"What happened?"

"Who am I, where am I? Am I dreaming?"

"hehe… …Hahahaha! Crazy, this World must be crazy!"

No matter how extensive and knowledgeable the major Business Groups, Hundreds of Great Powers, and Sects are, they have never seen it before. Nonsense!

You said you Lin Chen singled out the enchanting list so outrageous, even if you still use an Avatar?

Just one Avatar overturned the enchanting list?

No novel dare to write like this!

I'm dumbfounded!

This time it's the turn of all the evildoers on the list of evildoers, and they are completely stunned!

Their world outlook, ethics, morality, all concepts and common sense have collapsed several times in a short period of time!

This Lin Chen is actually just an Avatar! !

Long Qianyue, the third in the enchanting list, was lying on a stretcher, covered in blood, a big mouth in his chest, and the holy blood flowed across.

When he witnessed this scene, his hand covering the wound trembled slightly.

It's not a painful tremor, it's a convulsion that gets sick with anger.

Xiao Changsheng, the twelfth place on the bloody enchanting list, lies in the arms of the beauty, chewing on the corners of Healing Saint Pill's mouth and trembles slightly.

That's not the pain of the injury, it's the anger that surges over the head.

All their masterful demons have moved out the ultimate heritage of family property!

In the end, I actually called an Avatar! Lonely?

The scariest thing is that he didn't beat him!

It took a long time for the fucking feelings, and all the evildoers on their list of evildoers, they wiped out one of the other's'Avatar' clothes...

All the evildoers were shocked. The horrified and collapsed eyes looked at each other.

Lin Chen, an Avatar, are already so strong.

In this case, what realm is Lin Chen's body so strong...

After a brief period of extreme shock, the enchanting list Peak will completely explode!

"patriarch is not good! Young Master Long's wound has exploded again!"

"Palace Lord, Bairong has rolled his eyes!"

"Sect Master, miss, she woke up and fainted after two breaths!"

"Logistics Elder, get the holy pill!"

"Damn Lin Chen is leaving I still want to piss us off before, it's so cheap to die this person!"

"I have never finished with Lin Chen!"

"He Shengyu is on his birthday!"

"Master, Young Master's mentality has collapsed again! Now he vomits blood for nine liters!"

In the Four Great Halls, there is nothing short of chaos!

Chaos turned into Pippi shrimp crossing the river!

Especially the enchanting list, the whole mentality collapsed!

Some went crazy on the spot, some doubted life, some had lost their minds, some had fallen ill with anger, and some vomited blood energy on the spot and convulsed all over, like being shocked by electric shocks.

In the past, the enchanting list was the darling of Human Race, the pride of the times, wherever he went, the enchanting list bullied others, and no one bullied the enchanting list. But today, they met the'fierce person' for the first time!

This is probably the most chaotic Peak meeting in the history of the enchanting list!

At the same time, it is also the moment when the most perverted first genius in the history of the genius list was born!

The powerful people on the table are also dumbfounded.

I'm afraid this Peak won't go on!

The injuries of the evildoers are trivial.

The mentality is the major event!

Pick all the evildoers on the list of evildoers with Avatar!

Lin Chen's mentality of destroying the entire list of evildoers only by strength of oneself!

The holy realm is for hundreds of millions of years, but you have to be Lin Chen, the most crazy!

Lin Chen's fame, in this brief moment, began to spread to the entire holy realm at the fastest speed, setting off an unprecedented earthquake!


The sky outside the Sacred Domain, the yellow domain, above a Holy Mountain.


The earth shook and the mountain quivered, a loud noise!

In Holy Mountain, the tombstones stand in great numbers, and they are murderous, but there is a man who is holy light ten thousand zhang, calm as water and high as a moutain, knelt down in front of the tombstone in Holy Mountain. , The voice burst into tears.

"My ancestors, unscrupulous descendants are invincible, and I am ashamed of the ancestors of the Shangguan Family!"

"Because of my personal affairs, my Shangguan Family is affected. In this life, my Shangguan Family must To avenge my blood and kill the slut to pay homage to my Shangguan Family ancestors!"

