After the Battle of the Nine Clans, no creature in the Nine Clans battlefield dared to break into the Demon Race battlefield!

Not to mention a Human Race!

This shocking scene made even ten Great Demon Kings stunned!

When they saw the coffin of Demon Venerable at the feet of Lin Chen, their faces were even more wonderful!

"Damn, what are you kidding, this kid came here by stepping on the ancient coffin of Lord Demon Venerable?"

"What's the matter, my clan saint Demon King can't Easily approaching Lord Demon Venerable’s burial hall, how did this Human Race throw the ancient coffin of Lord Demon Venerable over!"

All Saint Demon Kings are shocked!

Be aware that, in order to retrieve the remains of Demon Venerable, they called Great Demon Kings to gather dozens of top-tier Saint Demon Kings with strong cultivation base, and carried them back one by one.

Later, the ancient coffin of the burial hall was formed to preserve the remains of Demon Venerable, which took more than ten thousand years! Even with their ten Demon Kings, they could not easily move the remains of Demon Venerable!

A Human Race boy, can a damn one take them to the Demon Race altar?

Slap~! Lin Chen snapped his fingers, facing the Ten Great Saint Demon King, jokingly said with a smile.

"What is a surprise? What is his surprise! The surprise is that I, Lin Chen, did not step on the colorful auspicious clouds, kicked the magic coffin and sang songs, and killed it!"


Each Great Demon King is horrified!

"I remember, Lin Chen!"

"Could it be that it was the Lin Chen that Human Race Saint King let us pay attention to?"

"Damn it, there is such a thing in the world? This kid is bold enough to this point? I dare to kill the great altar of my Demon Race battlefield!"


The silver-haired boy Saint Demon King reacted fastest, his demonic energy skyrocketed, he slapped a palm like lightning, and the five-finger Yin Demon's air rolled like a dragon, like the claws of a Yin dragon pinching towards Lin Chen!

"Human Race, die!"

"Rune of Slowness!"

A Rune of Slowness with ten thousand points of top rune energy, when the space freezes, Rune of Slowness exploded violently and was crushed by the Yin Dragon's claws!

Two figures turned into lightning and shook them out with one punch!

Boom! boom! boom!

The claws of the Yin Dragon exploded into the aftermath of the sky, ripples appeared in the space, and the entire Demon Race altar was on the verge of collapse!

It's Lin Chen's Sacred Dragon and Lin Ping An! one man one dragon teamed up to defeat the opponent's strongest Demon King!

"Damn it, the sky is overcast, you are crazy!"

"What are you fighting with him here, the altar collapsed, our efforts for so many years are all in vain!"

Ten Great Demon Kings scolded one after another with sound transmission.

However, their sound transmission did not avoid Lin Chen!

Lin Chen has awakened since the Ladder game [Perception Awakening], and the sound transmission of the Open Heaven Realm did not hide Lin Chen from him!

"The altar can't collapse? I seem to have heard some good things."

The corners of Lin's mouth rose wildly, War God's four-piece suit, burst All Heavens and The War God Might of Myriad Realms soars into the sky!

Lin Chen's pure power surged instantly, breaking through 300 trillion, 400 trillion dragon power, and 500 trillion dragon power! !

Before the ten Great Demon Kings could react, the golden divine splendor condensed the arm armor, the fist weathered into a divine splendor, and Lin Chen slammed into the altar with a punch!

Shih~! boom! boom! boom!

The entire Demon Race altar was alive and broken open by Lin Chen and turned into two halves!

bang! bang! bang!

The air sizzling, the screaming wind, and the hundreds of thousands li centered on the Demon Race altar burst suddenly, like a python crawling over. Horror crack!

The horrible demonic energy suddenly burst out from below the altar, rushing to Lin Chen and Lin Ping An!

Ten Great Demon King is stunned!

Damn, this Human Race kid is poisonous!

Like knowing their Demon Race tactics, they destroyed the Demon Venerable ancient coffin first, and then broke their Demon Race altar!

"Stabilize the energy of the altar first!"

The ten Great Demon Kings have experienced many big scenes, but Lin Chen still can't defeat them. The ten Great Demon Kings immediately took their sides. Release the demonic energy to condense the fragments of the altar, and barely stabilize the situation!


