However, seeing Lin Chen so determined, it is a'very difficult' thing to think that it is necessary to improve the Divine Dragon bloodline for them.

“Have the bait.”

Lin Chen snickered in his heart. With his current strengthening point and Heavenly Dao value, all the bloodlines of the Dragon King present were strengthened [+13] and lighter. It's easy, but at the fingertips.

even more how, the effect just now is only [Enhancement + 1], which can be created in batches!

However, Lin Chen wants to behave hard, he puts a long line to catch a big fish!

Next, Elder Xuan continued-"Today, the old man made an exception to let you participate in the challenge. However, you need to defeat the four gods at once! My Dragon Clan has always been able to convince the crowd with strength. I don’t even have this strength."

"If you and your Sacred Dragon succeed in defeating the gods, the old man will give you this chance."

He pointed to Lin Chen War God Armguards-"And, you must not use this thing, you can only rely on your Human Race basic strength and Sacred Dragon's means to fight against the four Divine Dragon descendants of our race."

Elder's implication is that Lin Chen cannot use the War God suit! Whatever he left to make trouble!

"If you lose, you still have to fulfill the conditions promised to us, and our ancient Dragon clan is willing to make friends with you."

"If you win, then we will talk about entering Even if you can’t accept the conditions, the old man can guarantee you to leave safely."

"Every time the Divine Dragon ruins are opened, our clan’s losses are quite heavy. A bad thing, if you can hit four with one, you can become an important battle strength, and you can't give a quota at that time."

Through Elder Xuan, Ignore the eyes of other dragon kings and look directly at Lin Chen.

"How do you dare to fight, the rising star of Human Race."

Lin Chen laughed and talked to Elder Xuan cup hand to hold fist——

"Then many thanks Elder, it's done, just let it go!"

Another wave of attribute values ​​is delivered to the door, not for nothing, not for nothing!


Two days later.

Dragon World, Azure Dragon plane, four continent plates floating in the void, rotating like stars, sun and moon——

In the middle of the four continent plates, ten thousand Space Arrays are opened , The Dragon Clan talisman, which surrounds the red light, is constantly disillusioned and burns the Eternal Inextinguishable dragon light.

Only the space in the middle is particularly solid. All continent planes are from Heaven's Chosen Child from the top of Dragon Clan!

bang! bang! bang!

The sky full of dragon roars like tides, red clouds entwined, and the Array Space burning Dragon Clan talisman is constantly surging back and forth.

The pure god Dragon's Might is crushed like two storms, fighting against courtesy, raging violently, and passing out from the Array Space!

Two giant dragons are born out of nowhere, fighting wildly in the central space of the four continent plates, either with breathing, or with divine ability, or swinging their tails and claws, or turning into humanoid fierce tremors!

"No regrets Crown Prince first under the heavens!"

"The true election is our Ao Fentian Crown Prince!"

"No regrets Crown Come on, Prince, kill him!"

Today is the time when the Divine Dragon ruins’ campaign is held. Dragon Clan enchantments and gods gather, and the minimum number of admissions requires Grade 8 Sacred Dragon bloodline. It’s just to watch the battle. Threshold!

At this time, the two descendants of Divine Dragon are fighting fiercely!

A dragon scales crimson, Qilin head, face long beard, carp tail, dragon claw fierce, with five claws. The dragon's body glowed with blazing hot holy flames. The magical thing was that each flame burned by the dragon's body had different colors, each with its own strengths and abilities!

The other has two wings, the dragon head has a curved beak, the dragon feathers are like fine jade gems, and the four claws are like eagle falcons. The dragon wings spread out, covering the stars and covering the moon, and the whole dragon body is shining, every piece of dragon feather It seems to release the rays of light that absorb the stars, shining brightly!

It is actually a descendant of Divine Dragon and the descendant of Divine Dragon!

They are all big Son of a Dragon King, and their cultivation base has reached the top eighth rank, which is equivalent to the cultivation base of the Human Race of the Open Heaven Realm, but the actual battle strength far exceeds the Open Heaven Perfection!

The bloodline divine ability of the descendants of Divine Dragon has amazed countless Dragon Clan!

Violence and beauty, strength and interest, can most stimulate Dragon Clan, who is full of primordial desires.

