"The emperor has orders, the Fiend kings of all armies, summon the magic capital."

When the cold and ruthless voice spreads across all Fiend clan planes, Fiend clan Ushered in the biggest turmoil in history!

xiu! xiu! xiu!

one after another The magic light ran straight through Nine Heavens, across the plane, shining like light on the other plane.

In front of a great hall with endless darkness,

hong long long ~~!

Fiend powerhouse, get together!

Among them, there are some Human Race powerhouses in it!

"Damn it, why is there a Human Race here!"

"Would you like to kill them."

"Human Race's garbage, I want to participate too Is it a sacred meeting for my clan."

"It is the running dog that Lady Empress brought back from the holy prison."

The Fiend powerhouse looks gloomy or angry, with a hideous and baleful face. aura monstrous!

The group of surrounded Human Races, there are young and old, men and women, some withdrawn and gloomy, some seem free and easy, but in fact they are restrained. Some are pretty and charming, and hide their knives in their smiles.

Faced with the killing intent of the Fiend clan, they are peaceful, they should drink alcohol, they should sleep dormantly, some yawn, some sleepy eyes are dim, and they have never changed their color.

These Human Races in Fiend are the most terrifying existence under the Holy Prison back then! !

The murderous people whose names have been erased in the history of the Holy Realm!

If the group of powerhouses taken by Lin Chen has the strongest potential, then this batch of Human Races is the strongest!

Each of them is a history of blood disasters in all areas of the Holy Realm!

Potential and strength are not a concept at all!


An old man coldly shouted!

In the throne of the sky, the claws and feathers are in pieces.

The faint demonic energy turned into a cloud, the beautiful and slender figure, step by step, walked to the throne of emptiness, and sat in the throne again.

"pay respects to the female emperor!"

All Fiend tribes knelt on the ground, cold sweat, and fearful in respect.

The convicts of the holy prison who had previously been invincible, all knelt down!

"She really reached that realm, in this universe, there is no other invincible hand!"

"Can't be wrong, stronger than the gods back then! Compared to disappearing in the long river of history The God of Asura, even stronger!"

The criminal's complexion changed, and his pupils were filled with unconcealable fear!

in the sky, the shadow is cold and cold.

"In the shortest possible time, prepare the forces and notify the old Fiend patriarch who retreats from the major planes, at all costs order to exit, those who do not pay, cut. The third Great Demon plane of the army, Pass the talisman, unconditionally recruit them, and those who dare not to, cut!"

"To unify the power of all the Fiend clan, wait for the emperor's order, wield the Holy Realm, and clear the Human Race!"

The Fiend Wang Qiqi Zhen Hah!



Dragon Clan, the palace of bliss.

Jiuchi meat forest, bliss and luxury, beautiful women in groups.

However, the man in the imperial robe on the great hall seemed to be summoned and suddenly opened his eyes. Monarch Overlooking The Whole World and Sovereign Wanlong’s invincible imposing manner suppressed the whole plane trembling!

When he stood up, the ghost-like disappeared.

When he reappears, standing on a mountain, looking into the void in the distance, his eyes are particularly deep.

"After all, let them complete, Fiend adds a new emperor, and the world is about to be in chaos. Is it possible to repeat the same mistakes in the first battle?"

"Fiend's goal is Human Race After the Human Race, it’s Dragon Clan or Orcs. There are fewer and fewer people in our inheritance Divine Dragon bloodline. I have entered the battlefield of the Nine Tribes and have never found a few Old Ancestors. The dragons are gone, and the gods dissipated. , Could it be this world, it's Fiend's turn to claim the emperor?"

When the man in the imperial robes spread his palms, ten different Dragon Marks flickered.

Suddenly, a dragon mark flashed with faint rays of light in an instant, which made the imperial robe man's expression drastically changed!

"The tomb of Taixi Ancient Dragon, has clansman finally found!"


The boundless underground magic cave.

