Reactive power is not rewarded. Lin Chen knows this.

So he was very curious, why Scarlet Fairy would help himself in this way.

"The prepared sacred pill is gone again, does this little fellow eat so fast."

Looking at the Qi Luck and planting the bag in the distance, looking at the little shadow who was sleeping and snoring. Lin Chen had no choice but to use Avatar again and start pill concocting.

Using his current pill concocting skill and spiritual realm, he refines the holy pill below Grade 3, which is smooth and flowing.

In the case of sufficient materials, the success rate is full. One Phantom Clone can refine about 10 sacred pill a day, and six Avatars can pill concocting together, and start refining 70 sacred pill a day.

In the whole world, in the entire holy world, except for Lin Chen, there are really few factions or alchemists who can afford Little Shadow.

Not everyone can be like Lin Chen, carrying a group of giant medicine refining engines with him.

At the beginning of the third round of the Ladder Tournament, Lin Chen quietly refining medicine, and began to absorb a large amount of'Golden Sage Dollar Coins'.

This is the case in the Saint battle. The Holy Force consumed needs to be made up with gold or silver coins. Other evildoers Heaven's Chosen are also racing against time.

As for Saint above the Expansion Acupoint Realm, in a battle, the resources consumed can support a large number of mortals. Battle Sovereign cultivated for several years.

Not to mention Lin Chen, a monster whose hole expansion is more than 150,000 times. The Holy Force he consumes has to make up for it, which is an astronomical figure for normal sect!

Fortunately, his family properties are endless. At this stage, he still has more than 50 kinds of low-grade spirit plants, more than 20 kinds of pseudo middle grade spirit plants, and more than ten kinds of middle grade spirit plants.

Finally, on the fourth day, the rematch is over and the race begins!

And Lin Chen, happens to be the first batch to play!

In the Temple of Three Purities, whether it is the enchanting Heaven's Chosen or the Grade 8 forces gathered here, they all look forward to this battle!

Divine flame Heaven's Chosen, the evildoer of the palace, no one would doubt that the cultivation base given by Shangguan would be inferior to Zhao Mingyu.

Divine flame palace, this superpower that once stood in the Saint King domain and commanded all directions, once dominated the entire Immemorial Era and commanded the entire era!

It is not Grade 8 sect, but Grade 9!

The Absolute World Sect gate that truly stands on the top of the holy world!

Moreover, the Divine flame palace only admits women, and the core inheritance only belongs to the Divine flame women's inheritance. Any male dísciple in the Divine flame palace is from the'Divine flame palace branch hall' founded after the Ancient Times.

Even if it is a branch hall, the strength is far beyond the ordinary Grade 8 sect. This is the foundation of the Grade 9 giant!

It is said that in recent years, this branch hall wants to have a storm and counterattacks the Divine flame Palace Lord hall. It is only specific news, which is not something outsiders can know.

Furthermore, the next battle will divide the monsters ranked between 2000 and 2,300 on the list of monsters!

Lin Chen and Shangguanci opened their eyes at the same time.


The two urged the movement method and entered the Space Teleportation door. They were clean and unobtrusive.

The sword saints of Sword Domain looked at each other.

"I don't know if this little fellow can be dealt with."

"The people in the Divine flame palace are always the capital of evildoers, just on the cultivation base, this expansion is 1980 times and Condensing the hole 260 times, the cultivation base of 58 holy holes given by Shangguan can reach 133 trillion dragon power!"

"The previous championship candidates, most people are also optimistic about this. Shangguanci, I am not optimistic about Zhao Mingyu..."

"Yes, if Zhao Mingyu and him share the same cultivation base, battle strength will also be inferior."

133 trillion Long Li! This force can already crush most of the existence of Perfection in the Star Realm! Go straight to the holy state of mind!

Unless it is the Star-natching Realm of the super enchanting aptitude, you can't suppress this official gift at all.

A dozen of Grade 8 powers made eye contact for a while, and almost everyone agreed that Lin Chen could only fight against the big ultimate move of "Nine Color Stars"!

But that move is obviously a big killer using the holy cave’s cultivation base. Whether it can recover in such a short period of time, there are still two things to say.

