Thousand Domains, Grade 8 sect Yunyuzong, is the most prosperous sect in Heaven's Chosen among women of Thousand Domains.

The Yunyu Sect, put into the Grade 8 influence, is also a well-known figure, and the founder is shocking and stunning. It's only shocking, although it's not on the sage list, it's comparable to the sage list!

It is said that in the early years, she has become a Xeon Rank 7 Saint. The overall strength of sect is placed in the Grade 8 power of the entire Saint Realm, which is also a super first-class level!

Cloud and rain mountain range, this mountain is covered with clouds and rain, like a cloud and a dragon vomiting fog, extraordinary and refined, beautiful as a Human World Immortal Realm.

At the peak of the mountain range, on the top floor of a pavilion with purple clouds, a beautiful girl in a green skirt sits on the cloud platform, holding her jade gills, shaking her slender snow legs, the clouds are swirling, and the girl hides In the fairy mist, like Heavenly Immortal.

Her beautiful eyes flickered, and her brows were saddened by memories of the past.

"Elder sister, our dream of yearn for something even in dreams has come true, when will you witness this moment..."

The girl in the blue skirt clenched her teeth , "Damn the holy prison! What shit gods, what history of creation, are all for hegemony."

"Master...You have just left the customs, and you are thinking about that uncle? "

At this time, the woman's cold and beautiful voice sounded.

The girl in the blue skirt put away her sorrow, jumped off the cloud platform, and smiled, hehe said with a smile.

"It turns out that Qingyue is back, how is it, my dear disciple, have you won the first place on the list of evildoers?"

The beautiful lady wore a snow skirt, jade hand Holding two cups of fragrant tea, his glamorous and beautiful cheeks appeared helpless, "No, I also encountered some annoying things and a... both annoying and mysterious guy."

Fei Qingyue of Ranked 5th in the evildoer list!

The girl in the green skirt took the fragrant tea and sat down at will, laughed: "You are not young anymore, it's time to find someone to marry."

Fei Qingyue rolled her eyes , Sitting next to the Master with the fragrant tea in his hand, pursing her beautiful lips, said as if not convinced.

"Isn't the Master taught us by you, women can also hold up half the sky."

The girl in the blue skirt said with a smile: "Doesn't mean you want to be single for a lifetime. You support What does half the sky have to do with finding a man? At worst, your man can't support it, so you can help him to support it."

Fei Qingyue is not convinced: "Then Master, why don't you find a man!" "

The girl in the blue skirt straightened her chest, shaking Xuelang, proudly said: "That's because no man can match your Master."

Fei Qingyue curled her mouth. "I don’t want to marry, I don’t want to marry, no one is worthy of you, cut."

The girl in the blue skirt said with a smile: "Then you, among the men you know, are they all worthy? Isn’t you going to be? Not so, as far as Master knows, there has been a sage who has thrown an olive branch for you."

Fei Qingyue startedled, and many fragments flashed in his mind, and finally stopped. On the side face of the topless young man, there is also his posture of singles out the entire enchanting list, as if Heavenly God descends to the world, unrivalled throughout the world.

Seeing that her discipline had stopped unexpectedly, the girl in the green skirt suddenly burned with her heart of eating melons, her eyes bloomed holy light, and Xue Di was full of smiles.

"Oh, I didn't speak anymore. Come, come, tell Master Kangkang, which little bastard is so blessed to be in my Qingyue discipline!"

Fei Qingyue gave her a white look, her delicate ear tips were covered with a faint crimson, coldly snorted and said: "I am not, I didn't say, I didn't. Don't talk nonsense!"

"You are anxious Oh, you’re in a hurry! Tell me quickly, who the hell is it!"

The girl in the blue skirt became more and more curious. Although this little girl has peerless talent, she was an orphan since she was a child and was abandoned to an ordinary person’s home. .

Later, it was calculated by the Prediction Master of Yunyuzong that the enchanting baby appeared within the range of Yunyuzong. Only then did she find and adopt her. After learning about her life experience, Fai Qianyu is even more Feeling the same, I would like to make an exception to accept her as a disciple.

After Fei Qingyue worshipped her as a teacher, she changed her surname. The relationship between the two daughters is both teacher and friend, and she has a strong family relationship.

In her heart, she even hopes that this little girl can have her own home.

"It's really timeless. Do you even have a child, Qian Yu." "

When the ethereal and elegant voice echoed on the cloud platform, the girl in the green skirt was instantly struck by lightning, staring in place!

This voice, this tone!


At this moment, the clouds and mist were lifted away, and the smoke dissipated. A ray of light like the morning sun shines into the Yunyuzong Yuntai, and when it is reflected on Fei Qianyu’s jade cheeks, the faint red dress rolls up, and the beautiful woman's empty valley and orchids, like a banished immortal, when she smiles, Heaven and Earth Such as revitalizing.

"Qianyu, long time no see."

"Elder it really you......"

Fei Qianyu lovable body surprised Trembling, as we walked past, weeping with joy, eyes full of ecstasy and shock!

