Lin Chen can exert the cultivation technique beyond the original formidable power, and can quickly cultivation arrives at perfection, but he cannot combine the cultivation technique!

I have to say, Martial God bloodline is really strong!

"Holy Talent List, worthy of being a person who made history on the top of the Holy Realm, no one who eats dry food..."

Lin Chen spit out blood and said awe-inspiringly with a smile.

Clang~! Dang~! Dang~!

blade light and sword shadows, Lin Chen and Wu Pian Jueji waved afterimages, the blade and sword collide twisted out countless sparks, all around Blade Qi moving unhindered, sword glow lingering endlessly !

The cold glow of Lin Chen's sword is scattered, and the flames of the sword are rolling.

Wu Pian Peerless Sword The deadly Yellow Springs breath and dark edge above Wu Pian Peerless Sword, faintly absorb the stars, strangling Lin Chen all around again and again, being blocked by Lin Chen in turns!

clang! Wu Pianjue violently cut Lin Chen's head with a sword and a knife!

Lin Chen is holding a sword and a horizontal knife, and two Holy Artifacts stand on top of his head like scissors, blocking Wu Pianjue's brutal cut!

"Lin Chen, you are really strong. If you don’t meet your god son, maybe you will become a new sage, but if you challenge me, that is courting death, naked courting death!"

Wu Pian sneered sneer, his hands gradually increased the power of the Great Saint to move, pressing down the blade and blade step by step, and sneered awe-inspiringly.

"Have you seen the greatness of Martial God! This time I will convince you to die!"

Shi~! Boom~!

The aftermath of the edge is cut again and again, Lin Chen's "Jade Yuyi" defense is broken, the aftermath of the edge passes, Lin Chen's face is bloodshot, and the blood is drawn to the side, but his face doesn't 't change, peaceful!


Next, Wu Pianjue drew his sword at high speed and cut across with a single knife. Lin Chen was caught off guard just now when he took the attack and tried his best. When he was close, he tried to block him with his sword, but he directly picked up Heavenly Sword!

Between the electric light and the flint, Wu Pianjue stepped on Martial God again to approach, and suddenly stab Lin Chen with a sword, like lightning, extremely fast, he could not retreat!

"This is the end, Lin Chen! You can't even break the defense of your god son. You have not reached the holy state of mind, and the healing ability is even more unbearable. When you are injured, it is the beginning of your annihilation!"

"It is indeed over, Martial God!"

The corners of Lin's mouth rose wildly!

He swung his arm steeply, slashed across the air, and clanged. When he forcibly took Wu Pianjue's sword, the corners of his mouth were bleeding!

However, Wu Pianjue's offensive kept going, and then cut Lin Chen's right shoulder!


The servants complexion slightly changed!

Only Jiang Taixu suddenly stopped Fang Ling and the others who had gone violently!

"Don't act rashly, the master's strength has not yet bottomed out!"

The heartstrings of the servants are tense!

In the flashing room, Lin Chen jokingly smiled.

"It's a pity, Wu Pianjue, you have a set!"

At this moment, Lin Chen desperately rolled out a palm and patted Wu Pianjue's chest!

Bang~! Tear~!

This palm hit Wu Pianjue, but he still did not break his last layer of defense!

Instead, it was Lin Chen who was slashed from the front. The man in the star-chattering Tianchen robe was chopped out, unable to block all the damage. Blood flowed across Lin Chen's right shoulder and was slashed on the spot!

Wu Pianjue's heart suddenly raised a little bit of badness!

Lin Chen laughed!

"The goal of this handsome, from the beginning to the end, I didn't intend to beat you!"

Lin Chen grabbed his collar abruptly and laughed wildly. !

"I want to be a bastard for you!"

Wu Pian is absolutely uncertain, "He wants to self-destruct?"

When he missed, Wu Pian Jue made another attempt to cut Lin Chen's arm!

[The host launches the innate talent over time, consumes 69.9 billion high level innate talent points, successfully locks the target, ingest!


A dark green space rays of light fell from the sky and appeared out of thin air. When they passed by, Lin Chen and Wu Pianjue disappeared at the same time!


Weird silence!

In and outside the Divine flame palace, all powerhouses are staring, dumbfounded, and dumbfounded!

What about people!

In the sacred flame space, the two disappeared completely!

Lan Jingyu suddenly felt empty in his palm, and the killing intent between his eyebrows skyrocketed, and his eyes clearly understood all the space planes nearby, even the Divine flame palace's tens of thousands of miles of space was immediately imprisoned!

However, there is no trace!

"Did you guys do a good thing?"

Lan Jingyu calmed down a bit terribly, and immediately looked towards Lin Chen's servant team.

"Are you, don't rely on it! You dignified a Saint King personally to protect the space, can we take people away without disturbing you?"

"You are in a hurry, you are in a hurry! Divine flame does not have this kind of tolerance, right? No way No way?"

"Che, don't you look down on our lord's means."

"Our lord wants to kill him Wu Pianjue, don't you dare to be alone?"

"Want to wrong us? My mother! Don't let us fight?"

None of Lin Chen's servants are persuaded, so positive that Lan Jingyu dare not act rashly!

Indeed, a powerhouse from Lin Chen's team possesses the top secret.

However, Lan Jingyu personally developed this holy flame space.

Without disturbing his Saint King, suddenly moving such a powerful battle strength as Wu Pianjue away is impossible!

Hidden a Saint King through his own space movement, and robbed someone on a space plane controlled by Saint King, they are two different things!

But the question is, where did Wu Pianjue go!

"What the hell is going on!"

"Where did Lin Chen take people?"

"Space Holy Artifact? No, it's not so strong Space Holy Artifact!"

"Is it time and space divine water? However, if you want to use this kind of hole card, it will definitely alarm the awareness of the protector!"

Ten of the Elder Council As much as Elder Gao panicked!

Damn, the son of God can lose, but he can't die!

Fuck, if he died, the Divine flame palace would not have to give the Martial God family an explanation!

Listen to Lin Chen's tone just now, this guy is real!

A madman who dares to go to Demon Realm's cave and dare to challenge Grade 9 sect, I am afraid that there is no such thing as he dare not do!

Xue Yifan immediately looked towards Dongfanghong——

Dongfanghong shook his head: "I can't find their location. It's strange. I have never seen this kind of Space Secret Technique!"

Divine flame All Elders of the palace are in a mess!

When the outside world is in turmoil--

In a vast plane of time and space.

"Where is this place?"

Wu Pianjue cut with a sword, sword glow opened the sky, rolling and tearing endless waves of air, but even the crystal wall of space could not be broken !

He was surprised and even found that all the hole cards left to him by the Martial God Aristocratic Family were no longer useful!

This is the first time since he was born, a trace of fear has been born!

This ghost place made him encounter an unprecedented situation!

"Welcome to my place, son of Martial God."

At this time, Lin Chen's voice echoed across the plane.

He slowly emerged from a very remote location, watching from a distance, as if a black spot appeared, but Wu Pianjue clearly saw his location.

"Lin Chen, what the hell is happening!"

Wu Pianjue narrowed his eyes. Seeing Lin Chen still seemed to be the only one by his side, he also forcibly calmed down.

Yes, as long as Lin Chen is still alone, he may not be able to win his Wu Pianjue!

Lin Chen wiped the blood from his shoulders, jokingly said with a smile.

"What the hell is happening? I made it very clear just now..."

"I want to kill you!"


When a snap of a finger reverberates, the six phantom divine lights descend into the plane!

At this moment, Wu Pianjue eyes shrank.

There are seven Lin Chens in this horrible place!

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