
In Tang Qianmei’s pill furnace, surging energy fluctuations came!

Peach red's Danxia fills all around, covering the sky.

The fragrance of Dan is overflowing, and the flowers bloom for thousands of miles. The vitality created by the energy in the pill furnace has rejuvenated the mountain range and vitality of several tens of thousands of li!

All Saints in this plane can't help being beaten by this Danxiang!

The holy young pill of Grade 7 Peak!

This medicine pill, not many people in the world can enjoy it!

"I will become a pill so soon!"

"There is no failure. Is this the efficiency of the orange-level intermediate pill concocting mudra."

" Phew, old man, the bottleneck of the 81st holy cave is a little bit loose!"

Even the three holy mind Peak of the organizer couldn’t help but sigh, looking at the medicine pill in the pill furnace. , Full of fervent expression!

There is no doubt that if they are allowed to take that sacred pill, they may even break through the 81 sacred caves that they have no chance to break in their lifetime, and become the Open Heaven Realm!

Not only is the organizer’s three saints Peak, the other saints are also full of fiery eyes, super enchanting is no exception!

Dreamless Heart Breaking Pill, the supreme medicine pill that makes a breakthrough, has a miraculous effect on Life and Death Realm, Star Realm, Holy Heart Realm!

The difficulty of its refining is well known to the world! No one can keep calm in front of such medicine pill!

Some of the potentials are exhausted, and the elderly Saint is basically hopeless in this life's breakthrough. If you can get this medicine pill...

Om~! bang! bang! bang!

Two terrifying coercion came from the void. They are the organizers of the cultivation technique exchange meeting, the two Saint 9th layers, and the powerhouse of the open world!

They released coercion, seeming to warn everyone.

The Shengwei of the Open Heaven Realm was suppressed, and many Saints and the hidden bosses regained their sanity.

This pill is good, but if they dare to use their brains, they may be killed on the spot by the organizer of the cultivation technique exchange meeting!

"Hey, this exchange meeting is really swift and decisive."

The tiger armor demon in the high platform box sneered.

The lady in Tsing Yi smiled: "Those who can unite many Grade 8 forces to hold an exchange meeting here, they are not simple, they will not smash their signs for a dreamless medicine pill."


Finally, the restlessness was just a little quiet, and a beam of peach-red light rushed into the sky!

"It's a pill!"

"What a strong pill, old man has never seen that Grade 7 Medicine Pill can have this pill!"

"This can definitely be regarded as the first pill under the Grade 8 holy pill!"

When all the hidden old monsters exclaimed, the pill suddenly spread, forming a seven-fold holy ring, hanging high. In the sky, there is a faintly discernible faintly discernible of the Eighth Layer, which finally failed to take shape.

Swipe~! Boom~!

In the Phoenix pill furnace, a sacred pill that circulates in the peach-red light mass rises into the sky.

At this moment, all the energy between Heaven and Earth seems to surround this peach red light group, forming a Spiritual Qi vortex.

Everyone looked up and was amazed!

"The dreamless heart-breaking pill, after a hundred years, the old man finally witnessed its birth again!"

"This dreamless heart-breaking pill is better than the old pill. The one that was born in the domain is even more perfect."

"Presumably in today's world, under the open world, no powerhouse can resist its temptation..."

, In the Spiritual Qi vortex in the sky, a charming and beautiful girl appeared, her eyes flashing brightly, and she looked at this World strangely.

Spirituality takes shape, like a lively sweetheart of flesh and blood!

Tang Qianmei's pretty face is slightly pale, but the smile on her lips is getting stronger.

She was beckoned and slightly trembled, curled up and turned into a ball of light, shooting in her direction.

The light group circulates and floats in front of her palm.

Grade 7 Peak is a sacred pill, and its fineness is stronger than the average dreamless heart-breaking pill!

When the alchemists present turned to Lin Chen, when they stared at his young pill, they almost had results in their hearts!

The outcome has been determined. Lin Chen's young pill, energy category and spirituality have not surpassed Tang Qianmei!