"My life is given by the lord. After the great vengeance, I will follow the lord and go to the Divine flame. Palace!"

This person is one of Lin Chen's servants. He is imprisoned by 19 layers of "Zhan Kuang". Shangguan is invincible!

Back then, after he was on the sacred talent list, his reputation reached its peak, and he withdrew from ten thousand years later, closed-door cultivation ten thousand years, still high-spirited and vigorous, wanting to challenge the powerhouses of the world, Want to be Number One Powerhouse under Saint King.

During a challenge, he fell in love with a woman for the first time. The woman’s origin was clean. Shangguan Wudi thought he was going to stop challenging the world, but when he invited him one night, Poisoned alcohol and limited strength, the woman combined with several enemies to destroy him and torture him, and was finally sent to the holy prison!

The Shangguan Family is completely destroyed after losing the peerless sage of Shangguan Wudi! The clan was pulled up by the roots, and the corpse was hung up in the Dragon City of Sacred Domain. For ten days and ten nights, it was terrible!

Today, it's time to get everything back!


Besides Holy Mountain, there is a cliff.

Lin Chen's body suddenly opened his eyes. He is now acting with his servants, revenge, grievances, and regrets.

Feeling that his Avatar has completed the task, Lin Chen's body opens the time-space plane, allowing the Avatar, who is far away in the Bingxin Palace, to take out the Primordial Spirit Holy Flame.

Lin Chen didn't know what terrible waves he caused after his Avatar left the Peak meeting venue.

There is only one goal left in his heart, to improve his strength and pick the War God Flame Palace!

"Very well, Primordial Spirit Holy Flame only consumes 1/4/2021. Then I just have to wait with peace of mind. My last Holy Artifact will also be transformed into Grade 8."

Lin Chen is faintly looking forward to it.

His Holy Artifact will all be transformed into Grade 8 in two months!

Lin Chen has already experienced the power of Grade 8 Holy Artifact!

Although his cultivation base skyrocketed is one of the main reasons, he can kill 800 people with the Open Heaven Realm battle strength with a single "sacred tear", Grade 8 "Je Yan" 'Knives accounted for half of the factor!

The same cultivation technique was used in Grade 7 Holy Artifact and Grade 8 Holy Artifact. Lin Chen estimates that the difference in formidable power is more than five times, which is not an order of magnitude at all!

Not to mention, Lin Chen’s Grade 8 Holy Artifact has also undergone [system enhancement], and the formidable power and gap are even more terrifying!

Choosing the War God Flame Palace and preparing Grade 8 Holy Artifact is an indispensable part!

At a thought, Lin Chen opened the system.

[Heavenly Path Collection System version 7.0

Host: Lin Chen ——cultivation base: Saint Realm 5th Layer Mid-term——Top quintessence: 315 trillion points.

Ultimate strength: 3200 power (husk awakening + 300%)-top qi and blood: 579 trillion points

top spirit strength: 32220 billion points (entering the perfection boundary )

Top cultivation technique essence: 21.51 million points-top rune energy: 89.6 million points-high level Heavenly Dao value: 95 million points.

High level innate talent points: 117.5 billion points-suit essence: 15.9 billion points.

Intermediate enhancement points: 2.18 million points.

Top element energy: Fire Element 700 million points, Earth Element 700 million points, Wood Element 700 million points, Gold Element 700 million points, Water Element 700 million points, Thunder Element 700 million points, Wind Element 7 100 million points, light system 600 million points, dark system 600 million points.

Set column: Golden War God set, holding parts·Ultimate right arm armor——Ultimate left arm armor—Ultimate left leg armor—Ultimate right leg armor—Ultimate armor (design diagram).

Innate talent bar-bloodline status bar-cultivation technique status bar-life awakening bar-nirvana bar-characteristic rune bar -]

"Good guy , This time I got a lot of surprises. The essence of this set has exceeded tens of billions! Even the cultivation technique essence, top essence, and enhancement points have also gained a lot!"

Lin Chen is delighted. If you are crazy, this strengthening point is not what it used to be, and it can barely allow Lin Chen to strengthen a wave of Divine Dragon bloodline!


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