Wu Weiyang stared at the silver robe boy on the back of Taixi Ancient Dragon, coldly said.

"Are you Lin Chen?"

Lin Chen raised his eyebrows and jokingly said with a smile: "authentic, the first commander in the holy world, the first man in the wave. Super long Wait for the chicken, exclusive first."

Wu Weiyang extremely angry and laughed back: "Very well, the old man has never seen anyone who dares to provoke my Martial God Aristocratic Family! You are the first, and will It will be the last one!"

Bang! boom!

Wu Weiyang stepped out in one step, flashing thousands of miles in a flash, shuttling through the void, rolling all the way, the movement method is so fast, it is actually a "Martial God step"!

Just a few breaths, Wu Weiyang moved across the plane!

Martial God Aristocratic Family also began to follow suit!

The three streams of light come swiftly like sword edge, blocking Wu Weiyang’s direction from the front!

Tear and pull~! boom!

Wu Weiyang doubts: "en?"

I saw, Taixi Ancient Dragon up ahead, his offensive was blocked by five people!

Wu Weiyang's eyes changed slightly, "Jiang Wan'er of Xianxiamen? The son of Primordial Spirit Heavenly Fire, Situ Changsheng. Dragon Jiushan of Battle Domain, and Yun Tianguang... You actually entered the holy prison, Not dead yet?"

He swept his gaze, and after spotting the team of the Holy Prison, with Saint King's experience and inspiration, he immediately vaguely understood the situation.

Long Jiushan laughed: "Old Guys like you are alive and well, how do we die."

Wu Weiyang was surprised: "Lord? Just rely on Lin Chen this child? "

Jiang Wan'er coldly said: "Big Brother Long, don't talk nonsense with this old bastard, don't let him get close to the lord!"

Situ Chang Shengxiao was gentle and elegant: "Girl Wan'er Mo Urgent, there is a white jade Fairy guarding the formation, he has no chance!" After finishing speaking, Situ Changsheng waved his sleeves, all around a dark barrier appeared, completely transformed by the power of the Primordial Spirit!

The "Great World of Primordial Spirit" transformed by the Primordial Spirit descended upon Heaven and Earth and enveloped Wu Weiyang. The radius was hundreds of thousands li, and it was the world created by Primordial Spirit. , The fire of Primordial Spirit burns all over the world, endlessly!

"The boundary between Heaven and Earth, the world accepts interest. The ten directions are endless, the nine calamities reflect the universe! The ten directions and nine calamities, enter time and space!"

white jade Fairy · Xiao Ling The child's delicate hand swayed gently, his fingers danced, light and graceful, thousands of space lights began to turn into beams, and shuttled into the "Essence Great World"!

Om~! When the space throbs, the soul of the Great World becomes an inherent space plane!

Xiao Linger smiled indifferently: "This space has been completely blocked, please fight as much as you want, without worrying about hurting the lord."

Wu Weiyang suddenly laughed: "hahaha, just rely on it."

You seven Nine Ranks Peak, you also want to stop this king, look down on my Martial God Aristocratic Family, it won’t work!"

Long Jiushan is gearing up, begin to stir, grinning said with a big smile: "Try it or not. Got it! I haven't beaten Saint King with my fist yet, so I will use you today!"

At this moment, all powerhouses are amazing!

Martial God Aristocratic Family's Saint King was stopped as soon as he appeared!

However, the threat has not been lifted!

Martial God Aristocratic Family powerhouse as clouds, the Saint of Rank Nine alone is twelve!

Lin Chen himself, what can he do to stop him?

At this time, Lin Chen is standing on top of Sacred Dragon, one man one dragon, facing all Martial God Aristocratic Family powerhouse alone!

"What kind of road is this? There won't be any crafty plots and machinations, right?"

"Don't care about his tricks, so many of us can't get a youngster? Extinct? It's him!"

"Later, it will change, the first is the strongest!"

One hundred and eighty Saints of Martial God Aristocratic Family immediately urged the movement method, shuttling through the void , Swept to Lin Chen extremely fast!

Almost everyone did not understand, what is Lin Chen doing?