The two Divine Dragon descendants fought together, and even some of the older generation Dragon Clan shouted with anger and blushing ears.

peng~ peng~ peng~ ~!

When the starlight shot down and the curved dragon claw was swung down, a series of shocking explosions resembled a burst of air. The void rolled up for a burst of space storm, the dragon scales were red and rolling, and dragon blood was faintly overflowing.

The Crown Prince descendant of the god of fire was injured!

"Stop, that's it. This time the Divine Dragon ruins are being selected, as the Crown Prince without regrets!"

An extremely old dragon patriarch Lao Takong Levitating, coldly shouted.

"Damn it, this guy is just an old man!"

Crown Prince Long, the god of fire, turned into a handsome and cold young man with red eyebrows and fiery- The red dragon pupil is full of unwillingness.

Ao Fentian gnashing one's teeth said: "As soon as the game starts, it will absorb Power of Stars and concentrate its defenses. It will consume the power of the Crown Prince all the time, and then concentrate on the power to control the dragon, it's despicable!"

When the Crown Prince, a descendant of Divine Dragon, is transformed into a human form, he is a handsome young Master in white, said with a smile.

"After all, the Crown Prince is really not confident to take you down."

To run for the Divine Dragon relics, you need to fight within the prescribed rules. The descendants of Divine Dragon There are so many killer moves, Dragon Clan's high-level impossible let them do the real thing.

Each descendant of Divine Dragon is the pillar of Dragon Clan's future. If this kind of battle hurts the fundamentals, the gains outweigh the losses, and all races do not want to bear this loss.

The descendants of Divine Dragon are the same as most of Human Race's sacred talent lists. If the real thing fights together, most of them can only be distinguished by Life and Death Battle.

So, in the battle rules, the dragon king of the Dragon Transformation clan will be created by Yin and Yang, and every Dragon Clan competing for the right place will be covered with a layer of Yin and Yang Dragon Qi to protect their dragon body.

Whoever breaks the opponent's "Yin Yang Dragon Qi" first or beats the opponent to surrender, wins.

That’s why Ao Fentian was so dissatisfied. In terms of attack power alone, he was more confident than Liwugui Crown Prince, but he was defeated in the battle.


At this time, the beam of light condensed by the eight Dragon Qi descended into the void, and when the four continent plates showed their true colors, they were actually eight dragon kings!

Headed by the chic and handsome Dragon King of Hell, dressed in a blue dragon robe, he said with a smile without any pretensions.

"Everyone, all the 30 candidates have been awarded the winners, but today, after our high-level discussions, as the general situation is different today, I decided to add another 40 candidates!"

As soon as this statement came out, all the Dragon Clan in the four continents instantly boiled!

Are there forty additional candidates? The sun is coming out from the west! More than doubled than usual!

Those descendants of Divine Dragon who were reluctant to lose, their expressions were even more excited, and their eyes lighted all of a sudden!

"However, before the assessment is held, this king has to make it clear to all of you who are participating in the election that we will have a special guest..."


Dragon Clan of the four continents is full of doubts. Who can let the dragon kings treat each other with distinguished guests?


At this time, the ancient Dragon divine might break through the sky!

The vast and vast red golden dragon claw emerged from the clouds of Heaven Beyond the Heaven, and then, the Ancient Dragon shining with golden light, flying in the sky, turned out!

It is dozens of ten thousand zhang long, like a long river, wrapped around scarlet clouds; Qilin head, carp tail, face with long beards, horns like deer, red clouds rising.

On the dragon body, every piece of golden dragon scales glows with the radiance of scarlet gold, evolving into the ancient Dragon Divine Vestige!


"This is the descendant of Ancient Dragon?"

"It is the ancient Dragon of Taixi! Divine Dragon is on...too Does the Xi Ancient Dragon still exist in this world?"

"No, you see, there is a sedan chair on the Taixi Ancient Dragon?"

When countless Dragon Clan lost their voices and was shocked, four The descendants of the Divine Dragon, the Princess of the Ancient Dragon clan, and the Crown Prince in the continent section have all appeared solemn or fierce!

Ancient Dragon lifts the sedan? Who are you in the end, dare to use the descendants of Ancient Dragon of Dragon Clan to carry the sedan chair!


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