I’m the most mad when I walk through the coffin on the battlefield of the nine races!

Lin Chen steps on the coffin of Demon Venerable, like a dragon, and the coffin is like a gust of wind, like an arrow from the string, crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood, all the way to ten thousand zhang days!

The Saint Demon King surrounded by them was all crushed and injured by Demon Venerable's might, and even within ten thousand zhang, they were all crushed to pieces by Demon Venerable!

Lin Chen tiptoed, the magic coffin turned over in the air, and even an "inverted coffin drift" came, almost so angry that the Saint Demon Kings vomited blood on the spot!


What an extraordinary shame and humiliation! A shameful moment in the history of Demon Race!

If this matter is passed back to Demon Race, they will guard the Saint Demon King on the battlefield of Demon Race, and they will have no more prestige! It will even be regarded as an outlier!

The Demon Venerable they believe in, just like that, is being used as a pedal by a human brat? Too he is too deceiving!

"This king will have to put on his back even if he is dead today!"

"Hoo~! Human Race! Human Race! You, why!"

"If you don't kill him today, this king will dictate himself!"

Many Saint Demon Kings can be described as mad, roaring and roaring, forming a new team and rushing forward!

Lin Chen raised the corner of his mouth lightly, exactly as he had guessed!

This coffin of Demon Venerable, where the remains of Demon Venerable remains for a long time, has monstrous demonic energy and infinite power.

Especially before dying, they are all at the level of life-and-death battles, and the hostility left behind makes it difficult for all creatures to approach!

If not, it is better than Lin Chen. If you want to break through the siege of so many intrepid Saint Demon Kings, I am afraid that you have to use all your cards!

The most important thing is that Lin Chen's fight means that he has to face the siege of the entire Demon Race battlefield, and it will consume him to death by then!

Now it’s different. He can directly attack the root of the problem by relying on the Demon Venerable coffin of the Demon Venerable coffin to rush to the source of the attribute rays of light!

"Hey hey hey, what a joke! The direction he is heading is the great altar of my clan!"

"Fucking, he rushed over to the altar !"

"All to this king! Even if you die, you must stop this lunatic!"

shua! shua! Brush~!

The sound of the sonic boom is blasting, and the four top-ranked Demon Kings unanimously intercepted in the Lin Chen up ahead space!

The normal top-tier Saint Demon King, if it resists with all its strength, it can barely resist the pressure of Demon Venerable to fight, but if it gets too close, it will also be shocked by the demon!

"Cover the Heavens Hand!"

"Heavenly Demon!"

The four top-tier Saint Demon Kings are killer moves with one shot , I want to break through the power of Demon Venerable and try to destroy Lin Chen!

In full view, Lin Chen did not resort to his tricks. Instead, he jumped into the air and kicked the Demon Venerable ancient coffin directly!

hong long long ~~! !

Lin Chen can break the coffin of the top-tier Saint Demon King with many killer moves, and the coffin of Demon Venerable is like a streamer, crushing all their offensives!

"pu chi ~!"

When two top-tier Saint Demon Kings were shaken back and wounded by bleeding, the other two barely stabilized the magic coffin and couldn't help but look ecstatic. !

"Hurry up, kill this kid! Master Demon Venerable's ancient coffin has been taken back!"

However, tone barely fell ——

next moment, With a bang, the forest farm waved with one hand, and I don't know where to call out a Demon Venerable ancient coffin, and the coercion is stronger than before!

All Saint Demon King’s scalp exploded!


You fucking have any more?

But, something is wrong!

Many Saint Demon Kings glanced at each other. They knew very well that the space memory of Human Race could not store Demon Venerable bodies!

That terrifying coercion is enough to completely shatter the crystal wall of space into nothingness!

"hahaha, this handsome is forced to drift off first, let you go! If you are not satisfied, come up!"

Lin Chen laughed up to the sky, full of madness, ignoring their shock , The speed surged by one point, and rushed to the extreme South Area of ​​the Demon Race battlefield!

