"Grandma Yu, did you sound transmission to this little fellow just now?"

A pretty girl laughed and asked the old woman on the seat of the Three Purities Hall.

The old woman touched the girl’s blue silk, "Although your elder sister is called a super enchantment, but Lin Chen is not a simple person. To be honest, mother-in-law, I can’t see him. "

The eyes of the old woman are as sharp as a sword in an instant!

“This child is the most terrifying type.”


Lin Chen didn’t rush to do it, he looked at Yue Xin’er, and As one of the top ten most beautiful evildoers, Yue Xiner is more like a tender lover like the fairy family Yuzi than the Little Demon Empress, she is generous and charming, and belongs to the type that looks more and more temperamental.

And the charming little demon empress are completely different beauties.

Lin Chen became more and more fascinated as he watched, clicking one's tongue in wonder.

"Such a beautiful beauty..."

Yue Xin'er is hearing this, Yuyan is lightly dyed with Hongxia, and she covers her mouth and chuckles.

However, next moment, Lin sighed.

"So beautiful, I should be able to cry for a long time with a punch."

Yue Xiner: "..."


A raised hand, a round of moonlight is like a bright moon hanging high, purple silk flutters, Yuexiner rises up on the moon, like Fairy in the middle of the moon, smiling.

"Then please Lin Chen Young Master show mercy."

Swipe~! The purple silk lasses, flowing with Qi of Death, like a flash of light, it stretches for thousands of miles, and lingers with a faint moonlight. It seems that the momentum is extremely small, but it divides the lava underneath into two halves!

The 40 holy caves were all opened, Lin Chen grabbed backhand, shaking the entire sky, and the space vibrated!

Lin Chen stopped the purple silk in an instant, and grabbed the purple silk!

"If you want to beat me, it doesn't seem to be enough."

Lin Chen smiled awe-inspiringly, and pulled her backhand, trying to draw Yue Xin'er into the War Zone, how about that? Like a spirituality, Zi Ling instantly entangled herself and bound Lin Chen tightly!

"Nine Binding the Heavens Seal!"

Yue Xin'er's handprints suddenly changed, and the Holy Force, which was flying like a dragon, turned into inextricable strands. When Lin Chen was tied up, He sealed it into a cocoon!

In the Hall of Three Purities, many people exclaimed.

"Lin Chen is over!"

"He is too careless, is this kid the type of small man intoxicated by success?"

"Yuexin My child’s purple smoke can’t run away when wrapped around it. Once he tied a star-natured realm to Saint Physique to annihilate it, and in the end there was only one spiritual body left!"

When they could exclaim, only a few people looked solemn.

The plane of lava.

"Grade 7 Holy Artifact?"

Grade 7 Holy Artifact, placed in Grade 8 sect is also the sacred relic of Lifting The Heavy As Though It Was Light, except for a few people Besides, almost no one can hold it. This month, Xin'er can hold Grade 7 Holy Artifact, which shows the high expectations of her Aristocratic Family!

Lin Chen smiled with interest: "It seems that if this thing is blown up, the essence of the suit I spent on expanding the acupoints can be refilled again!"

Lin Chen , Shipped 70% of the Holy Force!

Shih~! boom!

The purple silk exploded and turned into shattered awns all over the sky!

The shattered awns gathered, and once again turned back into the snowy arms of the purple silk entwining Yue Xin'er, she was surprised, can't this restrain him?

Boom~! Behind Lin Chen, a pair of black wings condensed by Holy Force appeared, and his figure flickered!

Yue Xin'er shook her hand gently, and thousands of flowers rained down like a curtain of rain, forming a sea of ​​flowers, covering Lin Chen, and every jade dew has formidable power that penetrates the stars!

Boom! boom! boom!

When the Yulu Flower Rain fell, the entire lava plane exploded with sparks, as if to destroy the entire plane!

Lin Chen made a fist and fisted towards the sky. In his fist, Holy Force had the power to overthrow Heaven and Earth!

Shih~! boom!

One punch is scattered all over the sky!

Immediately afterwards, a little cold light is like a dragon, and Yue Xin'er clicks a finger again, shining as fast as a holy light, in an instant!

