[It consumes 300,000 points of the top Heavenly Dao value, and begins to awaken the host’s fleshy fourth rank Perfection. 】

bang bang bang!

Lin Chen’s Saint Physique glows with a new burst of vitality and power, full of every inch of flesh and blood, shining brightly, blooming with the strongest of ancient relics Power, the servants were surprised!

Long Jiushan said in a stupefied manner: "This...how the lord’s body refinement is so powerful!"

Shangguan Wudi nodded and said: "Just now it was 48,000. Respect power, it is now fifty-five thousand!"

In the end, Lin Chen's pure power has just broken through the 60,000-respect power level!

His body refinement is based on 12,000 powers, and the fourth rank segment of the fleshy awakening is quadrupled, which is 60,000 powers!

"system, help me strengthen the current cultivation technique to +17!"

Lin Chen, his strength is rising rapidly!


Holy Prison, First Layer, in the vast Heaven and Earth, the sun is hanging high!

The top of the lacquered black tower, sitting with four silhouettes, these four people are all Saint King cultivation base!

"Wu Family’s Saint King, what do you want to say. We have just returned from this trip, and we have to wait for the return of the two big brothers to fight against Lin Chen. Do you also want to join us? ”

The first Saint King wearing black armor in a low, muffled voice, his blood is as strong as Great Desolate Giant Beast, and his breath and breath are like strong wind scattering the last clouds, and the light is destroyed. dark!

This is actually a body refinement Saint King! The strength and blood are so strong that it exists almost like an overlord, and can blow out the level of stars in one breath!

Wu Family Old Ancestor sitting on the opposite side said with a smile indifferently: "We have a common enemy, and we must deal with this child together. You want his life. Old man only needs his mental consciousness."

"Heh, what are you kidding me." The second holy prison, Saint King, is fierce and ferocious, with three scars on his face, and his holy eyes are shining with violent and cruel strange light——

" Do you want us to kill him, you take his spiritual consciousness to torture his secret?"

The character who can kill the Two Great Saint Kings in the holy prison, the secret of this child, is nothing else.

Wu Family This is to treat their holy prison as wage earners! The three Saint Kings can see through at a glance!

Wu Family Old Ancestor is composed and smiles peacefully.

"But it was because your Holy Prison tried to spy on the remains of the Divine Emperor and sent out all the power above the Open Heaven Realm, that led to the fall of the Holy Prison, isn't it? You made this mistake."

The last gentleman and gentleman, Tsing Yi Young Master, who seems to be always smiling, shook his white feather fan gently, "Lin Chen this child took away the last batch of powerhouses in the holy prison, Fang Ling and Lang Fanyun Breakthrough Saint King is in this world, and their current team strength is not what it used to be."

"I heard that Lin Chen this child has released the painful disaster, even if the two big brothers return, we five Saint King wants to win Lin Chen and the others, I am afraid it will have to pay no small price, this is indeed our fault."

Tsing Yi Young Master smiled at the corners of his mouth, and if severe light flashed in his eyes, clearly I understood the other person's mind--

Wu Family Old Ancestor, smiled without saying a word.

It seems that he has absolute certainty and confidence in this action!

Tsing Yi Saint King said calmly.

"Wu Family’s Saint King, you just saw this. They came to us when they knew that my holy prison could not fully suppress it now. Let’s talk about your terms and price. , This cannot be a matter of weighing the pros and cons."

Wu Family Old Ancestor said with a big smile: "The bargaining chip is the old man, how about a Saint King battle strength, is it enough?"

Tsing Yi Young Master shook his head: "Not enough. A Saint King battle strength is indeed very precious, but just wanting to share the secret of this child with this is a whimsical one."

Wu Family Old Ancestor seemed to have expected it, showing a knowing smile like old fox.

"If the old man is not enough, this is enough!"

Wu Family Old Ancestor took out a red box with a powerful strength of Seal!

