"Lin Chen won!"

"Too fucking pervert, I never thought about this result, especially Zhao Family’s Dragon Qi As soon as I came out, I even thought Lin Chen was dead!"

"He was able to win easily and calmly, how many hands did he hide?"

"Expand the acupuncture points 30,000 times Impossible to have this strength! Very awesome, I can't think of what he looks like when he tries his best!"

Dragon City was filled with shock and exclamation, which was like an earthquake.

Most people are not optimistic about Lin Chen, not only reversed the ending, turned defeat into victory, but also won very easily and beautifully!

A generation of super enchanting Zhao Mingyu has become a sparring partner. It's not that Mingyu can't stand up, but Lin Chen, the monster, is too strong!

When everyone in Class 66 cheered, the female family members sighed in relief.

This bad guy really makes people twists and turns. Although he firmly believes that Lin Chen will win, who doesn't want him to be hurt less?

In the Three Purities Hall.

When Lin Chen returned to the Temple of Three Purities, facing all influence and the complex and wonderful gaze of a large number of evildoers Heaven's Chosen, the corner of his mouth slightly raised.

In this wave, he framed everyone in!


Lin Chen spoke, and the noisy Three Purities Hall suddenly became quiet.

He grinned, smiling like a child.

"There will be this kind of gold medal sparring in the future, must remember to call me."


Everyone: "..."

You must be an individual!

Is the super evildoer on the evildoer list regarded as a sparring? frenzied!

If the eyes can kill, Patriarch Zhao's eye divine ability has killed Lin Chen one hundred and eight thousand times.


The Little Demon Empress couldn't hold back her smile, she was so charming and charming.

Yue Xin'er on the side can't help rolling the eyes.

This since ancient times, Lin can only say that!

Lin Chen turned around and looked towards Ye Family, smiling sternly.

"Mother Ye, I don't know, your Ye Family promises are still worthy."

Ye Lixue's eyes flickered, and after a long time, she said calmly.

"Naturally do numbers. After today, I will no longer force Qingwu in the name of Ye Family, and I will not commit another half step of Zixia Wanggu."

Zixia Wanggu People with a look of ecstasy!

Finally free! Ye Qingwu is home!

Lin Chen stared at the beautiful woman's jade face, and suddenly said with a smile.

"Okay, many thanks, auntie, maybe Ye Family will have any difficulties in the future, I can still help."

Lin Chen and Ye Lixue stared directly, After a while, Ye Lixue looked towards her daughter.

The beautiful lips lightly opened, Ye Lixue seemed to be sound transmission to the Little Demon Empress, her expression changed slightly, she lowered her head, she didn't know what she was thinking.

Lin Chen knows that he must express enough position.

But again, he has a faint intuition. Ye Lixue does not seem to have no feelings for little fairies, but it seems , There is still some unspeakable concealment.

When Lin Chen was sitting back on his seat, Zhao Mingyu was lifted out by the referee. He was seriously injured. Zhao Family ignored Ye Family and left the field to save Zhao Mingyu.

"What a little monster, I thought it was Lin Chen who was carried out. Didn't expect the opposite."

The drunk old man shook his head and laughed. But then another wave has not settled!

In front of Lin Chen, two silhouettes appeared.

These two people both hands crossed near chest, have a dignified appearance, handsome face, handsome and hanging appearance, even Lin Chen can’t help clicking one's tongue in wonder, almost subconsciously popping out: She looks so handsome, and she has time to poop together.

"Lin Chen is right."

One of them spoke, with an extremely arrogant attitude, and his brows looked like a hillbilly.

"Don’t think that your acupoint expansion multiple is high, and you think you can vainly try to encroach on the Goddess of my Divine flame palace. I’ll give you a word."

"The holy world is very big, don’t think that Potential can be arrogant. Before potential becomes battle strength, it is a piece of meat that can be slaughtered. Power and sect support is the kingly way. Without sufficient power support, you are alone in the holy realm, and even a spray does not raise. "

Lin Chen frowned, the strength of these two people may only be inferior to Zhao Mingyu!

The other person patted his shoulder and smiled sternly: "So a wild boy like you, remember to stay away from our Divine flame palace. Don’t make it happen when the time comes. I know."

Lin Chen suddenly smiled.

"Why, you want to ridicule that I have no power? Well, it does make sense..."

Lin Chen doesn't deny it, they say it is true.

Every world is like this. When approaching the top of the pyramid, the power of the individual in the group is very small. Unless it can be strong enough to exceed the limit, I want to rely on one person to shake the giant sect. difficult!

It is like Lin Chen. Although he has expanded his acupuncture point against the sky, he has a lot of killing move cards, but if you want to shake up a Grade 8 power, even the weakest one is difficult!

He may be able to escape, but in a head-on confrontation, the probability is infinitely close to zero.

The opponent waved his arm, and a large number of the Stars and Sacred Hearts were besieged. In that scene, unless Lin Chen can reproduce the battle strength of the Holy Prison, the "Sky Rebel" and the War God suit The attribute value is sufficient, otherwise it is impossible to create miracles.

This is due to the absolute difference in strength, Saint who can become the Saint, the least the least, and the figure above the middle rank of the enchanting list. No one is weak, so these two are not groundless.

"But..." Lin Chen turned around, smiling like a rose flower.

"How do you know that I am the only one."

"I have time to come over and brag, it is better to go back and think about how to play in the next game, and wait until this handsome When you were in the Divine flame palace, you knew who the father was."

The two raised their brows.

"Interesting, let's see who will lie on the ground!"

"We are waiting for you in the Divine flame palace, how to die!"

The two sneered and walked away.


Lin Pingan, who was asleep at the seat, yawned, stretched his waist, sleepy eyes, and rubbed his eyes with his small hands, while asking.

"Lin Chen, what did those two people say just now, why did they leave again."

Lin Chen touched the little girl's head and said with a smile at will.

"It’s okay, he said I’m so handsome, so handsome that they are ashamed and unable to show one's face, and they are sorry to stand with me."

Standing in Lin Chen Yue Xin'er, who was not far behind, heard this, funny and angry, how could this person live to say such a shameless thing.

Lin Pingan was nodded, looking thoughtful and said: "Oh...then their eyes must be very bad...I'm hungry, I want something next."


Since the first battle of Lin Chen heaven-shaking, earth-shattering, the third round other enchanting competitions are also wonderful, but after all, they are not as exciting as the first battle between Lin Chen and Zhao Mingyu.

If the first two rounds of winning streak and the third round are defeated, there will be a re-election in the fourth round, because 500 places in the battlefield of the nine races will not be 500 four-game winning streaks, so the front Winning streak still has a chance.

The enchanting evildoers who were divided into winners and losers continued to advance into the first echelon, and then ushered in the final ranking match!

oh la la ~!

The colored glaze list scrolled, Lin Chen's name was the first to appear in the first row, and immediately attracted the attention of many forces!

Lin Chen, to Divine flame palace, Shangguan gift!

At this moment, the audience is boiling!

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