The holy land cultivation base is roughly divided into several grades.

Seven layers of the star realm, when the Holy Force cultivated throughout your life is incorporated into the new holy cave, it condenses into a planet-like stalwart Holy Force!

Opening a holy cave in the star realm can increase the total cultivation base of the Holy Force by 0.2 times, which is converted into a dragon’s power, and opening 10 is doubled.

Naxing Realm Perfection is the 3x strength of the total control life and death realm!

For example, taking the talents of the enchanting list in the middle and lower reaches, a enchanting enchantment has a total expansion of 250 times and a total concentration of 50 times. When he is promoted to Life and Death Realm Perfection, his control of the Holy Force is 37 trillion. Long Li.

If this evildoer can advance to the Star Realm Perfection and bloom 70 holy caves, the final control of the Holy Force base will be around 112 trillion dragon power!

But the foundation is the foundation, and actual combat is actual combat, and should not be completely confused. Moreover, not all of the Star Realm have innate talents in the enchanting list.

A super enchanter in the enchantment list, in the'Life and Death Realm Perfection', has a basic Holy Force of about 112 trillion dragon power, when compared to the same basic Holy Force of the Star Realm Perfection. , There will be a high probability of winning with Na Xingjing!

Because just as the advantage of Life and Death Realm is to increase the resilience of Saint Physique, the biggest advantage of the star realm is to increase the explosive power of Holy Force.

Holy cave Holy Force condenses Star Refinement as stalwart as a ball, and the explosive formidable power of the cultivation technique will far exceed the surface of the Holy Force foundation!

For the Holy Heart, each holy cave opened can increase the total cultivation base by 0.1 times the Holy Force.

Converted into the power of Jackie Chan, opening 10 pieces is doubled. Taking the example of the enchanting list just now, advancing to the perfection of the holy mind is the foundation of the 225 trillion dragon power, the Holy Force!

However, powerhouses that have become Sacred Hearts are almost all aptitudes on the top of the evildoer list, and even Peak aptitudes. Therefore, most of the Human Race Sacred Heart Perfections have a minimum of 225 trillion dragon power. limit!

The strongest advantage of the Sacred Heart lies in the 10 holy caves that open the Sacred Heart. The Sacred Heart is immortal, and Saint is immortal!

However, the Open Heaven realm is different. Opening a holy cave in the Open Heaven realm will increase the basic Holy Force by more than 400 trillion!

As for how much basic Holy Force can be opened up, it is all based on Saint’s previous accumulation to judge whether he will open up more holy cave space and accommodate a stronger Holy Force!

After Lin Chen uses the War God four-piece suit, the limit of improvement is 899 trillion dragon power! It is better than most of the Open Heaven realm with 81 holy caves opened, but it is much inferior to the Open Heaven realm with 82 holy caves.

However, Lin Chen also has many of his ultimate moves. It is these ultimate moves that cooperate with his War God four-piece suit, allowing him to play this unprecedented record of'one enemy four' !

In this battle, you can't fight with the opponent in a frontal group, so the potential ratio will be consumed to death, you must pick the right one to fight! Break the opponent one by one!

Lin Chen’s six Avatars can be described as desperate to stop one of the Demon Kings with'life', while Sacred Dragon uses many super-Ordinary Level divine abilities to cooperate with Rune of Slowness,'super chaos', and delays. Lived for two Great Demon Kings!


In the sky, Lin Chen's punch from the sky and the earth shook the head of the green-eyed Demon King, and then a knife-like whip kick hit the waist!

When the green-eyed Demon King was blasted into flight, Lin Chen was chasing by a madman, and he struck dozens of punches at the vitals of the upper body of the Demon Body again!

Shih~! boom! boom! boom!

Lin Chen took a thousand blows in an instant, and after less than fifty breaths, he finally severely wounded the green-eyed Demon King, vomiting blood frantically! The attribute light ball dropped everywhere all is!

"Quickly, hammer it again, this Old Guy will definitely die! Continue to expand his injuries!"

Lin Chen made up his mind, even the attribute light ball Don't rush to take it, rushing up is a crazy attack and chase!