The treasure box is entwined with scarlet Yunxia, ​​and the divine might faintly released. The magnificent and exquisite blood jade is like the most dazzling star in the sky!

At this moment, Tsing Yi Young Master put away his smile in an instant, with an unprecedented dignity!

He took a deep breath and said seriously: "This is, divine blood! You Martial God Aristocratic Family, are you gonna bet on this..."

Even the other unruly Two Great Saint Kings also felt the oppression of suffocation, like the battle strength of Saint King, weak as an ant in front of the power in the treasure box!

Wu Family Old Ancestor gave an awe-inspiring smile.

"For the sake of Martial God's reputation, I don't hesitate!"

The three kings fell silent, and I have to say that Martial God Aristocratic Family bet a lot!

Tsing Yi Saint King: "...I promise your terms. Then, I wish us a happy cooperation!"

Martial God Aristocratic Family and Saint Prison officially join forces!

Boom! !

It was almost a tone barely fell, with a bang, the space below the holy prison suddenly broke out with a shocking explosion, and the space shook violently!

The faces of many powerhouses who have returned to the holy prison have changed dramatically!

At this juncture, some people dare to break into the holy prison?

Who eaten a bear's heart and a leopard's gallbladder!


The time has returned to four hours ago——

In the Muhai Azure Secret Realm, Lin Chen and the servants emerged, floating in the air.

If you are traveling at the speed of a normal Saint, you don't know how long it will take to get from the Saint King domain to the blue domain.

Using Xiao Linger's spatial divine technique and Zi Qianshou's Formation, she crossed over a dozen regions in less than ten days, and arrived here with great speed!

Lin Chen knows how to find the secret road in the space before, and when he finds that it can still be used, he smiles with his servants knowingly.

Once, the holy prison that made them so jealous, the servants could not even dream of it, and they would come again!

And this time, they took the initiative to enter!

Lin Chen snapped his fingers and said with a big smile: "This time we will go in and make him turn upside down, but if anything is valuable, take it all!"

Long Jiushan be eager to have a try, "The holy prison group of dog thieves killed so many powerhouses in vain back then. There must be more than little bits in the search. You can take them if you can take them, and destroy the ones that can’t be taken away! Don’t give them to these beasts. Stay behind!"

"Let’s go!"


The gate of Holy Prison 2-Layer, when Lin Chen and the others appeared, they saw towering towering He smiled knowingly when he entered the giant door of the cloud space.

Lin Chen turned around in a dashing manner, and went up with a kick!


The space gate of the Second Layer of the Holy Prison collapsed suddenly. At this moment, all the powerhouses in the Holy Prison were alarmed!

First Layer ——

"What happened?"

"Report...Report to Xuanqing Saint King, it is Lin Chen, Lin Chen is here again Now! Two Saint Kings, Fang Ling and Lang Fanyun!"


The black armored Saint King smashed the jade platform with a palm, and the black tower trembled. He eyes wide staring angrily, "It’s him, it’s Lin Chen again! He treats our holy prison as a brothel. Already, come as you want, leave as you like?"

"no!" The boy's veto echoed through the holy prison First Layer.

A crowd of silhouettes came from the horizon, and the silver robe teenager said with a big smile.

"I didn’t treat the Holy Prison as a brothel. This handsome is a good citizen. He won the Guangshuai Top Ten Good People Award all the year round. For a character like me, visiting brothel will also give others twice the price. ! But today, I came to the Holy Prison not only without giving money, but also knocking you off here!"

Lin Chen jokingly said with a smile: "Sorry, in front of me, you guys Not even brothel."

Boom! boom! boom!

Dozens of beams of holy light are like propping up the beams of Heaven and Earth, and dozens of powerhouses in the First Layer of the Holy Prison suddenly explode!

Too fucking bully intolerably!

The fucking bullies are on their heads!

The servants are suffocating crazy laughter, the holy prison is worse than brothel?

Lin Chen, the only one who can tell this sentence through the ancient and modern China and foreign countries!

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