
Death silence!

Almost all Saints in the Fourth Conference Hall felt that they had heard it wrong!

All the big Business Groups, Grade 8 Aristocratic Family, sect, and even hard-to-understand hidden old folks present today.

Whether it is the condensed state, the star state, the holy mind or the open sky, no matter who has a strong cultivation base.

No matter who has the better experience, who has the more extensive experience, and who has the better experience.

At this moment, in this brief moment, they are all the same.

They all fell into the look of question marks on their faces!

Because of the amount of information, it's so huge!

"If you don't hear clearly, this handsome guy is forced to repeat it again."

Lin Chen's smile gradually increased, the corners of his mouth rose wildly, and his hand snapped!

Slap~! A snapping finger penetrated the spirit of the crowd, pulling them back from a state of shock and bewilderment.

"I, Lin Chen. I want to challenge all the enchanting genius in the entire enchanting list!"

"Whether it is from the ninth thousandth to the top 100, As long as I'm on the list of evildoers, I will challenge them all. Whoever wants to fight, as long as I defeat me, I can divide up my wealth."

"As long as you put all the evildoers down, I am not just In name only, but also in reality, the enchanting list is number one, and the championship prize belongs to me."

Lin Chen laughed frantically and overbearingly.

"This coach has always been pushing for a long time, but this time, I'm in a hurry, so I hope you all come together."

After that, there is still deathly silence in the four conference halls. ...

Even Ye Lixue, a superbly beautiful woman like a superwoman, was so shocked that she opened her red lips in spite of her demeanor, which drew people's imagination.

Ten Great Elders sitting on the high platform, originally had an aloof face, without questioning the world, with a profound mystery demeanor.

At this moment, they are like young guys who have been blasted, their faces are full of consternation, and the corners of their mouths twitch.

Until Lin Chen repeated it twice, they didn't hear clearly what Lin Chen wanted to challenge!

Not a certain super evildoer, let alone multiple evildoers!

What he wants to challenge is the entire list of evildoers!

After ten breaths--


"It must be crazy!"

"courting death Who came up with such a creative idea? Is the dark horse club director? Are you funny!"

"What happened? This kid is going to challenge the entire list of evildoers?"

"This is a list of evildoers! It's not a list of geniuses. His head has gone into the sea, right?"

In the Fourth Congress, an unprecedented frenzy of discussion suddenly broke out!

Hundreds of Business Groups, major Grade 8 Aristocratic Family, sect, all are boiling!

All Saints have the trembling sensation of scalp tingling! As if the whole body was electrocuted!

Two twin beautiful women in blue skirts stay where they are.

They recalled Lin Chen's words.

no no no, I'm not picky eaters...

The original sentence meant to single out the enchanting list!

The list of evildoers, founded in the tenth period after the creation of the Holy Realm, has an unprecedented long history.

This list has had the birth of sages, shocking and stunning, and has influenced the genius of the history of the sacred world.

It is enduring and has a long history.

Every evildoer who comes out of the rankings is an ancient Saint who is famous in the holy world, or a peerless powerhouse that has been known forever!

The enchanting list is unique, and it is also called the hope of Human Race. This is a generally accepted principle.

It has always been based on the top of the holy world, as if no one can suppress their rays of light except for the legend of the sacred talent list!

But today, someone challenged the entire list of evildoers!

"What kind of shit, he is simply not here to challenge, he is here to make trouble!"

"The old man condemned this child seriously and expelled him from the evildoer List!"

"You can win it directly, in front of Elder present here, and suppress him directly."

There are even powerhouses and evildoers Heaven's that don't kill the older generation. Chosen are all angry!

Yes, this sounds simply not a challenge, it is obvious that this kid is doing things!

"This remark, I can't take it as if I didn't hear it."

Red robe is like blood, a handsome and evil Young Master slowly got up, and his sword eyes burst into flames. The domineering rays of light shot Lin Chen in the venue directly!

Many Heaven's Chosen are surprised!

This is a real great character!

Second on the evildoer list, Nishikawa Yijian·golden sun machine!