Many Grade 8 sects cast a surprised and solemn look. From their perspective, they can see that this woman does not have such a heaven-shaking, earth-shattering momentum in any cultivation technique battle skill. But each has the ultimate power of Return to the Natural State!

However, next moment.

Lin Chen turned a little sideways, with ease, avoiding the ridiculous finger light.

Even, he slashed across with a hand knife with a backhand. The nine-color holy light cut like a knife's edge, and suddenly cut Yue Xin'er's shocking finger!

"Lin Chen Young Master, when on earth do you want to hide."

Yue Xiner steps on the starlight moonlight, ghost-like appears behind Lin Chen, slender Pointing to the point, the orange-level Finger Law is constantly pouring in the direction of Lin Chen!

"Could it be that Xin'er's strength is not enough to make you fight seriously."

Yue Xin'er clenched her teeth and did not retreat but instead moved forward. The powerful orange-level cultivation technique strikes Lin Chen!

Lin Chen smiled suddenly: "Do you think I'm serious?"

Shoulder shook, Lin Chen ran the core method, and all the holy caves were opened! !


When his Shengwei suddenly shattered into the void, Yue Xin'er's pupils trembled!

Lin Chen raised his hand and punched, the holy cave in the "Taiyi Time and Space" trembled crazily, and the endless violent Holy Force truncated the plane and shook it with one punch!

Shih~! Boom~!

This fist does not have any fancy techniques, only the pure to the extreme Holy Force! Destroy all Yue Xin'er's tricks and battle skills, forming a revolving fist wind, hit Yue Xin'er!

Swipe~! If there is spirituality in her purple silk, she flutters up and stands in front of her master.

With a shocking explosion, the purple silk was smashed into powder, and the attribute light ball scattered all over the sky.

The rays of light on Yue Xin'er's peach dress are dim, and the whole person is like a kite with a broken line, with bleeding from the corners of her lips and flying out!

Lin Chen body flashed, supporting the beautiful woman's slender waist.

This plane is full of lava. Although she is cultivation base profound, she can still be disfigured for a short time without paying attention.

Lin Chen asked with a smile.

"A serious punch, how do you feel."

After that, he used Sacred Dragon to possess his body and urged a trace of Yin and Yang Dragon Qi to infuse the beauty into her body, stabilizing her injury With the cultivation base of Life and Death Realm, as long as the Holy Force is sufficient, the recovery will be quick.

Yuexin’s jade face is bitter, "It’s too powerful...It feels like being overwhelmed by fear..."

If it weren’t for the protector of Purple Aya just now, even if there is Grade 6 Holy Artifact, she might never wake up again!

"How can there be such a terrible acupoint expansion in the world, this is simply a foul..."

Yue Xin'er has a bitter heart, and there is no one on the top ten list of evildoers. , But when she faced Lin Chen, she felt a deep sense of powerlessness.

Like an insurmountable mountain, blocking her in front of her!

"I, I surrender..."

Yue Xiner finally surrendered, Lin Chen shrugged, too lazy to be this gentleman, backhanded loose the beauty's slender waist, beckoned with one hand, Take away all the attribute light balls.

The purple light condenses, and the purple silk reappears. Grade 7 Holy Artifact is definitely not so easy to destroy.

But it was blown up by Lin Chen once, and the rays of light were bleak and lost. I am afraid that it will take a long time to recover with gold holy coins, which can be regarded as a serious injury.


After watching this battle, a few great abilities in the Three Purities Hall fell into a weird silence!

Under their calm face, there is an unprecedented storm!

Lin Chen this child previously shot, according to their perception, the fluctuation of Holy Force will not be less than 60 trillion dragon power!

Think carefully!

What does this mean? Either this child is a medicine pill with a temporary skyrocketing cultivation base!

Either use the extremely rare top secret technique battle skill!

Either, some secret external force was used!

The last kind of probability is the most unacceptable, most terrifying, and most likely one of all powers!

That is, his real acupoint expansion multiple is not 30,000 times, but more than 100,000 times!

No, to be precise, it should be more than 120,000 times!

Patriarch Zhao shook his head and laughed, unbelievable.

"Hundreds of thousands of times to expand the acupoints? Let this write a novel? Who are you scaring?"


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