Lin Chen and the little shadow, the overcast and the ultimate shadow, the two are both dark and become two divine lights.

The two fought from the sky to the earth, heaven falls and earth rends, where they passed, exploded like a whirlpool, and everything was swallowed and strangled, like a natural disaster that destroyed the world, descended on Heaven and Earth!

The battle between the two Saint Kings is terrible.

But two desperate Saint Kings, that is the big horror movie of his mother! It’s heartbeat. If you get involved a little bit, Saint at Rank 9 will be crippled, and maybe you will fall on the spot!


"Crazy, both are crazy!"

"This is the future Shadow King will be called the big brother The character, I take it, I fucking really take it!"

"Don’t take it too much, just give me a hand! The old man is going to be involved!"


"Quick retreat!"

The people in Wu Family, Holy Prison, and Divine flame palace were implicated in varying degrees, and more than half of the powerhouses were forced to suspend the battle.

Shangguan Jue's red lips slightly opened, and the young boy who needed her shelter back then was actually on the same level as her!

Several shadow patriarchs can't help but look sideways, and they are amazed!

Just now, Xiaoying asked them to call Lin Chen big brother, but they still have several points of reluctance in their hearts.

But now, the shadow patriarch just wanted to give the Lin Chen big brother a cigarette, help him light it, and shout brother.

The battle strength of Saint King Realm! In the shadow family, only the real Innate Shadow King can command the supreme powerhouse!

Even the little shadow now, before really ascending the throne, is also impossible to call the Innate Shadow of Saint King Level!


A bunch of golden fist wind ran through Heaven and Earth, and the cloudy sky stepped on the wind and tornado, and the shadows all over his body flashed sideways to avoid.

Even if they don’t use the cultivation technique, they also have the destructive power of the orange-order battle skill. If the cultivation technique is used, it will be even more terrifying!

Lin Chen threw his fist into the air and turned his fist into his palm. When his five fingers grasped the shape of Ultimate Shadow, he and Yin Tianzi's figure were instantly captured. On the contrary, he pressed Yin Tianzi's head and raised his legs. A knee that crushed the sun and the moon crashed!

The infinite energy of different crystals condenses the arms, and the cloudy sky elbows them downwards. When Lin Chen hits Lin Chen's knees, he clenched the blood sickle with his backhand and swept!

Lin Chen grabbed with ten fingers, War God's arm armor was blocked, ten fingers were like eagle claws, and he caught Grade 9 Holy Artifact empty-handed!

Wu Weiyang: "...there is this style of play?"

Strong as the Divine flame Palace Chief Supreme Elder is also like seeing a ghost, the pretty face is unbelievable !

What is this kid's arm armor made of! Take Grade 9 Holy Artifact empty-handed, and even if there is no trace left on the arm armor, even Lin Chen himself has nothing to do!

With his bare hands, Lin Chen soared into the air, and suddenly exploded with a powerful whip leg to run away!

"Great Compassion Cracks the Soul Palm!"

Yin Tianzi's orange-level high level chapter violently rushed away. With palms to legs, Holy Force fuses the mighty power of alien crystals. Pour down with one palm!

Boom~! When Lin Chen was bombarded with a blow, flicks with the finger!

"Rune of Slowness!"

Lin Chen threw away a Rune of Slowness with dozens of points of Saint Level rune energy. When delaying the offensive of Yin Tianzi, the five-finger pat, fiercely Ground crushed his orange high level Absolute Art!

Boom! boom! boom!

Shadow Flurry, one after another Dark misty darkness flashes horizontally and horizontally, spurring a terrifying spatial aftermath.

Not only are the two clashing, the ultimate shadow behind them is also fighting!

Yin Tianzi clenched the Grade 9 blood sickle with both hands, swung his hands extremely fast, and slashed and slashed at Lin Chen with infinite blood energy, and displayed another orange-level high level Absolute Art!

"Unexpectedly, this kid is still hiding such a trump card, and he can temporarily grow to the pure power of Saint King Realm's body refinement."

"If you let him go this time, next time I don’t know how far he can grow. Taking advantage of this battle, must kill him! Never let the old god, Old Guy, let this kid reverse the case for him. The dead should die completely and disappear forever. !"