The random selection this time is a primordial plane. There are lush greenery, towering old trees, and even a lot of low-level beasts.

The red clouds are surging, curved like a moon, Shangguan Ci pulls the bowstring, and a scarlet giant bow is born!

As soon as you enter the Great Desolate Plane, Shangguan directly pulls the strings, and the Holy Force condenses like a flame whirlwind, shooting out a fiery-red'lightning'!

Qiang~! Huh~!

The arrow light is like aurora, and the heat wave seems to be flooding the whole piece of Heaven and Earth. There is no retreat at all!

Wherever you pass, the entire plane of the great wilderness burns into a fire sea, burning thousands of miles!

One shot is Divine flame Palace’s orange-level intermediate cultivation technique "Seven Arrows of Blazing Flame"! There is no plan to give Lin Chen a back-hand or opportunity at all!

"Damn, do the men in the Divine flame palace shoot so fast!"

Lin Chen shouted, the corners of his mouth drawn in a playful arc.

He urged the movement method like lightning. When the heavenly demon Wing madly retreated, his Sacred Dragon was born, and a transcendent bloodline divine ability'Heaven Claw' grabbed it!

Swipe~! The instant light and shadow were activated, and the heavenly claws were divided into five, but they were still pierced by the arrow light, crushed and burned into nothingness!

Tear and pull~! At this time, a stream of light and arrow light cut through the sky and slammed into it!

The sound of the earth-shattering explosion shook the plane, and the many evildoers Heaven's Chosen were taken aback!

Their hearts are subconsciously passing through a single thought: it won’t be so outrageous...

I saw, Lin Chen in the sky flapped his black wings, holding a mouth like a crescent moon The bow is like a blue war bow. In front of the bow, there are three clouds of Thunder Star Stone inlaid. The starlight is connected into one piece, slowly flowing, and the bowstring is beating like a thunder!

Grade 7 Holy Bow, Nine Heavens Starfury!

What's more mysterious is that there is a blade body as thin as cicada wing flying knife, the whole body is filled with sharp white light, the edge blooms, like dancing lightly and gracefully butterflies, surrounding Lin Chen! There is a deadly murderous intention hidden under Guimei!

Grade 7 Flying Knife, Lingxi Flying Knife!

The corners of many powerful mouths twitched!

Two brand new Grade 7 Holy Artifacts!

Too abnormal, is there really no Great Influence behind this kid? Without the support of Great Influence, how can you get so many Grade 7 Holy Artifacts!

Counting the three Holy Artifacts he used before, there are five in total! Any Grade 8 faction who wants to come up with five Grade 7 Holy Artifacts can be called it; it hurts its muscles and bones, or even bankruptcy!

"I suspected that this kid had a deep relationship with the Divine flame palace, but it doesn’t look like that!"

"Yes, people from the Divine flame palace He has such a bad attitude, no matter how you look at it, I don’t want to have something to do with the Divine flame palace."

"But this did he get so many Grade 7 Holy Artifacts!"

The mighty in the Three Purities Temple asked themselves, even they, alone, are impossible to bring so many Grade 7 Holy Artifacts!


Shangguan Ci was very interested, the disdain and sneer at the corners of his mouth remained unchanged.

"Do you want to beat me by the number of Grade 7 Holy Artifacts, idiotic dreams, Grade 7 Holy Artifact spirituality is extremely high and true, and it depends on who controls them! Think of it with Holy Artifact's autonomous battle awareness To reverse the gap between you and me, you look too high on yourself, Lin Chen!"

Lin Chen shrugged, jokingly said with a smile.

"Shangguanci, right? Do you remember, what Lin was doing before."

Shangguanci frowned; "What did you do before, what do you have with me? Relationship."

Lin Chen suddenly laughed evilly and playfully.

"I used to be at the conference hall."

tone barely fell ——


Six Paths divine light is coming, the sky is falling in chaos.

Six "Lin Chen", turned out!

At this moment, all the powerhouses in the Dragon City and Three Purities hall outside the Dragon City are instantly sluggish in place!

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