The old man Wuji pinches the finger calculation, it is better than he has the name of the'sacred world's first Prediction Master', but also can't see what Lin Chen is making!

next moment, the corners of Lin’s mouth were frantically raised, and he skillfully put on his homemade sunglasses.

Dragon Qi of scarlet gold surrounds Lin Chen, turning into a divine halo-like aperture covering him, Taixi divine light is activated immediately, Lin Chen devotes all the Dragon Vein to this moment! Form the strongest defense!


Lin Chen jumped and jumped directly under the dragon's head!

Boom~! !

Wind and cloud swayed, Sacred Dragon a long whistle, dragon tail turned and smashed, all eyes were in full view, Sacred Dragon actually flung the dragon tail, pure power burst on the spot, and slammed on Lin Chen!

Boom! !

Lin Chen was flicked and flicked by the Sacred Dragon, and the whole person was like a cannonball and shot towards the powerhouse of the entire Martial God Aristocratic Family!

At this moment, all the hidden old monsters and Ancient Ones were stunned.

What the hell is this!

One person rushed to the entire Martial God Aristocratic Family?

It’s not enough for your fucking one-on-one Great Saint nine. Do you want to single out most of the elite Martial God Aristocratic Family?

With his battle strength in fighting with the saints, even if all the Avatars are together, it may not be an opponent of Rank 8 Saint!

More imitating Wu Family, there are twelve Saints in Rank Nine Saints. This behavior is like a sheep entering a lion group, and it is equivalent to courting death!

"He dared to kill him alone?"

"Courting death, kill this kid!"

"Don't care what crafty plots and Under the machinations, Saint King, it is impossible for someone to single us all and directly suppress him!"

The powerhouses of Martial God Aristocratic Family reacted swiftly, and the imposing manner skyrocketed in an instant, shocking the sky. Ground!

One move to the strongest Absolute Art has been played, moving towards Lin Chen's direction!

Boom! boom! boom!

The terrible offensive ran over or hit Lin Chen time and time again. His'Tai Xi divine light' suffered massive attacks, and his desire collapsed!

Even if the Divine Dragon bloodline is strengthened, it must resist the offensive of 180 Xeon Saints, even the "Tai Xi divine light" known as Absolute Defense can't bear it!

Although Lin Chen's Absolute Defense was shaken by numerous offensives, when it was fragmented, it also allowed him to successfully break through countless attacks.

Lin Chen rushed to the center of all Martial God Aristocratic Family powerhouses!

"there's a road to Heaven yet you don't walk it, hell is doorless yet you charged to it!"

"Don't mind what crafty plots and machinations he has, just hit , Beat him fiercely!"

"Hahaha, really courting death, do you want to single us out? What do you want to do with your dream!"

"Hahaha! ”

All Wu Family powerhouses, either grinning or disdainful, aimed at Lin Chen!

Lin Chen grinned, his eyes under the dark sunglasses looked crazy!

"The game is over, now is the time when the True King card bursts!"


The space directly above Lin Chen's head violently Blast a golden talisman, divine might matchless in the world.

[The host launches the orange innate talent · Godslayer, and has sensed hostility towards the host, a total of 972 people, Saint King 4th, Rank 9 Perfection 18th, Rank 9 cultivation base 47...]

When the golden talisman merged into the body, Lin Chen's red light, like wyvern, burst out instantly! Make every powerhouse present, heart palpitations!

Shih~! bang! bang! bang!

The earth trembles!

The sky is roaring!

The 45 holy caves shining with six-pointed starlights in Lin Chen's body suddenly expanded, and a holy light vortex that enveloped Nine Heavens and Ten Earths swept across the eastern part of the Saint King domain!

"Not good!"

"Damn, he wants to condense the acupoint?"

"Wrong way! Get out!"

Wu Family powerhouse perceives a breath that is almost divine might, and it feels bad!

In a very short period of time, Lin Chen's holy caves have broken through 46 and 47!

Lin Chen's breath grows wildly, 46 holy caves burst open, and 6500 bursts in a row!

Forty-seven holy caves were temporarily rushed open, bursting 6,500 times in a row!

Next, 48, 49, 50, and 6500 times!

It’s not over yet!

Lin Chen’s cultivation base, like a hot knife through butter, is still growing crazily and soaring!

The once strongest trump card, Godslayer innate talent, is here again!


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