It is true that neither the air transport planting bag nor the ordinary space Holy Artifact can contain the pressure of the Demon Venerable ancient coffin.

But Lin Chen didn't use these to store Demon Venerable ancient coffin.

What he used, but his orange-level innate talent, the'overtime' innate talent!

On the super-time innate talent plane, only Lin Chen is absolute, no bullshit coercion is useless!

Don't even mention putting a Demon Venerable coffin, it won't matter if you put a Demon Venerable coffin inside!

"Human Race junior, never think about this king!"

A burst of demonic energy comes, covering the heavens, shielding the sun, it is the three-eyed Demon King!

"Climb aside, let you go!"

Lin Chen kicked again in the air, kicking the coffin of Demon Venerable under his feet into a shooting star and shooting away. The three-eyed Demon King hurriedly urged his defense without being handsome for two seconds!

bang! bang! bang!

At this time, there are more than a dozen demon kings on the top of the head!

"Are you here again, it doesn’t matter, how many you have today, how many shots are this handsome! All kicked until you take it!"

Lin Chen is domineering, grabbing his palm In the void, when dozens of light cocoons emerged out of thin air, the power of Demon Venerable that swept Nine Heavens and Ten Earths was like an infinite mountain, pressing on the hearts of all Demon Races, making them gasp again!

Eighteen Demon Venerable ancient coffin!

Seeing this scene, part of the Saint Demon King suddenly remembered that this kid had just visited all the Demon Venerable burial halls. Could it be that...?

"Go! War God leg armor!"

While urging the movement method, Lin Chen moves at the fastest speed, while urging the War God leg armor to be attached, pure power All the way violently, violently kicking!

bang bang bang! crush stars The divine force of the sun and the moon broke out in an instant, turned into one after another golden divine splendor, and ejected out, instantly kicking all 18 Demon Venerable ancient coffins, speed to the pinnacle!

Boom~! boom! boom! boom!

The eighteenth-headed Saint Demon King was all repelled by the ancient coffin!


The three-eyed Demon King eye socket is completely cracked, but when he can catch up in the future, his pupils tremble suddenly!

I saw the body of the Demon Venerable in the ancient coffin. A huge crack was opened in the chest, and the blood flow continued. This wound cannot be repaired by any means!

Orange-level intermediate innate talent: Extinction rift!

Lin Chen urged the orange-level innate talent "Extinction Rift" in advance, and cut every Demon Venerable in the ancient coffin, so that their bodies could never be recovered!

Although I don’t know what conspiracy the Demon Race has, it is definitely not a good thing that the body of Demon Venerable stays. Lin Chen's vigorous destruction is right!

At this time, Lin Chen stepped on his toes, and another Demon Venerable ancient coffin flew into the air.

The handsome Lin wearing sunglasses was extremely chic, and when he turned into a flash of lightning, he blew a whistle.

"The No. 1 shooter of the dark polo team in Xiaguangshuai City Golden right foot, shooting, I only kick the Demon Venerable coffin!"

"Demon Venerable coffin, good kick, kick resistance, A good kick, a strong kick! Please look for the Demon Venerable card in the battlefield of the nine races. One coffin is better than six coffins. The hearse drifts. I only choose Demon Venerable coffin. Stand-alone hall, Dihuang Wan. Give it as a gift, Demon Venerable old coffin The old Demon Venerable coffin, the symbol of a successful man, you deserve to have it."

Lin Chen stepped into the coffin, sparks and lightning along the way, unstoppably rushed out of the encirclement formed by the Saint Demon King, and attacked directly. Demon Race go to the great altar!

If there is a top-tier Saint Demon King approaching on the way, Lin Chen blasts the Demon Venerable ancient coffin over with one foot, invincible in the vast and terrifying wave of Demon Race!

On this day, the Demon Race battlefield of the Nine Clan battlefield has completely turned the sky!

Since ancient times, there has never been any race, dare to break into the territory of the Demon Race battlefield!

Not to mention, the intruder this time is the Human Race that Demon Race despised the most! !


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