Even the holy ring that is about to take shape in the sky has no more than seven layers, and its color energy is no better than Tang Qianmei.

The two super evil spirits around the drunk old man sighed with regret.

"Lin Chen Young Master still lost, it's a pity that his opponent is Tang Qianmei."

"However, this does not affect his potential, it is too strong. , Expanding acupuncture points 30,000 times, he is still such a powerful alchemist, his future is unimaginable."

At this time, Yue Xin'er and the Little Demon Empress smiled at the same time, beautiful and beautiful. , Charm World Allure.

"Really, I think Lin Chen Young Master has the ability to reverse."

Yue Xiner smiled, and many alchemists and Saint subconsciously looked towards her.

She turned her eyes around, gradually watching Lin Chen, her eyes flowed and glittering.

"When he shows that smile, no one can think of what he will do..."

In the medicine plaza.

Tang Qianmei smiled, secretly sound transmission Lin Chen.

"The outcome is determined. If Lin Chen Young Master really wants the core method fragments, he will agree to a request from Qianmei, okay."

Lin Chen is free laughed, sound transmission said: "What's the requirement?"

"Leave Ye Qingwu and be my male favorite, as long as you have sex with Qianmeixing men and women in front of Ye Qingwu, Qianmei promises that if you unlock the secrets of this fragmented core method, you will have a share of it. How about it. Do you want to know what White Tiger looks like~"

Her voice is soft and delicate. Su, like anger and tenderness, like scratching the heart, even Saint will calmly fall into her charm.

Her conditions are very tempting, she can be cool, and can get core method fragments.

Lin Chen suddenly rushed to the little demon empress said with a big smile in the distance.

"Hey, little fairy, she said that as long as I do things that seem very comfortable with her, she will share secrets with me."

Everyone was taken aback, even Tang Qianmei is also dumbfounded.

She thought that Lin Chen might refuse, but didn't expect this kid to turn around and speak directly to her face.

Many men Heaven's Chosen envy and hate!

One of the top ten most beautiful in the enchanting list, a chance to kiss Fangze, how many people want to get rid of their scalp, even the hair is not touched.

The corners of the little fairy’s lips are raised, and the eyebrows are curved, faint smile said.

"Then why don't you go with her to do something that seems very comfortable, but it is actually very comfortable, otherwise, what use do you want this iron rod for."

Little The answer of the Demon Empress, as always, was shocking.

Lin Chen and the Little Demon Empress glanced at each other, and the two showed a tacit smirk.

Tang Qianmei was so angry that he gnash the teeth, "give the face shameless!"

"Miss Tang Qianmei."

Lin Chen spoke again, his The young pill's energy becomes more and more full, and it begins to condense into pill, and a large amount of medicine ingredient essence begins to evaporate!

He looked back suddenly, when looking towards Tang Qianmei, the corner of his mouth was drawn with a crazy arc!

"How do you know that I, Lin Chen, will definitely lose?"

shua! shua! shua!

Space rays of light flashed one after another, Such as the sky falling in disorder.

The powerhouses of all parties gasped hard!

Lin Chen's palm is actually more than a dozen rings!

He burst into the sky suddenly, and a dozen or so rings exploded!

Boom! boom! boom!

At this moment, in the entire space plane, the stars are shining, white, yellow, green, blue, purple and orange, and countless stars-like rays of light flash the sky and hang the sky!

Each dazzling'star' is shining with majestic and profound energy, like a side World of Tibet, latitude and longitude!

All Saint eyes shrank, the super evildoers are shocked to stand up!

One thousand!

A whole thousand inferior crystals!

Everyone has the same question almost at the same time?

What does he want to do?

During the pill concocting process, he took out a different crystal, what does he want to do?

xiu! xiu! xiu!

The divine light descends from the sky, and all the six avatars come and appear next to Lin Chen!

Lin Chen and the Big Six Avatars put on sunglasses at the same time, and the corners of their mouths rose wildly.

"Tang Qianmei, today I will let you see what is real, the exclusive Alchemy Technique of the Dark Horse Club!"

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