When the altar was stabilized for a short time, the silver-haired Demon King looked ferocious, stepping out in one step, and the demonic energy covered the sky!

The silver-haired Demon King screamed, "Destroy this child, don't let him jeopardize my family's plan, leave five to maintain the altar, and let the king take the rest! Don't let him run away! "

The four-headed Demon King immediately stood up, and the demonic energy filled the altar!

The other five demons have their hands imprinted, pressing the altar with their backhands, and the dark and deep demonic energy wraps around the altar, stabilizing it completely!

The two top-tier Saint Demon Kings who came to report earlier retreat in an instant!

"Yin dragon seals the devil!"

The silver-haired Demon King has his hands imprinted, and the demonic energy that creeps like a horned dragon on the surface of the Demon Body is surging with infinite demonic energy.

A three-headed dragon-shaped afterimage rises behind it. When the dragon's shadow roars into the sky, an infinite amount of demonic energy will burst all around Void Sealing Lock!

The first is to separate Lin Chen from the others and not to let him get close to the broken altar. The second is to completely kill Lin Chen to prevent escape!

Lin Chen did not panic, looked around all the Demon Kings present, and then looked towards directly below the altar!

Just below the Demon Race altar is the source of the Divine Attribute rays of light. To obtain the attribute rays of light of this War God component, Lin Chen must completely break the altar!

"Are the ten heads comparable to the top-tier Saint Demon King of the Open Heaven Realm? It's really a tough battle. My rune energy is only 4.62 million. It is completely crushed to deal with the Holy Mind, but it is comparable to dealing with it. The powerhouse of the Open Heaven level is not necessarily the case, let’s use full firepower!"

Lin Chen fighting intent ascends, controls the Sacred Dragon to wind up the dragon tail and sweeps away, raging waves are raging to the sky, and the light and shadows are launched. Dragon's breath dances wildly, and the five heavenly prisons are here!

"What the hell is that!"

"This kid actually has a Dragon Clan as a helper, be careful!"

Four Great Demon King Obstructed, they changed the Demon Body one after another, made big fights, repeated strikes shrouded all around, and burst into the offensive Heavenly Prison!

With the strength of the Sacred Dragon’s current Dragon Vein, it uses the “Heavenly Prison” of the extraordinary divine ability with instant light splitting. The formidable power is extremely strong, which can trap the Holy Mind Perfection and even damage it.

It is better than opening the sky, and it may not be able to break through immediately!

When the four Demon Kings were delayed, Lin Chen calmed and laughed.

"Ping An, it's your turn to perform. This time you can liberate 90% of your strength and get rid of them all!"

Lin Ping An is delighted: "90%? Wow? , Then I have to reward it afterwards!"

Lin Chen nodded with a smile: "No problem!"

Lin Chen got lucky after robbing many Dragon Clan evildoers Spirit plant is not a minority, even if Lin Ping'an runs out of middle grade spirit plant, he can make up for it immediately.

Before Lin Ping An and Sacred Dragon were able to take over the silver-haired Demon King's offensive, to a large extent, Rune of Slowness cut his attack.

If you are going to fight alone, Lin Ping’an must use the stronger strength that day when annihilating a group of demons!

"Human Race! This kind of rubbish can't stop this king!"

Shh~! Tear~!

A Heavenly Prison was torn apart, and the silver-haired Demon King stepped on the majestic ten thousand zhang demon wave, tearing it horizontally with one hand, and a Heaven Covering Demon Hand violently crushed it!

Fingertips lightly touched the mark on the eyebrows, Lin Ping'an floated up, his pupils turned into purple black, lifeless, and the calamity of the lovable body all around turned and roared like a dragon.

"If you want to move him, you don't have the qualifications."

Lin Ping's slender hand pulled, tearing apart the demonic energy giant palm in the sky!

"She is the Disaster of Pain? Much better than the information in the information!"

The silver-haired Demon King's eyes are squinted, and the Disaster of Pain, even it must cautiously!

next moment, Lin Chen’s coldly shouted suddenly sounded!

"War God set, fully open!"


The War God golden light is so beautiful that Lin Chen's body skyrocketed!

"The four top-tier Saint Demon Kings, can't stop me Lin Chen!"

Bath Lin Chen in the golden divine splendor, smile sternly, and domineering wildly!

This is the first time that the War God four-piece suit is fully opened!

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