue Princess has always been known for her calm and composure, but encountering Lin Chen is like encountering a nemesis...

Luo Shuiyue leads the way to a vast mysterious place The continent of water, the raging sea is raging, the waves are rolling for hundreds of thousands of miles, and they are endless.

Lin Chen's Sacred Dragon also has the bloodline of the'Hell Water Dragon'!

If he can get the bloodline attribute value of Divine Dragon, he will get multiple Divine Dragon bloodline this time! !

In the history of the current Dragon Clan, no Dragon Clan has a variety of Divine Dragon bloodline!


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