On the other side——

While Qiankun Saint King and Shangguan Invincible and the others were fighting, they directly shot out of the holy prison, the corners of their eyes kept shining. Sweep the direction in the First Layer of the Holy Prison.

"The catastrophe of pain has already appeared, and the destruction of the heavens and the earth has also been dragged down. Lin Chen this child should have no other follow-up..."

Qiankun Saint King Zheng Calculating everything about the situation at the moment--

"My lord, it’s not good! We missed at the 16th-layer, Lin Chen, with his few Avatars, released 78 prisoners, plus The number of 15 layers is exactly one hundred and fifty people!"

At this time, the holy mirror on the waist of Saint King in Universe sent a few hurried sound transmissions and screams.

Obviously, the 16th-layer is lost!

The face of Qiankun Saint King suddenly sank!

He was about to activate the ultimate move, his eyes suddenly stunned!

"No, the sound transmission just now said, how many Avatars?"

The expression of Saint King in Qiankun changed again!

His eyes swept through Lin Ping'an and Tian Jin Dimie with lightning speed. When the aura was running at extreme speed, the ghosts and gods looked towards the entrance of the holy prison treasury!

"Xinhuang in Xuhuang? Does this kid say that he used Avatar!"

The Saint King complexion in Qiankun greatly changed!

The important treasures in the resource treasure house. Saint Kings like them have already taken most of them, but only the top-level Holy Artifact still remains!

Holy Artifact of Grade 7 and above cannot force the recognition of Master.

For Saint King, Grade 7 Holy Artifact can be suppressed by strength and can barely use other people’s Grade 7 Holy Artifact, but the flexibility is far inferior to the Holy Artifact that has recognized the Master itself.

The higher level Grade 8 and even Grade 9! If it is not for the owner of the previous generation of Holy Artifact to pass it to others voluntarily, Saint King cannot use it forcibly.

Since its creation, the Holy Prison has been looking for a reasonable way to play the value of these Holy Artifacts, but it has never happened.

"If Fang Ling and Lang Fanyun are allowed to retrieve the holy sword and the deadly blade of the past, with the background of these two people now Saint King, this king will not be able to stop it. They!"

"Not to mention Xiao Ling'er this special character, how much effort I took to impound her back in the holy prison!"

The expression of Saint King in Qiankun was completely gloomy. Next, gather a yin and yang acupuncture eye to revolve around the body, and use Defense Absolute Art to block everyone's encirclement

The servants of 19 layers, Holy Artifact are all impounded in the third layer of the treasure house, there are exceptions, such as Jiang Taixu.

Jiang Taixu’s multiple Prediction Master destinies are a series of fusions with his holy cave. If you want to force the plunder, you must kill Jiang Taixu.

Recall that the cultivation base of these people has brought it up a level. If they were to get the Holy Artifact back, the consequences would be disastrous!

Qiankun Saint King clenched the teeth, coldly shouted sound transmission!

"The ancestors of Wu Family, it's time to show the sincerity of your Wu Family cooperation!"

"If you have enough sincerity, our holy prison will also take out the gods and leave it to Our backs don’t need to solve them in the future or in the future. We are here now to kill them all!"

Wu Family Old Ancestor turned the offensive and fought with Lin Ping’s at an irregular stalemate. , The sound transmission was surprised: "Kill them here?"

Qiankun Saint King: "There is no more suitable time than this, three Saint King Realm battle strength, 19 layers prisoners All are here, still located in the First Layer of the Holy Prison, plus your Martial God Aristocratic Family trump card, this is the best opportunity!"

Wake up Wu Family Old Ancestor in the words of Qiankun Saint King! Now, it is indeed the best opportunity!

Even if the other Saint Kings of the Holy Prison return, they will take the initiative to encircle Lin Chen and the others,

The cards of the gods staying in the First Layer of the Holy Prison cannot be used. Under the premise, if you want to kill the three Saint King battle strengths, you have to pay a bloody price.

But now, they take the initiative to call the door, and the restrictions left by the gods of the Holy Prison First Layer can be activated. There is no better chance than this!

Wu Family Old Ancestor passed various thoughts in his mind—"If the old man is Lin Chen, the old man must have predicted that the holy prison will also have the killing move of the gods."

"Especially their team also has a character like Jiang Taixu. Impossible does not know that the holy prison has a back player, but this child still chooses to fight over, that is, he has a corresponding trump card to contend with!"

Wu Family Old Ancestor’s eyes flicked over the deep killing intent--"Is it enough to counter the ace of the Holy Prison First Layer? It’s really a terrible youngster. However, they are missing one thing, that is, my Wu Family also The killing move that left Martial God to us brings us here!"

That's right! This is what Saint King wants to express!

Lin Chen entire group, daring to fight over and compare it means that they have the means to contend with the First Layer of the Holy Prison!

However, the arrival of Wu Family Old Ancestor may not be in their expectations.

And even if they expected it, they may not know that Wu Family Old Ancestor will bring the ultimate ultimate move of Martial God Aristocratic Family!

Martial God Aristocratic Family + Holy Prison First Layer, the two ultimate moves took out at the same time, he Lin Chen can prevent 1st move, can he prevent 2nd move?

As long as True God is not here today, he Lin Chen entire group will undoubtedly die!

"It seems that it is time. If we can get rid of these guys in one go, it would be an explanation for Martial God Aristocratic Family!"

Wu Family Old Ancestor's eyes, Become particularly fierce!


On the other side; in the third layer of the treasure house.

Lin Chen’s Avatar was dazzled, as if entering a dazzling array of magnificent mines, all beautiful and splendid crystals condensed into shape.

These'crystals' are purely condensed by Holy Force! It's Saint King's handwriting!

Every crystal is sealed with a top-level Holy Artifact! Or Grade 8 or even Grade 9!

"These Holy Force crystals are the power of Saint King to seal these Holy Artifacts. If they are forcibly opened from the outside, it will cause an explosion to damage the spirituality of these Holy Artifacts..."

Lin Chen’s Avatar had long been expected, with a smirk: "If you can’t get in outside, then you can’t get in from inside."

Avatar spreads out his palms, and a roll of jade slip appears. When the jade slip is spread out, each drop of blood is engraved on it.

Avatar motivates the Sunday Life and Death Seal in the Divine Consciousness Sea, connecting the servants' spiritual imprint!

"First, the extreme sword and the desperate heavenly blade, come out!"

Lin Chen Jieyin, Fang Ling and Langfanyun’s spiritual imprint incorporate the blood essence on the jade slip , Coldly shouted, two crystals of purple blue holy light trembling violently!

Boom! boom! clang!

The edge splits the crystal from the inside, exploding into a aftermath of sky full of energy. Two peerless Holy Artifacts flashed, clang plunged into the ground, circling the slightly throbbing holy light, responding to Lin Chen's call!

Although Lin Chen is not the owner of Holy Artifact, he has the spiritual imprint and holy blood of his master's "active will", and these Holy Artifacts can be summoned away!

Once Holy Artifact has a master, the formidable power it exerts far exceeds the state of no master!

"This is the sword and knife of Grade 9..."

Lin Chen was stunned for a while, the extremely long sword is eight feet long, and the whole body is entangled with purple clouds, engraving three swords The flower, the hilt of the sword is like double wings, the sword edge is blue and yellow, and the edge is bright!

Desperate heavenly blade, eight-foot blade, faucet handle, hilt swallows clouds and fog, the blade is red with blue, sharp and soft, as if a cloud of mist on the blade can also cut the stars !

These two Holy Artifacts are stronger than Lin Chen’s frozen Heavenly Sword and Absolute Sword!

genuine's Grade 9!

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