When the holy world is rising winds, scudding clouds, a certain pretty boy is very comfortable staying in the mortal world, enjoying an immortal-like wonderful life, nothing to tease a few fairies, something to do Just play with guns.

Nine Provinces continent, somewhere in the attic of Heavenly Song Academy.

"Fortunately, when I evacuated, I left a spiritual Avatar in Nine Provinces, running fast and good for the world."

Lin Chen rested on the knee of the beauty, looking at the full arc above , He found that Yang Qing'er was very beautiful from this angle.

The beautiful woman caressed the boy's face, he seemed to remain the same forever.

Yan Qianyun and Ning Qingxuan left and right, squeezing his shoulders and thumping his legs, it can be said to be extremely comfortable, and he has lived Divine Immortal.

"Suddenly I feel that I have this life every day. What are you going to do? I really want to have a good night's sleep, I don't have to think about anything..."

Lin Chen muttered After a few words, I really fell asleep. The girls couldn't help but laugh, and they did not bother him, and quietly accompany him by their side.

In the two months after returning to Nine Provinces, Lin Chen went through the Life and Death Battle between Demon Realm and Demon Realm many times, and his spirit was completely strained.

Since the mid-period of breakthrough, Lin Chen has felt that his spiritual realm has touched a brand new bottleneck faintly.

If you can breakthrough, you will spiritualize the Primordial Spirit and step into all new realm!

After the battle of Demon Realm ended, Lin Chen spent almost a full month and a half on the Nine Provinces continent and entered the state of cultivation and rest.

It's almost a way of going out to tease girls during the day, going out to barbecue in the afternoon, and sleeping with Sister Yueqi at night, no doubt ordinary people.

But both the Little Demon Empress and Jian Qingcheng can see that Lin Chen, while relaxing, is to brew his fighting intent in the best state!

Once he erupts, it will be the moment to shake Heaven and Earth!

Changes come from the 70th day!

In the middle of the night, the starlight flickers, and the moonlight shines.

Under the tree, Lin Chen, who is leaning against an old blue star tree, is eating a barbecue lazily, suddenly his eyes wink!

Jian Qingcheng and the Little Demon Empress next to them were suddenly startled.

"The message is coming."

Lin Chen opened a dilapidated roulette in his palm. This was handed to him by Jiang Taixu and could sound transmission Myriad Realms.

"What's the matter?"

Jian Qingcheng's bright red and beautiful eyes flickered, and asked softly.

"Divine flame palace has changed. Palace Lord will be selected in the palace. After April, the Divine flame will be the ceremony to choose the next generation of Palace Lord!"

Lin Chen narrowed his eyes, "It's really fast."

He thought that the change of the Divine flame palace should come later!

In the two months since he returned to Nine Provinces, the Holy Realm is equivalent to the past two years.

Two years, for Saint, it was just an instant.

In the past two years, Lin Chen’s Avatar is a matter of seconds. The recovery of his servants can be described as rapid, and it has never stopped!

Before, Ying Guan took care of it, and after that, there was the secret support of Danyu Elder Council.

With the support of Lin Chen’s Avatar and the two giant alchemists, the strength of Lin Chen’s team is growing at an unprecedented rate!

Lin Chen originally thought that the contradictions and changes in the Divine flame palace would be at least ten years or more before they could break out. Didn’t expect this day to come so early.

It seems that the situation in the Divine flame palace is very complicated!

At this time, the old jade light roulette flickered again.

When Lin Chen received the message, his face was even more exciting.

"The changes in the Divine flame palace have been exacerbated by external reasons? The two men spied on new intelligence. The sage list seems to have over a hundred sages secretly deliberating on certain things. I met the people of the Divine flame palace!" When Jian Qingcheng and the Little Demon Empress heard this, their beautiful cheeks were shocked to varying degrees!

What is the concept of the "Hundred Talents List"?

This group of people, each one is stomp, and there are three-shocked characters in all areas of the holy realm. What are they secretly planning at the same time?

"Hehe, in a word, the current sacred world looks calm and tranquil, but the forces at the top have already been divided and turbulent."

Lin Chen stood up and covered himself. The Shengwei who swept All Heavens and Myriad Realms filled with a chuckle, peaceful.

"It's time, go to the Divine flame palace, and bring Sister Ruoyan back."

The divine glow flashes in his eyes, Lin Chen fighting intent Heavenspan!

This time, he will settle everything!

When I went to the Holy Realm that year, those giant sect factions, thousands of ancient aristocratic families, all stood in front of Lin Chen like immortal mountains.

Nowadays, in the entire holy world, the sky is high for him to break through!

Even the legendary sage list is no longer so far away! But close at hand!

"Lin Chen!"

"Lin Lang."

At this time, Leng Yueqi and Ning Qingxuan and other women quickly flew in the air, cold Yue Qi said seriously.

"Are you going back?"

Lin Chen nodded, "Well, you are not yet sanctified. Just stay at the Nine Provinces continent with peace of mind, with the medicine pill I refined, Sanctification is only a matter of time."

"Must be careful."

Yang Qinger suddenly mustered up the courage, took Lin Chen's hand and dyed her cheeks, "No matter what you encounter No matter what, don’t go desperately anymore, the hero of Nine Provinces, you just need to be a hero once, don’t do it again in the holy world."

Lin Chen laughed and pretended to be a boast. A whistle.

"With you here, how am I willing to be a hero, I just like to be a handsome guy who is in the end, it's okay to stay with beautiful women and brag, so happy."

"Go! I'll be back soon!"

When Lin Chen took off in the air, he turned into a meteor with the Little Demon Empress and the others and escaped Void.

The women stared at the direction he was leaving in a long time.

Heavenly Song Academy.

In a pavilion, Shen Lianyun and Yun Tiange watched the meteor flash and disappear, she looked towards Yuntiange said with a smile, "You have a good student."

"Yeah, Tiange students, no, it should be the blessing of all beings in Nine Provinces to have this child."

Yun Tiange sighed, unexpectedly, he could still borrow Baiji from the sky. life essence!

All this thanks to him, the most outstanding student in the Academy's history!


Holy Realm, Saint King Realm, a temple like the sun, floating above the sky, as if standing Nine Heavens, like a myth that never falls.

At the highest point of the temple, a beautiful woman in a red palace dress is angrily slapped on the tabletop, Shengwei is like a high photo, like a huge wave, the entire Divine flame palace is throbbing!

"What did you Elder Council do for you! Didn’t you say that you stopped him for a hundred years?"

"You just let an outsider directly enter the Divine flame palace and take charge of the Divine flame palace. How do you face your ancestors and ancestors, won’t you be ashamed of your ancestors?"

"It is still said that you have lived at this age, and you don’t even have a face. You just become a dog for others, right? "

The beautiful lady in the red dress yelled at her. The ten Elders above the hall, face doesn't change, sitting there like a rock, immortal.

"Shangguan guardian, you won't understand, we are for the future of the Divine flame palace."

"Wu Pianjue is the most correct choice."

Divine flame, the senior officials of the palace, actually handed over power to Wu Pianjue!

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