Ji Wuchen stepped into the air to levitate, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, staring at the position of the cloudy sky, coldly said.

"Grade 9 Holy Artifact is not enough, but 70,000 alien crystals will be added. This number of alien crystals is as strong as we are impossible to collect in a short period of time. Centimeter is alive and dead, shall we help?" Zi Qianchou raised his hand to block, and shook his head.

"We are in the past, it's not very useful, trust the lord!"

"Give the overcast son to the lord, let's kill those guys in the Divine flame palace, Sorrowful Ghost And the others’ evacuation, other battle circles have already begun to fall into a disadvantage, and everyone should not be troubled. The lord’s order is that all must live to end the battle!"


At this time, a spiritual sound transmission is passed to all servants through the Life and Death Seal. It is the voice of Jiang Taixu!

"Everyone, please focus on the territory of the Divine flame palace, Wushuang will give you new battle strength with the last Absolute Art!"

This sound transmission makes the servants complexion slightly changed!

"Fei Wushuang senior, do you want to use that trick?"

"No, it's too dangerous..."

"No, this one right now The situation, there is no more suitable opportunity than to use the Absolute Art trick!"

Jiang Taixu sound transmission is not only the servants, but also the Grade 8 powerhouses who came to help. sound transmission!

Almost at the same time, all powerhouses moved closer to the Divine flame palace!

This sudden change caused the powerhouse of the Holy Prison and Divine flame Palace to sighed in relief, and suddenly felt bad!

"Wrong way, do they want to retreat?"

"There is a problem, what big killer they want to brew, must stop them!"

When the prison and the Wu Family came back to his senses, the servants and many powerhouses had all gathered in the territory of the Divine flame palace!

"Damn it, catch up!"

Above the sky of dozens of ten thousand zhangs, the delicate and gorgeous red dress is like clouds and smoke, and the delicate and exquisite figure reveals a unique The beauty.

The beauty of the lady is beautiful, like a mandala in full bloom in the desert. When the bare hand dances gently, and the flying flower feathers are floating, the sky instantly curls up the scarlet light and rain!

Between Heaven and Earth, plunged into the endless night, only the boundless scarlet rain!

The light and rain under the dark night, the aurora is like starlight embellishment, magnificent, shining in the world, Fei Wushuang is like Heavenly Immortal dancing, sleeves swaying, gently waving, the light and rain are endless, turning into Fairy under the night sky .

Each drop of rain is like a star in the aurora, falling to the Human World, pursuing all living beings, and saving innumerable living beings!

The scene is almost superb, breathtakingly beautiful!

Everyone has a taste of the beauty of the world that belongs only to the "Bright Scarlet"!

Fei Qianyu was shocked and muttered to himself.

"Elder sister, are you going to fight to this point..."

Only nine turns Saint can feel the aurora raindrops, how shocking the worldly energy is! !

"hey hey hey! This won't be true..."

"This is the divine technique "Hey Hey Hey" that only appeared once in the ancient times. "!"

For a moment, it seemed like ten thousand years, and it seemed to be amazing. At this moment, the light and rain of afterglow fell one after another, bathing in the powerhouse of every Lin Chen team accurately!

Even Saint King Realm's Fang Ling and Lang Fanyun, and even Lin Chen!

When the rain of the aurora entered the body, everyone’s Saint Physique was reborn as nirvana, regaining endless vitality, almost instantly, all the injuries he recovered in an instant! !

At this moment, countless powerhouse looks are terribly changed! !

Recover completely! All are recover completely!

All powerhouses of Lin Chen’s team, including Grade 8 sect, the hermit powerhouse, all servants, up to Saint King, down to the second round of Saint and Lin Chen, all of their injuries are in One-tenth of the breath recover completely!

Ying Chunqiu eyes shrank, "She actually comprehend the divine technique!!!"

The servants who were seriously injured just now are all recovered completely!

A Peak powerhouse has a serious injury treatment, how many resources it needs to consume, all powerhouses have a deep understanding! But now, he was actually reversed by Fei Wushuang with one move, and healed with one move!

This move can be described as Danger Land's comeback! Super big reversal!

In the previous battle, the injuries accumulated by both sides were not small. This was not an ordinary battle. Both sides wanted to put the other to death, and did not keep their hands at all.

Recovering from all injuries in this section means a change in the overall situation!

All powerhouses know at this brief moment why the holy prison insisted on suppressing it in an attempt to subdue the proud of these times!

They are too bad!

Jiang Taixu's solemn expression remained the same, his eyes met, and he swam to life and acted immediately, rushing to the sky.

Swimming to life extend the hand, catching the delicate loving body that fell and fell into a severe coma, is Fei Wushuang.

Her face was completely bloodless, and her mental consciousness was completely in a coma.

What's more terrifying is that her holy cave Holy Force is all consumed, not even a trace is left, exactly similar to when she just left the holy prison!

You Wangsheng sighed in his heart: "You all have to fight to this point..."

"Heavenly God" is the reverse Heavenly God technique controlled by Fei Wushuang , The divine technique is truly formidable power, which can resurrect Saint King and even True God!

However, the price paid is also with life as an example. Even more how Fei Wushuang currently does not have this kind of cultivation base, and what it produces is also an incomplete version of the "Sunshine in the Night".

But even so, being able to use this kind of cultivation technique is already a terrifying point!

"Everyone, the old man is not good at fighting, so I can only help you one by one!"

While traveling to life to protect Fei Wushuang, he waved his palm, dozens of pieces high. A holy pill emerges, flicks with the finger, a holy light runs through all the holy pill!

Boom! boom! boom!

"The pill melts the sky, the sky is one. Become a holy, Return to Origin One!"

When I read the formula, the exploding sacred pill shot out the gorgeous Danxia one after another. Incorporated into the body of the powerhouses in Lin Chen's team~

Except for Fang Ling and Lang Fanyun, everyone’s Holy Force has recovered by about 20%. Although the use of Holy Pill will damage medicine efficacy, Is the most efficient recovery method!

After using this move, the Holy Force that swam to life consumes one third, protecting Fei Wushuang like lightning to retreat!

"Don't let them run, must kill this woman, she is too threatening to the holy prison!"

"Even if I fight for my life, I have to kill She was completely wiped out, now is her weakest time..."


A blood-opening dragon that swept through the wilds ran over, and two powerhouses of the Holy Prison with a four-wheeled cultivation base exploded on the spot!

"Who do you want to kill?"

"She is the weakest, but what about us."

Two figures floating in the air, murderous-looking, direct Shocked the powerhouse of a sacred prison!

Ji Wuchen, Zi Qianshou! These two monsters have recovered again!

The eight-bit nine-turn Saint or half-step Saint King can’t stop these two guys at all!

"It's time to fight back, everyone, kill the dog thieves in Holy Prison!"

"Wu Family people, don't let them run away!"

Multi-party melee is set off again, and the battle is getting worse!


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