In the ancient times, during the Ten Thousand Sect battle in the holy world, billions of absolutely beings were involved in the war. She and her elder sister depended on each other since she was a child, and she expected to build her own habitat with her elder sister one day. When self-reliant, you can survive this cruel era without relying on anyone.

After that, she and her elder sister went through all kinds of disasters, became a great way, seized good luck, and surpassed the Innate sage in the future, and achieved a thousand domains of "splendid beauty"!

Back then, when the two sisters were standing in the cream of the crop of the Thousand Domains Era, the elder sister was hit by the holy prison!

In the current era, the Holy Prison was first built, concentrated power, and ordered all parties in the Holy Realm to obey its orders. All geniuses without a background in Grade 9 forces will be sent down if they do not obey the orders of the Holy Prison.' heavenly punishment'.

And the strongest group of people in Heaven and Earth were all suppressed and thrown into the holy prison, the power of the holy prison!

Back then, if the elder sister hadn't surrendered in person to protect her young self, even she would be detained in the Holy Prison!

Since then, many Peak Saints who are not strong enough in the background have either retired directly or joined the Grade 9 forces to protect their lives. Only those'stubborn' figures have been suppressed, the pride of many times. Completely ended.

Most of the enchanting evildoers, sages, and most of those born afterwards have very large backgrounds.

Fei Qianyu wanted to rescue her elder sister until she died, but facing the holy prison of a huge monster, her posture as strong as a sage is definitely not her opponent!

absolutely didn't expect, there is one day we can meet again today!

"It's me, I'm back. And, I'm back intact."

When Fei Wushuang smiled, the girl in the blue skirt suddenly rushed over and hugged her together, tears bursting into tears. Orbital.

"elder sister, I miss you so much! wu wu wu......"

cultivation Fei Qianyu, who has been in cultivation for dozens of epochs, is extremely powerful in anyone’s eyes. At this time Like a little girl who has been wronged, she shed tears freely in the arms of her elder sister without any regrets.

Fei Qianyu's blue silk lightly stroked, Fei Wushuang sighed, and then looked towards Fei Qingyue said with a smile.

"Little girl, how old are you."

"Three...Three thousand and seven years old."

Fei Qingyue was shocked to be subconsciously replied," are an uncle Wushuang?"

She heard from the Master that this uncle was imprisoned in the Holy Prison, one of the supreme powerhouses suppressed back then!

Fei Wushuang did not immediately answer her, beautiful eyes holy light flashed, as if she had seen through all the details of Fei Qingyue, in an instant, Fei Qingyue had a sting that even every inch of flesh and blood was seen through. sense.

"This is Qingyue, the orphaned discipline I received. It is my own, so don't worry about the elder sister. You can tell me how you came back!"

Fai Qianyu said with tears while laughing, and then looked at Fei Wushuang's whole body with great concern.

"How are you elder sister now? After being held tightly in the holy prison, did those people torture you? Did they do anything very excessive to you!"

Fei Wushuang said with a beautiful smile.

"Hehe, they thought. Even if they are imprisoned, whoever dares to touch me below Saint King. Saint King Level powerhouse wants to touch me, they have to consider whether to miss a few pieces of meat for a while. "

Fei Qianyu believes that nodded, the strength of elder sister, she knows best.

Even if the cultivation base has not reached Saint King, there are not many people in the world who dare to touch her body unscrupulously, I am afraid there are not many in Saint King Level!

Back then, the Empress Fiend used a single knife to repel the gods, smashed through the holy prison, and liberated a large number of vicious powerhouses. When there was no her own elder sister, Fai Qianyu was worried and struggling.

"The reason why I can come out, I have to thank my lord."

Fei Wushuang laughed, Fei Wushuang complexion slightly changed, and back again and again.

She trembled: "elder sister, have you succumbed to the Fiend clan?"

Look at the younger sister.

Fei Wushuang said with a smile: "No, my lord, it’s Human Race."

Her gaze looked towards the distance, "It just so happens that he is here too, than Let me introduce, it’s better to see Qian Yu with your own eyes."

tone barely fell ——


At this time, the clouds were rolling, and the handsome silver robe silhouette gradually appeared, stepping into the sky, and the cynical handsome face appeared with a smile.

"Wu Shuang, although the sisters are happy to meet each other, let's go back to Bingxin Palace before saying anything. Fang Ling and Lang Fanyun's enemies have been resolved, and time is running out."

Fei Wushuang smiled like a flower, "Lord, wait a moment."

Fei Qianyu is like being struck by thunder!

The lord of elder sister is such a young boy Saint?

This kid seems to have nothing but handsome!

However, what is more shocking is Fei Qingyue when the red lips are opened to the maximum.

Lin Chen?

He is actually the lord of this legendary uncle!

Even if he can single out the enchanting list, he is still far away from the realm powerhouse like Master!

This uncle, but as early as that year, he had become a Saint of Nine, and he was the Heaven's Chosen Child who led the Age of Thousand Domains!

What is his background!

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