Ying Guanshi twists her waist, jade hand holds a scroll of dark green, the rays of light are introverted, and holy light is illusory, like a world-famous thing sealed in it.

"The next volume of finger cultivation technique is from the Weihai Temple in the Light Domain, the orange-level intermediate, "Finger of Wind Demon"!"

"This Finger Law has the mysterious effect of combining Wind Element Holy Force and pure power. Both near and far attacks have miraculous effects. Close attacks can erupt with pure power. Long attacks can penetrate through the power of wind demon aurora. Formidable power can penetrate several planes with one finger... "

"The seller hopes to exchange for a holy pill of equivalent value, or a volume of Water Element orange-level intermediate cultivation technique. Of course, the seller has the latest order, if your Excellency Lin Chen exchanges the previous special edition Tianyi holy water , You can also bid for this cultivation technique!"

Directly named Lin Chen's'Special Edition Tianyi Holy Water'! If he bids, he can also bid!

"Oh? This thing is not bad..." Lin Chen rubbed his chin.

Almost no one is interested in bidding for this "Finger of the Wind and Demon".

It's not that it is not strong, on the contrary, its formidable power can be called the Peak of the orange-level intermediate category.

But the prerequisite for the full power of this volume of Finger Law is to have a strong Body Refinement Realm.

The forces present here have a wide range of knowledge, and none of them are foolish. This volume of cultivation technique is extremely difficult!

Even if cultivated, it can only play about half of the formidable power at most.

Peak has not many body refinement holy realms. Human Race's Saint Physique is different from Dragon Clan and other powerful Sacred Beasts. Body refinement has a great growth yoke.

This volume of Finger Law needs to be launched with Holy Force and pure power to have the best lethality!

At this time——

"Tell the seller that the special version of Tianyi Holy Water from the Dark Horse Club is only suitable for on-site consumption. If the seller can accept it, I can send it out!"

Lin Chen sound transmission to Ying Guan, she immediately negotiated with the seller, and within a few moments an agreed answer came, and the negotiation was completed!

In this way, Lin Chen used the [cultivation technique fusion function] under the title of "special version" of Tianyi Holy Water, and bought two volumes of orange-level intermediate cultivation for Ye Qingwu and himself. technique!

However, the cultivation techniques sold this time are all re-enacted versions. They are not the original cultivation cheats. Even if they are cultivated, they cannot be inherited. This is one of the benefits of the cultivation technique exchange meeting.

However, this is not included in the category for a heterogeneous such as Lin Chen.

"Well, these "Fingers of Wind Demon" and "Golden Jade Clothes" are very suitable to make up for my current shortcomings, defense and speed attacks, and also come with close-range formidable power. ."

"Golden Jade Dress" is a volume of orange-level intermediate cultivation technique that Lin Chen bid for. It uses Gengjin Holy Force to condense a close-fitting robe to protect Saint Physique.

The power of Saint creates objects, with no difficulty, but this golden jade suit can protect the lifeblood of the cultivator, has an important protective effect at critical moments, and does not hinder the defense of the wearing of Holy Artifact!

【Consume 130,000 points of top-level cultivation technique essence, and begin to merge the cultivation memories of "Jade Garment" and "Finger of Wind Demon". 】

While fusing the memory of the cultivation technique, Lin Chen waited for the appearance of the Nine Evil Sword Palace.

Time passed, the cultivation technique exchange meeting lasted for nearly half a month, and finally came to an end.

"The next cultivation technique is the finale!"

When Mr. Ying got a black box, the all around Space Formation added another layer. .

Even, many Saints also feel that in the sky has a powerful and trembling breath!

Open heaven powerhouse! Sit yourself!

Lin Chen's gaze, Instant Time Lock is on the black treasure box!

Everyone is looking forward to it--

Ying Guan Shi Lang said.

"The cultivation technique to be exchanged this time is undoubtedly one of the most mysterious and powerful cultivation techniques in the history of the cultivation technique exchange meeting!"

Ying Guanshi’s wonderful project one Sweeping the audience, he finally landed in Lin Chen's box and cast a coquettish wink at his box.

"It is provided by the Nine Evil Sword Palace, and it is still a rare core method fragment. According to dozens of identifications and confirmations by the Lord Sword Master of the Nine Evil Sword Palace and the sacred Treasure Appraiser of the exchange meeting. After that, they agreed that this is a roll, the orange level is higher than the high level, and even the high level of other core method fragments!"

As soon as this statement came out, the audience was agitated!

The core method of the orange-level high level?

Throughout the creation of the holy world, the orange-tier core method has been a peerless classical and inheritance thing.

Orange-level intermediate core method, only the giants of Grade 8 can hold it.

As for the higher level 1 orange high level, it almost only exists in legends!

Only those unborn Grade 9 forces, Hegemon-like existence, can have legendary things!

In today's cultivation technique exchange meeting, someone will exchange fragments of the orange-level high level core method? Is this crazy or silly?

"I don’t understand this wave of behaviors in the Nine Evil Sword Hall!"

"Even the core method fragments are invaluable, right? What if you can use the fragments of information to clarify them. Other fragments, don’t you earn a copy of the orange-level high level core method?"

"You can think of it, of course people can think of it. It must be produced after countless years of research and no results. Let’s exchange some high-value things!"

"Hehe, you only saw the First Layer, and the Nine Evil Sword Palace is on the 5th floor, but I saw the Tenth Layer. This exchange is very tricky. At least there are a hundred levels of games!"

The Saints of all parties, the hundreds of forces, and all the super enchantments, suddenly exploded!

Especially the super evildoer on the evildoer list, which one is not the one who is lucky?

Maybe this volume of core method fragments can be collected into a complete after they have obtained it?

Some people's life pursuits are not as lucky as others are intercepted once.

After all, luck is too mysterious!

When Ying Guanshi opened the black box, a simple and unpretentious black scroll was lying horizontally in the box.

[The system has sensed the next volume of the core method fragments that the host has repaired, please get the cultivation for the host. 】

Without waiting for Lin Chen to take a closer look, the system light screen instantly popped out!

Lin Chen stood up suddenly, his expression was full of urgency!

"Fourth Volume by Heavenly Art!!"

"If you get this volume, you will be left with the fifth volume!"

Lin Chen How can he be calm, he and Xiao Yingying were born to death, sneaked into the holy prison, turned the holy prison upside down, hit heaven falls and earth rends, and killed countless prison guards and prisoners, for this cultivation technique!

"Would you like to directly release Sacred Dragon and use the War God four-piece suit?"

In Lin Chen's eyes, the fighting intent flashed.

"No, there are not a few Sacred Heart states here. The organizer also has two Open Heaven Realms and Space Formation. Once the East Window incident occurs, they can also try their best to keep this volume of cultivation technique......"

Lin Chen sat down and took a deep breath, calming down.

The drunk old man and the others were so surprised that they saw Lin Chen who had always been calm for the first time, showing this look.

"Master Sword Master of the Nine Evil Sword Palace, wants to use this core method fragment to hire a Peak Alchemist to refine the designated sacred pill for him, the sacred pill he needs to refine, It is the most difficult to refining in the Grade 7 sacred pill!"

"Or, exchange for the Grade 8 sacred pill! Apart from this, no second price!"

As soon as this remark came out, the audience was in an uproar!

Grade 8 Holy Pill!

You need to know that the 36 domains of the holy realm today, including the pill domain and the sky Sacred Domain, on the surface, can refine the Grade 8 holy pill's alchemy giant, just one palm You can count it!

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