The young man sits in the great hall of skeletons, holding the jade cup with his fingers, shaking the holy blood in the jade cup, and taking a sip.

"The blood of the Holy Mind is inferior to the blood essence of Saint and Saint King of Rank Nine by a few grades."

The evil charm boy hides a knife in his smile, his pale neck Suddenly opening an eyeball made his eyes narrow.

"Oh? The Fiend clan is finished?"

The young man stood up, stretched his waist, and shattered the entire plane with terrible pressure!

He raised his gaze to the sky, smiling wickedly.

"It's time to gather power to overthrow this holy prison!"


Lin Chen again.

Mountains and rivers, Birds, Speech, Flowers, Fragrances, he was sent to a hidden land of peace and prosperity.

The rays of light of the attribute ball of light are like flowing scarlet gold patterns, forming a beam of light that rises from a distance!

But Lin Chen did not rush closer, he felt an unprecedented Dragon Clan coercion!

"Taixi Ancient Dragon’s will is here, damn it, I’m a little nervous... During his death, Ancient Dragon was probably stronger than the 9th Rank Saint and Saint King, most likely True. God is a series!"

Lin Chen cautiously walked towards the mountain within the valley.

What will the Ancient Dragon look like?

An old man with divine poise and sagelike features? Still that kind of bad old fogey? Or is it a handsome middle-aged man? Or is it the kind of formidable person overlord with a humble expression?

Or the kind that is more handsome than this handsome?

Finally, Lin Chen arrived at the center of the valley, a waterfall like Yinchuan.

Lin Chen sealed his holy cave to death. Sacred Dragon possessed all over his body, seeming to be in the same human form. In fact, Lin Chen at this moment is accurate to a single piece of hair, and it is his Sacred Dragon appearance.

At this time, in the mist in front of the waterfall, a voice that sounded like a bell sounded.


Lin Chen was taken aback, why is there a little girl's voice?

He glanced intently, beside the waterfall bluestone, his arms stretched horizontally, his delicate hands overlapped, and the back of his delicate hands held a pair of lazy and delicate.

The supple golden hair falls with crystal clear and near-transparent drops of water, dripping onto the snow-white clavicle, the jade arms are as delicate as jade, the delicate and charming, petite and exquisite, like a handed down beauty, one Gu Qing Rencheng, then Gu Qing Renguo.

She did not open her eyes, her long golden eyelashes quivered, said with a beautiful smile.

"Boy, come over and give me a massage. I haven't seen alive for a long time."

Dashuai Lin was a little dumbfounded.

What's going on!

Here is a little girl?

Can it be said that Taixi Ancient Dragon gave itself a test?

"This...Little Sister, you are..."

"How come so much nonsense, come here soon."

Lin Chen: "I... "

The little blond girl: "Don't think I'm so handsome I dare not beat you."

Lin Chen was speechless for a while.

He stepped into the waterfall and watched the little girl naked and glittering, snow jade-like jade back, he couldn't help swallowing subconsciously.

Lin Chen pressed his shoulders with his hands, but found that, as if he couldn't press it?

To know the power of Lin Chen's finger, it may be able to cut off the level of mountains and stars!

Can't massage a little girl?

The deputy director of this club is a bit embarrassing!

"I don't believe in this evil..."

Lin Chen exerted his strength, 1 trillion dragon power, 5 trillion, all the way to the full power of Sacred Dragon, 50 trillion dragon power !


The little girl groaned lazily, "Is it 50 powers, barely enough?"

She is sly. Laughed, the snow foot in the water hooks back!

Lin Chen gasped for a while!

Damn, it's real!

"Boy, talk about the recent situation of Dragon Clan."

The blond little girl said with a lovable smile,

Lin Chen's mouth twitched slightly;" So what, Little Sister, please stop making trouble, too Xi Ancient Senior Long?"

"Ancient Senior Long?" The little girl was surprised, "I am too Xi Ancient Dragon."


Lin Chen dumbstruck momentarily......

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