This is the terrible thing about "Extinction Ripples"!

After the upgrade, the extinction rift, the injury is snowballing, Lin Chen's "Extinction rift" can be described as restraining all Saints, holy realm creatures, and restraint to the death!

"Damn it, Human Race, you are the one who forced this king!"

The green-eyed Demon King roared with anger, his demonic energy skyrocketed, like a ball of Star Core It flickers and swells rapidly, and the energy rises rapidly!

"Old Demon!"

"My mother, Old Demon was forced to be self-destructed by this kid!"

"After self-destruct, although not Will die, but Old Demon's cultivation base is ruined!"

The three Great Demon Kings sighed in their hearts and retreated instantly!

Even the silver-haired Demon King in the sky can't help but stop with Lin Ping'an and start to retreat!

A self-destruct of the top Saint Demon King comparable to the Open Heaven Realm, the formidable power will be destroying heaven extinguishing earth! If he were involved at close range, he would be seriously injured or even dying!

The green-eyed Demon King is also forced to things have reached a dead end!

Lin Chen has too many methods, it can be described as dazzling, let him you can't guard against it!

Super chaos affects battle strength, Rune of Slowness interrupts the offensive, and the Extinction Slash continues to aggravate the injury! Three-pronged approach, it is difficult for him not to hit the street!

However, all the scenes that Demon King expected did not appear!

next moment, their scalp is tingling!

Faced with the rapid expansion and the green-eyed Demon King who was about to self-destruct, Lin Chen did not retreat but advanced, and even rushed up!

Are you crazy?

The demons are stunned!

I saw Lin Chen hit the green-eyed Demon King in the chest with a palm!

When the palm of the palm touched the Demon Body, the corners of Lin Chen's mouth rose wildly, causing the pupils of the green-eyed Demon King to shrink!

He smelled conspiracy!

Lin Chen coldly shouted!

"Overtime innate talent!"

Om! A dark green rays of light flashed by, and the green-eyed Demon King disappeared!

It’s not over yet!

After Lin Chen launched the innate talent of'Chrono-space', he almost shook his hand suddenly, loudly shouted again!

"Super Dimensional Transmission!"


A purple light descended, and the green-eyed Demon King's Demon Body that was about to self-destruct, ghost-like was teleported to the Demon Race altar by Lin Chen!


The Great Demon Kings are shocked!

Shih~! Boom~! !

An unprecedented big explosion is rolled up!

The energy storm pervades thousands of miles, thousands of miles, hundreds of thousands li! Xuntianhedi, ten thousand zhang straight into the sky!

Next, tear the demonic energy Formation unfolded by the silver-haired Demon King into two halves!

Some of the remaining nine Great Demon Kings blew up, some were injured, and some spiraled into the sky on the spot!

But more importantly, the Demon Race altar was completely blown to pieces!

"Success! hahaha! The innate talent of super-dimensional teleportation has rarely been used since facing the holy mind. Once the powerhouse above the holy mind has blocked the space, super-dimensional teleportation is almost useless."

Although the extra-dimensional teleportation can't be used to block the space above the Sacred Heart, it can be used in time and space!

Lin Chen’s hyperspace innate talent can draw enemies into his hyperspace plane, but the higher the opponent’s cultivation base, the higher the probability of ingestion failure.

Lin Chen just took advantage of the situation, and after getting close, he launched the'super-time innate talent', which was almost 100% success rate, and sucked the green-eyed Demon King into the super-space plane. !

Then he threw it out of the time and space plane with the innate talent of'super-dimensional teleportation', which is equivalent to throwing a super bomb on the Altar of Demon Race!

No way, after all, it’s a person or Demon Race, it’s hard to imagine: Lin Chen, a lunatic, will fly over to a self-destruct Saint Demon King...

This is not suicidal behavior!

It is equivalent to the last moment when an ordinary person fires a firecracker. Who will suddenly rush to catch the firecracker at the last moment when the firecracker explodes? Isn't this the behavior of a lunatic!

"The Demon Race altar is exploded! It's now!"

Lin Chen's heartbeat speeds up quietly, and his fifth War God suit is right in front of you!

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