The killing intent in Yin Tianzi's eyes is crazy and fierce, and all his moves are fighting Lin Chen! The fierce battle is far more fierce than any Saint King Realm battle circle!

"I don't believe it, this kid's temporary overdraft power can withstand the massive alien crystals in this seat!"

Yin Tianzi waved Grade 9 Holy Artifact again and again. , The sickle blade crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood, slashing the mansions like a bloody moon, every move of its return to the natural state, seemingly out of order, in fact, every move is cutting off Lin Chen's retreat!

This is the only chance for Yin Tianzi to kill Lin Chen!

If Lin Chen is allowed to run away, there will be two Saint Kings and so many Peak powers around him!

Afterwards, it was too difficult for him to move Lin Chen. Now is his first and last chance to kill Lin Chen!

So, the cloudy sky chose to fight to the death!

Lin Chen's potential is too terrifying, he has already witnessed it with his own eyes!

If such a monster allows him to grow to the Sacred Heart and Open the Sky, his cloudy son will always live in the shadow of Lin Chen!

So, he must kill Lin Chen here! With the killing move on both sides now, Lin Chen is still suppressed by him! It is only a matter of time before defeating him!

chi! chi! Pu chi!

The sharp blood glow shrouded Lin Chen’s retreat, forcing Lin Chen to be affected by repeated hard bombings, staring for the stars. Tianchen robe began to crack continuously, and blood was overflowing!

On the other hand, Yin Tianzi, Lin Chen has not penetrated his defenses so far, resulting in the [Extinction Rift] and [Destruction Explosion] not being able to exert enough effects!

Lin Chen held on tightly, the Avatar was hidden inside the air transport planting bag, constantly running'Ambilight' to mobilize into the body, fast healing, but still can't keep up with the speed of the injury!

"It's not enough, this kind of power can't beat him!"

Lin Chen, who is as strong as Godslayer, is already using the War God four-piece suit to gain pure power. At the limit, the War God set continues to increase the consumption charging speed and can continue to increase the strength, but the premise is that Lin Chen's Saint Physique can no longer bear it!

"For a more powerful killer move, the charge of the War God four-piece suit must not be wasted! Keep your breath, before the opportunity comes, you must wait until the end!"

Lin Chen's attack makes The other Saint King didn't understand it!

He can obviously avoid the opponent's offensive with the movement method and the little shadow. Why does he have to fight at close quarters and insist on tearing the opponent's defense apart?

Except for thinking of'perish together', other Saint Kings can't see through second possibility!

Yin Tianzi sneered: "Want to take me to death? You are really thinking about the old bastard of the ancient god! It's just a idiot to talk about dreams, see how this seat crushes you to death!"

Tear~! The space is cracked, and the blood sickle comes again!

In Lin Chen's eyes, a crazy killing intent bloomed, a diagonal kick flew the sickle of Grade 9 Holy Artifact, taking turns to pick up the whip, and then the fist was like a hammer!

He fought violently all the way up close, almost as if he was changing his life with Yin Tianzi!

But Lin Chen's injuries are getting heavier and heavier, and his body is bathed in blood. On the other hand, the cloudy sky, except for a slightly disturbed breath, there is no other injury at all!

However, he used Grade 8 to defend against the “holy light” created by Holy Artifact. The rays of light were dim, and even the Defense Absolute Art was broken by Lin Chen several times!


I punched again at the cost of injury, Lin Chen furiously punched Zhongyin Tianzi in the chest, piercing the protection that the ultimate shadow gave him!

There is a crack in the holy light body of the sea-blue color of the cloudy sky!


At this moment, Lin Chen's fighting intent is mad, his eyes blooming with a murderous aura!

"It's now!"

"Desperate life and death! Turn it on!"

[Turn on the orange innate talent: Desperate life and death, successfully select targets, consume With 45 million top-level innate talent points, the host’s life force began to burn in exchange for strength...]

The strongest singled out innate talent · Desperate life and death!

Once it is turned on, there is no way out! The deadly battle between the two sides can no longer stop!


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