This person is the Peak of today's enchanting list!

Before the Peak meeting was held, the top spot on the enchanting list was empty.

"It just so happened that I fell in love with his Holy Artifact. If I don't kill this kid, I don't know how to think."

Another strong and stalwart body, full of blood and blood like Immemorial true The wicked evildoer gave a sneer.

The eighth place on the list of evildoers, the top ten body refinement on the list of evildoers, Saint Physique·Guzhen!

"I have to say, this is the first time I have seen someone who is so mad."

"gē gē gē, this is the first time that Laijia has been looked down upon like this."

"His head, I want it."

The top 10 monsters of the evil spirits list are all dispatched!

hong long long ~! !

The murderous aura soaring into the sky, as if to pierce the firmament of the four conference halls, countless sacred clouds across the sky, one after another silhouette from the conference hall sitting on the stage, came into the arena!

The saints are shocked, countless Saints suck in a breath of cold air!

The top two thousand super monsters on the list of monsters are also dispatched!

The top 100 characters on the list of evildoers stood up one after another and stepped into the air!

Even some enchanting evildoers with more than 5,000 and more than 6,000 have begun to enter the venue!

Lin Chen directly provoked the anger!

This is not only a challenge, but also a humiliation!

A thorough humiliation, trampling on the arrogance of a large number of evildoers on the list of evildoers!

Since ancient times, no one dares to do such an act!

Even the great character, who is the number one on the list of enchanting evildoers in the past, is impossible to be alone and single out all evildoers!

Lin Chen's mouth rises.

It's one thing for him to provoke the anger of the public, but it is his wealth that really puts those super evildoers off the court!

If you don't bet on your net worth, how can these super evildoers take the bait? They are all unprofitable guys, which super evildoer doesn't want to carve up his wealth?

"According to the rules, Lin Chen did not violate the rules."

At this time, an old voice came from the vast void.

The sages are shocked, there is a powerful voice!

"However, he cannot use any illegal means or external forces. If not, this seat will personally suppress him."

The vast emptiness seems to sparkle with a few illusions When sound transmission again, even the ten Elders on the high platform stood up and bowed to the void!

Lin Chen narrowed his eyes, "Are you Saint with rank two or more..."

However, he doesn't care.

The purpose of his trip is only one, the first in the enchanting list, the championship prize!

“Therefore, the conditions he previously proposed are still valid. Those who participate in the battle will get the wealth resources he pledged here, and everyone has the opportunity to share profits.”

When the voices of the people in the sky, the Saints were shocked!

The powerful people actually approved this kid's behavior!

hong long long ~! !

Almost in the sky's powerful tone barely fell, the four big halls shook all at once!

Holy Force circulates, with afterimages all over the sky. At the moment when it was approved by Mighty, every enchanting evildoer took action!

One hundred, one thousand, five thousand, eight thousand!

The enchanting list is here! It's all here!

A total of 9329 evildoers genius, all enter!

Only a few enchanting genius who knew Lin Chen did not choose to enter the venue to challenge Lin Chen!

Very weird, Lin Chen has a problem with this hand!

Anyone who has come into contact with Lin Chen's evildoer genius almost has this intuition!

"hahahaha, for so many years there hasn’t been this kind of wonder. Come on, I will take the seat and open the battle plane for you!"

Swipe~! A stream of light is shot from high altitude, the space vortex is opened and transformed into a brand new space plane, Lin Chen and all the evildoers are all teleported into the battle plane.

"Regardless of whether you are making trouble or not, as long as you Lin Chen does not violate the rules, you can fight as you like. If you lose, you lose your wealth, you win. You are the first in the enchanted list."

in the sky There were two loud laughs of ten thousand zhang, and the Saints of the four halls stood up, trembling, and stared at the space light screen in the hall.

This will be an unprecedented challenge in the history of the enchanting list of the Holy Realm!

Challenge the entire enchanting list alone!

Like a tiger challenged all lions!

This is a battle destined to have no suspense!

But regardless of victory or defeat, Lin Chen will surely create a precedent!

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